Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 590: The old man is innocent!

The share price of Crown has plummeted in the past few days!

The fall made people panic, especially the top executives of the company were restless.

"What can I do?"

"Is the company going to collapse?"

Everyone is like ants on a hot pot, all at a loss.

Outside the main entrance of the company, Li Defa, the general manager of Crown Company, led the way, and Zhan Zhaoheng, the second master of Zhan, walked into the company accompanied by the female secretary and bodyguard in a trench coat.

Li Defa was very excited. He was the first to get the news that Zhan Zhaotang transferred his equity to Zhan Zhaoheng, the second master of Zhan, so he ran over to defect at the first time!

Sure enough, the timing of his choice was right. Zhan Zhaoheng needs defectors like him as an example in order to better win the Crown Company.

"Boss, be careful of the steps! This is the conference room! Please come in!" Li De frowned and helped open the door with a pug look.


As the door of the conference room opened, Zhan Zhaoheng entered the large conference room. Suddenly, the previously noisy conference room was silent, and everyone looked straight at him.

Zhan Zhaoheng shook his shoulders and threw off the windbreaker he was wearing. The female secretary took the lead and took the windbreaker in her hand.

Zhan Zhaoheng walked to the chair of the oval conference table, and Li Defa hurriedly stepped forward to help him pull the chair.

Zhan Zhaoheng sat down swaggeringly, and the bodyguard hurriedly stepped forward to help hand over the big cigar.

Zhan Zhaoheng took the cigar, slowly roasted it with fire, lit it in a hurry, and the thick cigar smoke rose up, making his arrogant face looming.

The people around looked at him with different expressions, some in astonishment, some in curiosity, and more in fear.

When such a big incident happened in the Crown Company, Boss Zhan was detained in the hospital and could not get out, but Erye Zhan suddenly came here. The meaning is more intriguing.

After Zhan Zhaoheng took his seat, he bit a big cigar and looked around the crowd with sharp eyes without saying a word.

His silence made everyone present even more confused, not knowing what to face next.

General Manager Li Defa played the role of a lackey at this time, and took the initiative to say: "Everyone quickly applaud and welcome! Now that Second Master Zhan is here, we all have the backbone!"

clap clap clap!

Although the applause sounded, it was a little sparse.

Zhan Zhaoheng was very dissatisfied.

Li Defa looked a little embarrassed, pointed at those sitting and said angrily: "You haven't eaten enough, have you? You can't even applaud?"

Everyone in the audience looked at each other in dismay. Among them, Mr. Zhou, who Zhan Zhaotang usually values, couldn't help but said, "Mr. Li, what do you mean? Although the crown is in crisis now, Boss Zhan is usually good to us, so we can't betray him! "

"Who said they wanted you to betray?" Zhan Zhaoheng said when he was halfway through his cigar. "My eldest brother's surname is Zhan, and my surname is Zhan. His company is mine. What's your opinion?"

"Second Master Zhan, you can't say it like this..." Mr. Zhou couldn't help but said, "Although you have the same surname as Zhan, the Crown Company and you..."

No one else said anything, but this President Zhou was making a lot of noise, Zhan Zhaoheng was angry, he picked up the tea cup just brewed in front of him, and splashed the hot water in the cup towards President Zhou's face!


The scalding hot water splashed Mr. Zhou's face, so hot that he screamed, staggered, and almost fell off his seat!

Zhan Zhaoheng held a cigar and pointed his cigarette to Mr. Zhou's nose: "Fuck you mother! You have been rambling since I entered the house! I can't figure out the situation! I've already said it, my surname is Zhan, and so does my eldest brother. The surname is Zhan! You can't write two words of Zhan in one stroke, and you are still here to sow discord!"

After speaking, Zhan Zhaoheng pointed to President Zhou and ordered humanity: "Come here, pull him out! Remove him from his post, I see who dares to refuse!"

Immediately, the bodyguard brought by Zhan Zhaoheng stepped forward and dragged President Zhou out. President Zhou shouted, "I didn't mean that! I'm wronged! I'm an old minister of the crown! Erye Zhan, be merciful!"

It's a pity that Zhan Zhaoheng just wants to kill the chicken and show the monkey, who cares if he lives or dies.

"Now who is not convinced when I sit in this seat? If you are not convinced, stand up! I am such a democratic person! Come on!" Zhan Zhaoheng said arrogantly.

With Mr. Zhou's "learning from the past", everyone at the scene looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to speak indiscriminately.

Those old and cunning people are watching the wind quietly.

After waiting for ten seconds, Zhan Zhaoheng saw that no one dared to speak, so he bit the big cigar arrogantly and puffed a thick smoke: "Why, no one speaks?"

Zhan Zhaoheng glanced domineeringly for a week, "If this is the case, then I will cut to the chase! Now my elder brother has transferred the equity to me, and I will be the largest shareholder of the crown in the future. You have to listen to me! If anyone is not convinced, the guy just now is Your fate!"

The atmosphere was too depressing, everyone wanted to look up, but met Zhan Zhaoheng's gaze, so they hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look him in the eye.

Zhan Zhaoheng felt extremely at ease, now he finally suppressed his eldest brother and became the first person!

But at this moment, a discordant voice said: "I'm sorry, I seem to have Mr. Zhan Zhaotang's shares here, but I don't know which of us has more!"

While speaking, squeak!

The door of the office was pushed open, and a man walked in.

I saw that he was wearing a white suit, his waist was straight, his eyes were piercing, and he was as sharp as a knife!

"Shi Zhijian, why are you?"

Zhan Zhaoheng was shocked.

The others also looked at the uninvited guest with stunned expressions.

"No way, why is he here?"

Seeing Shi Zhijian walking into the conference room again, he smiled slightly at the crowd, and his eyes looked around for a week in an instant.

And the people who followed behind Shi Zhijian also came in, the fat man Liang Youcai, and one other person turned out to be Zhang Aquan!

Zhan Zhaoheng's expression was calm at first, but after he saw Zhang Aquan clearly, his pupils could not help shrinking!

The surrounding crown executives were once again amazed and inexplicable, looking at Zhang Aquan and said, "Isn't that Boss Zhan's henchman?"

" How could he follow Shi Zhijian?"

Everyone looked surprised and didn't understand what happened.

"Shi Zhijian, what are you doing here? What did you mean by that?" Zhan Zhaoheng stood up from his seat and pointed at Shi Zhijian's nose with a cigar.

Shi Zhijian put his hands behind his back with a leisurely attitude: "What do you mean? What I said just now is very clear! I have all the shares of Mr. Zhan Zhaotang in my hands, yes, I still signed and stamped! If the word is not stamped, whose is more effective?"

"Uh, how could this be?" Zhan Zhaoheng seemed to understand something.

Those below were even more stunned by Shi Zhijian's remarks, "How is it possible? Isn't he the mortal enemy of Boss Zhan? How can he have shares?"

"This is thanks to Mr. Zhang Aquan, who sold it to me!" Shi Zhijian put his hands behind his back and smiled. "And the price is fair, and the old man is not deceived!"


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