Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 586: Tigers come down!

Treasure Island is particularly uneasy tonight, with explosive bombs one after another.

First, Zhan Zhaotang, the president of the Crown Company, was formally arrested by the police after issuing an arrest warrant.

Immediately after that, Crown's stock price plummeted on the exchange! Countless investors got the news, hurriedly stopped their losses, and sold Crown stocks one after another!

Then all the media were surrounded outside the police station, trying to search for first-hand information.

at the same time.

Zhan Zhaotang's younger brother, Zhan Zhaoheng, teamed up with the best barristers in Baodao to rescue the boss Zhan Zhaotang.


The Cai family mansion.

In the study, Cai Wanlin changed into casual clothes. At the moment, he was wearing reading glasses, and holding a writing brush, he copied the "Fighting Tiger Down the Mountain" on a piece of rice paper.

A big white-fronted tiger with dangling eyes is lifelike in his paintings, and the hair is completely visible!

After a while, Cai Wanlin put down the brush in his hand, and his son Cai Fengchun handed him a wet towel.

Cai Wanlin wiped his hands, then turned to look at his son and said, "I didn't mean to beat someone by letting you get some blood on your hands! Now that Zhan Zhaotang was beaten up by you and admitted to the hospital, he has to send a lawyer's letter to tell you!"

Cai Fengchun looked like he had done something wrong, "I didn't do it first, it was Shi Zhijian who did it first!"

"It doesn't matter who starts first, it's not right! It's not like running a gang in business, what kind of slapstick is it?"

"That Zhan is too cheap!" Cai Fengchun said angrily, "It's okay if he scolds me. If he looks down on our Cai family and scolds you as an old bastard, I'll beat him!"

Cai Fengchun is not stupid. If he wants to avoid punishment, he can only pull his father into the water.

Sure enough, Cai Wanlin's expression changed, "Then Zhan Zhaotang really scolds me like this? You're not talking nonsense, right?"

"Why am I talking nonsense? There are so many people at the scene that they all heard it!"

"How unreasonable!" Cai Wanlin was also angry, "It's a shame that I helped him before, but he treated me like this!"

"Yeah, that surnamed Zhan is an unfamiliar hungry wolf!" Cai Fengchun added, "he not only scolds you, but also scolds my grandma, saying that grandma thinks you are blind, she is so beautiful , you are so ugly, so old!"

Cai Fengchun's mother is Cai Wanlin's concubine. Although she is a concubine, Cai Wanlin dotes on her in every possible way.

Especially the age difference between the two is very big. When Cai Fengchun was born, his wife was only eighteen years old, but he was already in his forties.

In addition, his wife is beautiful and beautiful, but he is old and weak. It is inevitable that some aspects of his life are not harmonious. Cai Wanlin feels guilty.

At this moment, when he heard Zhan Zhaotang insulting him like this, Cai Wanlin was immediately furious and slapped the table: "This person surnamed Cai is really not a thing! He even has to take care of other people's private affairs!"

Seeing this, Cai Fengchun let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he had escaped the catastrophe.

Who was Cai Wanlin? After scolding his son, he knew he was being lied to when he looked relieved. He pointed at Cai Fengchun's nose and said, "Stinky boy, does Harvard School teach you these things? To deceive you, Laozi?"

Cai Fengchun immediately said with a look of grievance: "What did I lie to you? I'm telling the truth!" He said this, but his eyes rolled around.

Looking at this son, Cai Wanlin always felt that he read too much and was a little tactful. Could it be that Shi Zhijian has some super charisma? Radiation power so strong? Can you change people so fast?

Cai Wanlin has always valued Cai Fengchun and trained him carefully, but his son went abroad and learned foreign things there. !

But now, his son suddenly changed, and he was a little uncomfortable.

Is it good or bad?

He had no idea.

"Do you think Shi Zhijian can win this time?"

"For the time being, he won." Cai Fengchun said, "Zhan Zhaotang is detained by the police, I'm afraid he won't be able to make any waves!"

"Really?" Cai Wanlin looked at his son, "I don't think so! Isn't he on parole now in the hospital? As long as the police don't have any substantial evidence for a day, they can't do anything about him! In addition, his brother Zhan Zhaoheng was outside to meet him and turned over. Every minute!"

"No, I heard that he was involved in a lot of cases this time!"

"Those are all smoke bombs released by Shi Zhijian! You have also read his plan. Many of the charges against the Zhan brothers Luo Zhi are old news ten years ago! It is harder to find new evidence than to go to heaven!"

"Then do we want to help him?" Cai Fengchun asked suddenly.

"Why, don't you like Shi Zhijian very much? Do you want to help him now?"

"I don't like it, I don't like it! But I don't like that Zhan Zhaotang! You are a dead fat pig. You are dirty and smelly. It makes people sick to see you!"

Cai Wanlin didn't give an accurate answer, he just waved his hand and said, "It's getting late, and I'm sleepy too! Go to rest early!"

"Good father!" Cai Fengchun said good night in English before turning around and leaving.


Watching his son leave the back, Cai Wanlin cast his eyes on the big white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes that he had just painted, tapped the tiger's sharp teeth with his fingers, and said to himself, "Shi Zhijian wants to pull out the tiger's teeth, I'm afraid it will be difficult! "

At this time, Butler Wang brought the ginseng tea and gently put it aside.

Cai Wanlin asked him, "What do you think of the young man Shi Zhijian?"

Butler Wang asked cautiously, "Is the master asking about his character, or the way of doing things?"

"Tell me all about it!"

Butler Wang said, "In terms of character, I don't have much contact with him, but this person is very loyal!"

"Oh, how did you see that?"

"Last time, my lord, you held a banquet, and he took the initiative to ask to have a meal with lawyer Fat Boy with him!"

Cai Wanlin remembered and nodded, "You're right! Under such circumstances, being able to be sympathetic to your subordinates can be said to be affectionate and righteous!"

"As for the way he does things, although he is insidious and cunning, as far as I know, he is even more evil to the wicked, but he is very kind to the common people!" Butler Wang said after thinking about I have friends in Hong Kong, how many Knowing some of this Mr. Shi's deeds, helping refugees in Shek Kip Mei, helping dockers in Wan Chai, and helping tens of thousands of Hutchison gang members find employment, etc., each of which is a great act of kindness! "

"No wonder!" Cai Wanlin took a sip of the ginseng tea, "I always feel that his body is too strong!"

Butler Wang continued: "I understand what you mean, sir. You want the young master to have more contact with the surnamed Shi, but you are afraid that the surnamed Shi will bring the young master bad!"

Butler Wang watched his words and expressions, and seeing that Cai Wanlin did not deny it, he continued: "But now the world recognizes a person like Shi Zhijian, who is as fierce as a tiger to his enemies, but very loyal to his friends!"

Cai Wanlin stopped talking, picked up the brush, and wrote on the "Fighting Tiger Picture": "The sound of the voice echoes in the valley and the mountains, and the mountains and forests are shocked by the beasts!"

Now that Shi Zhijian, the little tiger, is going down the mountain, how many beasts will be frightened? !


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