Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 566: Wang 8's Qi 4 overflows!

"Sir, do you have an invitation letter?"

"Sir, this way please!"

In front of the splendid mansion, several reception staff are patiently checking the invitation letters of the guests.

There is also a special greeter who is responsible for the reception.

Today is the celebration banquet held by Tian Peng, the famous star of Baodao Island. Many local celebrities, gentlemen and star directors were invited, so the whole scene was very lively.

At the gate of the villa, there are many kinds of luxury cars parked, from Toyota Crown, to BMW, Mercedes-Benz, to Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, one by one.

This kind of party itself is Vanity Fair, and people like to compare it on this occasion.

At the door, two little stars were comparing their newly bought luxury cars.

"I'm a new model, a German BMW!"

"I'm not bad, it's a German Mercedes-Benz!"

Just then, a car sounded, and five brand-new Rolls-Royces drove in a long line.

This is not to mention, one of the Rolls-Royces still has bodyguards running on both sides, both black and white, and it looks majestic.

"My God, which country's head of state is this?"

"No way, Tian Peng has such a large lineup that he even invited the dignitaries?"

Don't talk about the two little stars who are still comparing at this moment, even the greeters and receptionists are dumbfounded.

Rolls-Royce slowly stopped in the parking lot.

Even some curious guests gathered around!

At the same time, those media reporters, the paparazzi are moving!

It is the first time to squeeze to the front, aiming the lens at Rolls-Royce!

The doors opened one by one.

Liang Youcai got out of the car first, raised his chest, and looked around.

"Hey, it's a fat man!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yaotai got off the other car, shaking her shoulders, full of energy.

"Hey, he's a tough guy!"

In the end, Dai Fengni and Zhang Aijia got off their respective cars.

Everyone was amazed!

The reporter's camera crackles!

Zhang Aijia had never seen such a scene before, she was busy covering her eyes from the spotlight with her hands.

Dai Fengni took the opportunity to hold her little hand and said, "Don't be afraid, little sister! I'll protect you when I'm here!" After speaking, she gave Zhang Aijia a wink.

Although Dai Fengni's wink was thrown at Zhang Aijia, to outsiders, it seemed like she was throwing it at herself.

Especially those male reporters are even more soul-flying, this beauty is too tasteful, every frown and smile is so charming!

And that little sister, she's really cool! I don't know if they are female stars. !

As a result, these reporters targeted Dai Fengni and Zhang Aijia for a frantic shoot!

Before everyone could marvel at the two beauties, Shi Zhijian's car door was opened by the bodyguard.

Everyone was nervous, being so well protected by black bodyguards and white bodyguards, what kind of big man should be there?

Not to mention the audience at this time, even Tian Peng, the actor who was entertaining guests at the villa, came with a few friends to hear the news.

Shi Zhijian got out of the car.

A mink coat, a big gold chain, a big gold watch, and a big cigar in his mouth, the domineering aura of a local tyrant and a tycoon mixed head-on!

Those reporters almost dropped their jaws when they saw Shi Zhijian who got off the car!

The others around were also stunned, looking at Shi Zhijian... How can I describe it, the arrogance of a **** is overflowing!

"what's going on?"

"Who's here?"

"Wow, that's great!"

Tian Peng also had a suspicious look on his face, as if he didn't know this glittering friend!

Looking at Shi Zhijian again, he walked between Dai Fengni and Zhang Aijia, the big and small beauties directly took his arm, and the three walked towards the villa.

Tian Peng was still in a daze, and Shi Zhijian had already come to him.

Shi Zhijian let go of the two beauties, smiled slightly, and held the momentum very well. With condescending eyes, he reached out to Tian Peng and said, "Hello, Mr. Tian!"

Tian Peng regained his senses and hurriedly shook hands with Shi Zhijian, "Hello! Hello!" Deterred by Shi Zhijian's aura of local tyrants, he involuntarily bowed and shook hands.

"Meet me, this beauty is called Meridian! As for these little beauties, it's my new female star named Sylvia Zhang! As for me, you can call me Pete Jian!"

"Uh, Pete Jian?" Tian Peng racked his brains and was not impressed.

Not to mention anything else, even if Shi Zhijian is dressed like this, he should know him even if he turns to ashes.

"Oh, sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear, my Chinese name is Shi Zhijian! You can tell from my accent, I'm from Hong Kong!" After flicking it, he handed it to Tian Peng.

Tian Peng felt that the name seemed familiar. He took a look at the business card and immediately widened his eyes: "Jiahe, Shi Zhijian?!"

As one of the top stars on the island, Tian Peng has starred in many Gu Long martial arts films in his last life, the most famous of which are "Fragrant Sword and Rain" and "Blue Blood Washing the Silver Gun".

Although he is on a treasure island, Tian Peng is also very familiar with the entertainment industry in Hong Kong. Therefore, Jiahe was established and made its first hit with a "Myth", which directly exceeded 3 million at the box office!

He also knows these earth-shattering news clearly!

As for Shi Zhijian, the behind-the-scenes boss of Jiahe, this mysterious and legendary figure has become a talking point for their group of Baodao stars after dinner.

But Tian Peng never expected that this mysterious Hong Kong film tycoon would come uninvited when he held a celebration banquet tonight!

What a surprise!

What a surprise!

"Mr. Shi, why did you come here suddenly?"

"Why, not welcome?"

"Of course not! Come in quickly!"

Tian Peng ignored his friends and hurriedly invited Shi Zhijian into the villa.

The people around were still surprised: "Shi Zhijian, which Shi Zhijian?"

"Of course it's the one in Hong Kong!"

"That movie tycoon who broke 3 million at the box office?!"

The filmmakers were dumbfounded.

"Wow, amazing!"

"Yeah! Look at people's clothes, they are rich!"


"This is Miss Jinbo!"

"This is Miss Qin Meng!"

"And this is Long Jun'er!"

Tian Peng introduced three beauties in the Baodao film circle to Shi Shi Zhijian took a look, and sure enough, Baodao in this era is rich in beautiful women, all three of them are as beautiful as flowers, especially that Long Juner , is the best.

"It's a pleasure to meet the three beauties!" Shi Zhijian shook hands with the three beauties very enthusiastically, then took off the three gold rings on his hands, and gave them to the three beauties one by one, "I don't have any preparations for the first meeting. A few rings are given to the three beauties as a greeting gift, it is not a respect!"

The three beauties Jin Bo, Qin Meng, and Long Jun'er looked at each other. They had seen many big men, and they had never given gold rings as soon as they came up like Shi Zhijian!

Tian Peng was also a little stunned, and just as he was about to speak, Shi Zhijian took off the gold Rolex he was wearing and stuffed it into him: "By the way, this is yours!"

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