Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 593: Welcome!

"You want to know how I got here these days, right?" Zhang Aquan rolled up the sleeve of his left hand, and saw all the scars on his left arm!

"Whenever I want to kill you, I will put a knife on it and tell myself that you will be punished sooner or later! Killing you with one knife is too cheap for you! I will use the most cruel means to torture you! "Zhang Aquan's face is hideous, his eyes are like poisonous snakes.

"So, I'm going to make you betray you! I'm going to make you lose your company! I'm going to make you lose everything that is most precious to you! I'm going to make you a loner! Finally, go to jail! Now, I've done it all!"

"You vicious guy!" Zhan Zhaotang rushed up to catch Zhang Aquan.

He is fat and slow!

Before he could touch Zhang Aquan with the tip of his hand, Zhang Aquan had already punched him in the face!


Zhan Zhaotang was knocked to the ground and couldn't get up!

Zhang Aquan stepped on his face with one foot, and looked down at Zhan Zhaotang, who was furious!

At this moment, Zhan Zhaotang still has the slightest tycoon Fan Er, he is completely a dirty fat pig!

With vicious resentment, Zhang Aquan stomped on Zhan Zhaotang's fat face with his feet: "You know, now your younger brother has followed in your footsteps! That nephew of yours is very successful, and he joined forces with Shi Zhijian to bring down his father, and even personally Send him to a mental hospital!"

"You two heroes of the Zhan family have become a thing of the past! Your prestige history also ends today!"

"No! Impossible!" Zhan Zhaotang struggled at Zhang Aquan's feet.

"Nothing in this world is impossible!" Zhang Aquan stepped on Zhan Zhaotang, preventing him from getting up.

"People are doing it, God is watching! God doesn't accept you, I will accept it! This sentence was taught to me by Mr. Shi!"

Zhang Aquan let go of his feet, squatted down to pick Zhan Zhaotang's hair, and made him look at himself, "Look at me clearly, my name is Zhang Aquan! Zhang Chunhua, it's my sister!"


Zhang Aquan slammed Zhan Zhaotang's head on the ground!

Blood splattered!

Zhang Aquan stood up slowly and said, "Someone, Boss Zhan has fallen!"


The next few days were a big shuffle.

As the Zhan brothers were either imprisoned or hospitalised, the Crown Company and Zhan Group changed hands respectively.

With the support of the eight major financial companies in Baodao, Shi Zhijian took a loan of 5 million and won the Crown Company in one fell swoop.

At this time, Crown's stock has fallen to the lowest line, reaching an astonishing 30%.

After completing the formal acquisition, Shi Zhijian published a revelation in the major newspapers and magazines in Baodao with the headline: Crown Reorganization, New Beginning! New journey!

The content is also very simple, explaining that Crown Publishing House, as well as branches such as the printing company under the Crown, will belong to the Myth Group controlled by Shi Zhijian in the future!

Secondly, Shi Zhijian will team up with Gulong, Sima Ling, Wolongsheng, and Zhuge Qingyun, the famous martial arts masters of Baodao, to vigorously develop IP.

Specific development projects include—

Gu Long's "Fragrant Sword and Rain", his early works "Huhua Bell" and "Iron-blooded Banner Gate", and his ongoing serialization of "Xiao Shiyi Lang".

Sima Ling's "Drinking the Horse and the Yellow River" and "Slim Hands Riding the Dragon".

Wolongsheng's "Flying Flowers Follow the Moon", "Jiangxue Xuanshuang", "Feiyan Jinglong", etc.

It can be said that once Shi Zhijian's revelation was published, it immediately dropped a depth bomb on the literary and film circles of Baodao.

Instantly burst from under the calm water!

Countless people are talking about this reorganization of the Crown, and such a large-scale IP development!

In particular, the image of the super rich local tyrant created by Shi Zhijian from the beginning has come into play again!

To be able to acquire the crown and develop so many IPs, I can only say that Mr. Shi from Hong Kong is not short of money!

With the support of such a big boss who is not short of money, it is difficult for the crown not to grow and develop!

As a result, the crown stock soared from 30 cents to 70 cents as soon as the market opened the next day!

Those investors who sold their stocks to stop their losses earlier regretted it one by one!

Those investors who kept the clouds open to see the moonlight cheered, and some even set off firecrackers to celebrate!

The value of those shares that Shi Zhijian bought for five million also doubled.

However, Shi Zhijian knows that these are not enough. For him and the big bosses of the eight major financial companies, if this stock does not triple or five times, it will be too sorry for himself!

So what Shi Zhijian needs to do next is to let Crown invest in the big IP "Fragrant Sword Rain". When the box office hits, Crown's stock will double again!


On this day, Shi Zhijian had just attended the opening ceremony of "Fragrant Sword Rain", and Cai Fengchun, the son of Mr. Cai, came to look for him.

As soon as they met, Cai Fengchun handed the two documents to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian looked at it and found a document that the Shinhwa soda instant noodles were re-launched in major department stores of the Zhan Group.

The other is that Shi Zhijian's karaoke and Walkman worth tens of millions were detained by Baodao Customs and were completely thawed and released!

Shi Zhijian was ecstatic and said thank you to Cai Fengchun for the first time!

You know, in order to win the crown, Shi Zhijian borrowed 5 million from eight major financial companies, plus investment in filmmaking and a stake in the Zhan Group, he borrowed almost 5 million, totaling 10 million!

This tens of millions is not a small amount. Even if Shi Zhijian wants to be seconded from Hong Kong, it will take a while. Moreover, the flow of funds in Hong Kong is also very tight, especially the spare funds for real estate have been used for more than half.

If Shi Zhijian rashly mobilizes funds from Hong Kong, it will inevitably affect the industry in Hong Kong.

Well now, as long as your soda noodles are on the and Walkman are unfrozen, you can activate your funds in minutes! Don't worry about the ten million loan!

"You don't need to thank me! You also have shares in the Zhan Group. Although there are not many shares, you are also a shareholder! Of course, the shareholders' products will be listed on the shelves as soon as possible!"

Cai Fengchun's attitude has become a little different from before. Shi Zhijian could feel it.

"As for your seized goods, it really took a lot of trouble! Fortunately, this young master came out...cough, why are you looking at me with that kind of eyes? Well, I won't brag anymore! Yes, it's my dad. He personally intervened to mediate, and those from the General Administration of Customs gave him the old man's face to let him go!"

Cai Fengchun paused and looked at Shi Zhijian again and said, "Seriously, Shi Zhijian, I thought you were very unpleasant from the beginning! Do you know why? Why is it inferior to you everywhere?"

"Well, do you mind if I say that?"

"Don't mind, you continue to talk." Shi Zhijian smiled and refilled Cai Fengchun with a glass of water.

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