Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 599: Injustice ah injustice!

In the early morning, a ray of sunlight poured into the villa bedroom through the window.

The bedroom is a mess!

Shi Zhijian opened his eyes and felt uncomfortable all over. When he saw that he was naked, his hands and feet were bound with rags, and he was lying on the ground in an embarrassing posture.

Dai Fengni had disheveled hair and was wearing a long snow-white dress, leaning against the window sill, the sun shone on her charming cheeks, holding a slender cigarette in her left hand, the cigarette was lit and smoked.

She had one foot on the windowsill, barefoot, and the silver bells at her ankle were gone.

Dai Fengni took a puff of cigarettes, let out the smoke, and sang with her red lips lightly, "The sky is full of falling flowers, and the moonlight is covered. I borrow a cup to recommend to Fengtai. , she is sad with tears and tears..."

Singing and singing, a line of clear tears fell from her cheeks, and her face was full of sadness.

In the past, she hated her elder brother Dai Fengnian listening to those old-fashioned Cantonese opera minor tunes, but now, she feels that there is no language to express her pain and sadness. On the contrary, the mood of this "Emperor's Flower" coincides with her own mood. , You especially remembered the unbearable scene last night, when the clothes were torn, struggled, bitten, and thrown down... So I couldn't help but sing!

Shi Zhijian listened to this familiar tune, and for some reason, he felt panicked! A spooky smell hits me!

"Fengni, what's wrong with you? Ahem, why are you tying me?" Shi Zhijian struggled. "If you're kidding me, it's not funny at all!"

Dai Fengni stopped singing "The Flower of the Emperor", turned her head and looked at Shi Zhijian with her phoenix eyes.

Shi Zhijian was frightened by her icy gaze.

"What have you done, don't you know?"

"That me..." Shi Zhijian remembered the madness last night, not knowing how to explain, "I didn't mean it!"

"Really?" Dai Fengni flicked the soot and got up from the windowsill.

"Are you going to let me go?" Shi Zhijian said happily.

Dai Fengni was barefoot, like a little dragon girl who was insulted by Yin Zhiping in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", she walked up to Shi Zhijian coldly, then squatted down and put the cigarette to Shi Zhijian's mouth, "Bite it!"

"Huh?" Shi Zhijian involuntarily bit the cigarette into his mouth.

"It might hurt a bit later!"

"Uh? What do you mean?" Shi Zhijian struggled, mumbling.

"What do you mean? You'll know soon!" Dai Fengni dragged her heavy legs as if filled with lead, and walked slowly towards the table beside her. After the storm-like devastation last night, she was able to stand up and walk. good!

Soon, Dai Fengni came back.

Shi Zhijian's eyes widened, looking at the things in Dai Fengni's hand, the cigarette in his mouth almost scared off!

That's a sharp pair of scissors!

"I'll pick, I won't!" Shi Zhijian said in shock: "Fengni, listen to me! Don't be impulsive! When will everyone retaliate?!"

Dai Fengni didn't speak, she held the scissors and stared at Shi Zhijian with phoenix eyes, with murderous frost in her eyes!

She squatted down slowly!

Shi Zhijian sweated on his forehead!

Dilated pupils!


Shi Zhijian bites off the cigarette! Close your eyes suddenly!

"Uh, what's going on?"

After a while, he opened his eyes.

But he saw Dai Fengni holding scissors and cutting the rags that tied his hands and feet for him.

Shi Zhijian was sweating profusely!

After he was freed, he immediately blew out the cigarette butt, jumped onto the bed, found a blanket to wrap himself up, and looked at Dai Fengni in shock, "Fengni, you are right! We must not hurt each other. OK?"

"I know what you say, what should I do?" Dai Fengni threw the scissors at Shi Zhijian!

Shi Zhijian hurriedly avoided, "Don't be impulsive! Impulsiveness is the devil!"

Dai Fengni let out a long sigh and walked to the window sill again, leaning on the window sill with her hair disheveled, her face full of sadness!

When Shi Zhijian saw her like this, a strong sense of guilt poured out from the bottom of his heart!

"This is the end, I will be responsible for you!"

"How are you responsible?"

"Cough, how much do you want?"

As soon as Shi Zhijian said these words, he knew something bad!

Sure enough, Dai Fengni suddenly looked at him, and the scissors!

Shi Zhijian hurriedly changed his words, "I mean that no amount of money can make up for the damage I have done to you! You are priceless!"

Dai Fengni smiled sternly, "That's right, I, Dai Fengni, is the daughter of heaven, and she is priceless! But a girl like me was beaten last night by you, by you----" Dai Fengni's tears fell down. !

Shi Zhijian was silent, not knowing what to say.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian was silent, Dai Fengni took out the string of silver bells that had been hanging at her ankles from her arms, picked it up with her fingers, and said leisurely, "Do you know what you did last night?"

Shi Zhijian glanced at it and said, "I'm sorry, I remembered it! I didn't mean to take it off last night!"

Dai Fengni's phoenix eyes glared at Shi Zhijian: "You are not picking, you are bullshitting!"

"Cough!" Shi Zhijian was choked, remembering that he was indeed violent and rude!

Dai Fengni's angry eyes moved away from Shi Zhijian, stared at the silver bell again, and said leisurely: "You know, this is the last gift my mother left me! It's also my dowry!"

"Huh?" Shi Zhijian was stunned.

"Auntie told me that if any boy can pluck this string of silver bells off my ankle, then I will marry him!" Dai Fengni smiled bitterly, "I thought this kind of thing would never happen in my life! You You know, I only like girls!"

Shi Zhijian nodded hurriedly, "I understand! I have always respected your orientation! Never discriminate!"

Dai Fengni smiled sternly again, turned back with tears in her eyes, looked at Shi Zhijian and said, "But what do you want me to do now?" She shook the silver bell in her hand.

The silver bells tinkled in her hands, making a pleasant sound.

Shi Zhijian's eyes are rolling That...why don't you put on this string of silver bells again, I pretend that I don't know anything! You don't say it, I don't say it, who knows? dont you agree? "

Dai Fengni's phoenix eyes froze: "Aren't you lying to a ghost?"

"Ahem, your grandmother has been dead for many years. For your happiness, it doesn't matter if you lie to her! I think she has a spirit in heaven. If she knew this, she would definitely forgive you!"

"But I can't forgive myself!" Dai Fengni said angrily, "I have to abide by the agreement with my mother! So----"

Dai Fengni stared at Shi Zhijian: "I want to marry you!"

Shi Zhijian was dumbfounded!

Suddenly, he remembered the sword of Fairy Zixia in "Journey to the West", and the cheap Supreme Treasure pulled the sword out, and then a period of injustice was created!

So will this part of yourself and Dai Fengni be wrong? !

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