Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 584: Make up!

The person in charge took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

The Cai family cannot be offended!

The Zhan family can't be offended either!

How to do?

The rest of the office look at me, I look at you, overwhelmed.

Fairy fighting, mortals suffer!

Zhan Zhaotang looked at the person in charge who was sweating with fright, so he sneered and said to Cai Fengchun, "Nephew Cai, you can't learn the rules here from Harvard! You're still a little younger! If your father came here this time. , maybe I will give a step back to face, as for you, it is not enough!"

Zhan Zhaotang's words were full of contempt and provocation, which made the arrogant Cai Fengchun's face change color, "What did you say?"

"Why, I can't understand Chinese after staying in the United States for a long time? I'll say it again, you're a shit!"

Zhan Zhaotang's remarks made Cai Fengchun's face ashen, pointing at Zhan Zhaotang so angry that he was speechless!

To put it bluntly, no matter how talented and smart he is, he is an international student after all, and the people he contacts are also classmates and professors, or they are celebrities here. Where have he encountered such a shameless person as Zhan Zhaotang, and he was so excited that he was speechless for a while. right!

"What? I still can't see the situation clearly? What are you doing here? Your father is a rich man and a tycoon, so what does it have to do with you? To put it mildly, I will call you a nephew. Idiot!" Zhan Zhaotang cursed more and more fiercely.

"I, I want to sue you! I want to sue you for insult! I sue you for slander!" Cai Fengchun roared furiously.

The people around looked at him as if watching the excitement, with contemptuous eyes, is this Cai Jiahuzi? What a shame!

The person in charge of the General Administration of Customs also woke up at this moment, yes, if Cai Wanlin, Mr. Cai, was here, of course he would be afraid, and he would be embarrassed, but now that his son is here, what is there to be afraid of?

Looking at this Cai Fengchun was scolded by Boss Zhan, and he was powerless to resist. At first glance, it was an embroidered pillow, which was not very useful!

Immediately, the person in charge became more courageous, "I'm sorry, Master Cai! Although your group is willing to vouch for this Mr. Shi Zhijian, we have just negotiated with this Mr. Zhan Zhaotang, and he will give three million to redeem it. This batch of seized goods!"

"Of course, I also respect Boss Cai and the Cathay Pacific Group! If your group is willing to give three million, we will hand over this batch of goods to your Excellency! What do you think?"

Cai Fengchun was trembling with anger, and Zhan Zhaotang didn't care if he played with him. Now, he doesn't even take himself seriously. How unreasonable is it? !

Cai Fengchun was deeply affected at this moment. He has always been arrogant. This time, his father Cai Wanlin asked him to come and help. He thought he could easily win it, but he didn't expect that the reality was completely different from what he imagined!

The family background he relies on, the group's power has no effect at all!

And he himself has been humiliated, his self-esteem has been shattered, and his self-confidence has been hit hard!


Zhan Zhaotang turned his gaze back to Shi Zhijian again, and said with a smile, "Shi Zhijian, you have seen it now! The rescue soldiers you asked for are no good! He needs to go back and make up lessons!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Cai Fengchun, Cai Fengchun was still in deep anger and couldn't extricate himself, gnashing his teeth, but didn't know what to do.

Shi Zhijian shook his head secretly, is this the talent from Harvard Business School? It seems that Boss Cai is right to let him come out to experience, staying in the greenhouse for too long will be abolished!

Zhan Zhaotang saw that Shi Zhijian didn't speak, and looked at Cai Fengchun shaking his head constantly, thinking that Shi Zhijian felt remorse in his heart.

"As for you, I will also give you a chance! Now as long as you are willing to kneel down and beg me, I don't care, I will give you this batch of goods! How about it, think about it?"

Everyone around looked at Shi Zhijian with a lively expression, and they all knew that Zhan Zhaotang was teasing this outsider.

"I didn't expect Boss Zhan to be so generous! Disrespectful! Disrespectful!" Shi Zhijian approached Zhan Zhaotang with a smile and clasped his fist at him.

Cai Fengchun woke up at this time. Seeing Shi Zhijian's appearance, he shouted, "Shi Zhijian, don't let me look down on you! Do you really want to kneel down and beg him?"

Shi Zhijian turned his face and glanced at Cai Fengchun who was furious, and said with a smile, "Why, can't it be done?"

Cai Fengchun nodded angrily and said, "Okay! You can do whatever you want! It's just that you are ashamed and don't bring our Cai family! I, Cai Fengchun, and this Zhan are endless!"

Zhan Zhaotang sneered, Cai Fengchun was still too tender, he only stimulated him a few times, and his words were incoherent! Harvard graduates, at this level now? What a mess!

Shi Zhijian looked at Cai Fengchun and sighed: "If a man can bend and stretch, these are things that Haval has not taught you in those textbooks, see clearly!"

After speaking, Shi Zhijian had already walked up to Zhan Zhaotang, clasped his fists and said, "Boss Zhan, I'm actually a good talker! In business, I pay attention to harmony and making money!"

"I love hearing this!" Zhan Zhaotang grinned, his face red with fat, "Come on, kneel down! Let me see if you are religious enough!"

"Boss Zhan said that! But since ancient times, a man has gold under his knees, and he kneels down on his knees to his parents! If I kneel down for you, can you afford it?"

"Why can't I bear it? I'll take the trick, come on!"

"Okay, I'm here!" After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he raised his fist and smashed it at Zhan Zhaotang's eye socket!


Hit it right!

Everything is so sudden!

No one thought that Shi Zhijian would suddenly act!

Zhan Zhaotang was even more unprepared. He thought that Shi Zhijian was cowardly, and if he really wanted to kneel down for himself, he didn't expect this kid to have a bad stomach and dare to beat himself!

Immediately, he saw gold stars in his eyes!

I just feel like the eye socket is about to split!

Shi Zhijian's hands were full of gold rings, and at this moment, it was like wearing tiger fingers. After he succeeded in one punch, he followed the appearance of the boxing champion Tyson, and then another straight punch, an uppercut, and a combination punch!

Bang bang bang!

Smashing towards Zhan Zhaotang!

Zhan Zhaotang is fat and fat, and he can't escape at all!

At this moment, I have completely become a human flesh I was beaten by Shi Zhijian and screamed!


Another uppercut!

Zhan Zhaotang couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground on his back!

Shi Zhijian waved his fist a few times, and the golden ring on his fist shone with blood!

Shi Zhijian pointed at Zhan Zhaotang, who was lying on the ground in the shape of a pig's head: "What are you talking about? Let me kneel down? I'll give you a lung!"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Cai Fengchun and others who were stunned beside him and said, "Learn! This is something that you Haval won't teach! Xu and Weishe! Take advantage of the situation to fight back! Relentlessly pursue! Beat the underdog!"

Zhan Zhaotang was beaten to pieces by Shi Zhijian, lying on the ground constantly humming.

After Shi Zhijian finished speaking, he kicked Zhan Zhaotang mercilessly and turned his face: "Look clearly! This move is called making up the knife!"

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