Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 595: The vast world has a lot to do!

Wealth is in danger!

Chen Qili thought that if he gritted his teeth here, even if this batch of goods fell into his own hands, he would be able to sell it to other gangs at a low price!

If those gangs don't take over, hit him to take over!

With an idea in mind, Chen Qili immediately closed the folding fan!

"Okay, it's a deal! You give me the purchase price, and I'll help you sell it!"

"Very good! I wish our cooperation success!" Shi Zhijian extended his hand to Chen Qili.

Chen Qili stood up and shook hands with Shi Zhijian, shaking vigorously.

Shi Zhijian continued, "I'm a businessman. Although I pay the most attention to credit when doing business, I still believe that there are more words in black and white! We'll draw up a cooperation agreement later, don't you mind?"

"I don't mind, it should be!" Although Chen Qili was from Jianghu, he also knew some business rules. The businessmen signed, stamped, and pledged, as if they had made an alliance with blood, burning yellow paper and beheading chickens.

"I'm glad that Hall Master Chen thinks this way! In addition, my batch of goods is very precious. You heard just now that each unit is calculated in US dollars. Now I want to sell it to you. Hall Master Chen, do you want to be the first Give a part of the deposit first?" Shi Zhijian said with a smile, his eyes extremely bright.

"Uh, this----" Chen Qili was stunned.

Seeing Chen Qili's appearance, Shi Zhijian smiled and said: "It's better than this, we are all good brothers! You and I see each other again! I don't want much deposit from you, just one million! Here's half a million, I'll take it first. Come down! You can send the other half a million when you find time!"

As Shi Zhijian spoke, he took the 500,000 cash that was neatly sized on the coffee table and had not yet been put into his pocket by Chen Qili, and took it back one by one.

Chen Qili's eyes are straight!

what happened?

I'm here to pay for it? Why do you owe him half a million in a blink of an eye? !


At that time, when Shi Zhijian sent Chen Qili to leave, Chen Qili was still thinking about where to go and give Shi Zhijian a deposit of 500,000 yuan.

Here, Shi Zhijian called Chen Yaotai over again.

"Auntie, do you like it here?" Shi Zhijian smiled and made a cup of tea for Chen Yaotai.

Chen Yaotai was flattered, "Mr. Shi, how can I ask you to make tea for me!"

To tell the truth, Chen Yaotai didn't think much of Shi Zhijian in the past, thinking that Shi Zhijian was younger than himself, and his fists were not hard. He was not the kind of hero that Chen Yaotai admired.

In Chen Yaotai's eyes, to convince him, at least his fists should be as big as a pot, and a roar can make the enemy stunned.

That's right, the heroes in Chen Yaotai's mind are Zhang Fei, Li Kui and Guan Erge.

It's a pity that Shi Zhijian is a little white face, and he is a very handsome little white face, and he doesn't like it.

But since following Shi Zhijian, Chen Yaotai's three views have been completely reshaped!

He understood that the brain is more terrifying than fists in this world!

Fists can only make people bruised and bruised, but their brains can kill people invisibly!

Just like this time, the Zhan Brothers are the best example. The huge Crown Company and Zhan Group were torn apart by Shi Zhijian and almost destroyed! Brother Zhan was a complete failure, and almost didn't even know how to die!

Chen Yaotai was full of indescribable awe for Shi Zhijian.

"You haven't answered my question yet, do you like to stay on Treasure Island?" Shi Zhijian asked with a smile.

If you are familiar with Shi Zhijian, when answering questions, you will definitely answer carefully, but Chen Yaotai has no brains and simply said: "I like it! The climate here is good, and the environment is also good! It's fun!"

"Haha, if you like it! Then if I let you stay here, work with Miss Dai, and appoint you as the vice president of the Crown Company, would you like it?"

"Ah, what? Let me do things here with Miss Dai? And let me be the vice president?" Chen Yaotai's hand trembled, almost splashing the tea in his hand in surprise.

"Yeah, don't be surprised! After so much, I can see that you are a talent! You can't be buried if you are a talent! I must dig you out, gold will always shine! Auntie, I'm optimistic about you!"

Shi Zhijian's remarks made Chen Yaotai feel extremely relieved!

In the past when I was in Dongying, my uncle Chen Huwang always disapproved of him, and felt that he was a fool and did things out of tune!

But now Mr. Shi says he is a talent! Still a big one!

Chen Yaotai only felt that Shi Zhijian had a halo all over his body!

Understand me so well!


"Cough, but is Miss Dai willing?" Chen Yaotai asked cautiously.

"Well, I'll have a good discussion with her, and now I'm asking for your opinion!"

"I do! I will do my best for you, Mr. Shi!"

Vice President!

This is a great job!

Chen Yaotai was about to laugh out loud, and the second uncle was right, he would soon be able to stand out from the crowd with Mr. Shi!

"Okay, it's a deal!" Shi Zhijian took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Yaotai.

"Tai, you are a talented person. In the future, I hope that you can fight side by side with Miss Dai to develop the market of Treasure Island! Remember my words, there is a vast world with great potential! You must work hard and strive for self-improvement!"

Shi Zhijian said an encouraging vernacular, and then changed the topic, "Now your first task is to stare at your uncle, that is, the head of the Sanlian Gang, Chen Qili! Stare at him to see what he will do next, our karaoke and portable It's a very profitable business, I'm afraid that some people will be greedy and leave us alone!"

Chen Yaotai: "Huh?"

I was stunned, how do you feel that this "promising" is to make yourself a second or fifth child? !

Shi Zhijian knew that his foundation on Baodao was unstable. Although he was supported by eight major financial companies this time, it was only out of an alliance of interests.

And after the electronic product market has sold well in Baodao, in the face of huge profits, no matter how much Chen Qili talks about loyalty, it will inevitably be influenced by others, and it will be bad to make some small moves at that time.

Shi Zhijian's design is very simple, let Chen Yaotai be a second-fifth boy, that is, an directly into the triple gang!

On the surface, Chen Yaotai is the head of the security department of the Crown Company, but in fact, he is the person in charge of the transaction liaison with Chen Qili. If there is a little trouble, he can receive news from his side.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shi Zhijian hopes that Chen Yaotai can cultivate his own power on the treasure island. To this end, Shi Zhijian will give strong support in terms of money.

If it doesn't work, send a group of people from Hongxing Society in Hong Kong to directly accept the leadership of Chen Yaotai!

If Chen Yaotai is really a talent, he can establish a base of Hongxing Society on Baodao, and join forces with the Sanlian Gang, Sihai Gang and other big gangs, then add the Hong Kong Gang from Dongying and Hongxing Society from Hong Kong. , Shi Zhijian is equivalent to building an extremely solid "iron triangle" in Treasure Island, Hong Kong and Dongying!

As for now, the biggest question is whether Dai Fengni is willing to stay here? Would you like to help Shi Zhijian take care of the crown?

In this regard, Shi Zhijian has no bottom in his heart!


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