Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 603: Hometown honor!

Shi Zhijian folded the envelope and stuffed it into the envelope again, but thoughts were racing through his mind.

Lai Luo turned his head, bit his cigar and asked Shi Zhijian, "What did that hag say? It's not all love, right? The letter paper is quite thick!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "You want to know?"

"If you tell me, I'll listen! If you don't tell me, I won't force you!" Lai Luo joked, "I'm not that kind of bastard, I like to collect people's gossip!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Lai Luo: "She said that the new superintendent Charles is very upset with you!"

Lai Luo was stunned for a moment, biting his cigar and laughing, "I thought what? He doesn't like me, I don't like him! Come on, I'll treat him to a feast and treat him the way we Hong Kong people do! "

Lei Luo's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness.

Shi Zhijian didn't say a word, just pointed to the front and said to Chen Xijiu, "Stop in front, I want to get off!"

"Why, don't you go to Lu Yu Teahouse to drink tea?" Lei Luo said in surprise, "I already reserved a seat, and it is very difficult to book a seat in that teahouse!"

The car stopped, Shi Zhijian opened the car door, turned around and said to Lai Luo, "Brother Luo, I don't think it's time for you to drink tea now! Let's get together again when you have time!" After saying that, he got out of the car and waved at Lai Luo.

Chen Xijiu looked at Lei Luo and asked with his eyes.

Laidlaw bit his cigar and commanded, "Drive!"

The car moved slowly, and Lai Luo said to Chen Xijiu, "What do you mean by A Jian's words?"

Chen Xijiu replied, "He wants Brother Luo to prepare for you!"

"Get ready? Do I need to get ready? Need it?" Laiduo's voice became louder and heavier.

"Whether it's the ghost Charles, or the old mother of Charles! I'm not afraid of Laidlaw! This is Hong Kong, it's my world!"

After sitting for a long time, Detective Zonghua, Lai Luo naturally developed an air of arrogance and domineering that no one looked down on!

Chen Xijiu kept silent, looked through the rearview mirror, but saw Lai Luo holding a cigar, pursing his lips with his thumb in contempt, with an arrogant expression!


After Shi Zhijian got out of the car, he called another taxi and drove him and his valet Liang Youcai all the way, and sent Liang Youcai to the "Hu Juncai Law Firm" first.

At the entrance of the law firm, Shi Zhijian stopped the car and put down Liang Youcai.

Liang Youcai has a lot of documents on hand, and he needs to help Shi Zhijian handle it here.

When Shi Zhijian left, he stuffed a thick envelope with Liang Youcai and told him to look at it when he got home!

Liang Youcai bowed and sent Shi Zhijian away.

Only then did he turn around and carry the briefcase and a bunch of other things into the law firm.

Everyone in the law firm was working hard, and the clock on the wall was ticking.

Suddenly, someone looked up and saw Liang Youcai coming in with a large bag and a small bag, and suddenly exclaimed: "Liang Youcai? Is that you? Are you back?"

This voice immediately made the whole office explode.

"Wow, it's really Liang Youcai!"

"You Cai is back!"

"Return to my hometown!"

People were all chattering.

Liang Youcai greeted everyone cheerfully.

"Afa, you are getting more and more handsome! Hey, this is the electric curling comb I bought from Dongying! Plug in the power, wrap your hair around it, and you can curl your hair into a perm! You like to dress up best, give it to you!"

"Ali, you are getting more and more beautiful! Hey, this is the bb cream I bought for you from Dongying. When you rub it on your face, all the freckles and black spots disappear - help you chase boys!"

Liang Youcai opened the salute he had brought and took out all the gifts he bought for his colleagues.

"And yours, Ale! This is the electronic watch I bought for you!"

"And you, Uncle Kun! This is the Dongying razor I bought for you!"

Liang Youcai used to be very stingy and stingy in the law firm. He had to squeeze the toothpaste before he was willing to throw it away.

Now that I have been with Shi Zhijian for a long time, my vision has grown, and my people have become more generous.

All the colleagues received the gift, their faces were full of surprise, looking at the valuable things in their hands, it was hard to believe their eyes.

Is this still that stingy Liang Youcai? !

Liang Youcai took out the last gift, but it was a bag of snacks. He walked up to Sister Sweeping and said, "Fourth Sister, you've worked hard! Hey, this is the pineapple cake I brought to you from Baodao! I heard how you are. Those who like to eat pineapple cake, this is the most authentic!"

The fourth sister looked excited and looked at Liang Youcai with some doubts: "Is this really... for me?"

Her status is just that of a cleaner in a law firm. She is very lowly, and she did not expect to receive gifts.

"Of course!" Liang Youcai stuffed the pineapple cake into Fourth Sister's hands. "This time, Mr. Shi has traveled far, and I have learned a lot and understood a lot of truth!"

After Liang Youcai finished speaking, he looked at everyone: "You are all my friends! I really really miss you when I am outside!" After speaking, his eyes turned red!

Everyone was also moved by Liang Youcai's words.

I don't know who is holding the head, clap clap clap and applaud.

"Talent, good work!"

"You are talented, we all welcome you back!"

The office is buzzing!


Law firm, the biggest boss room.

An oil painting hangs on the wall.

On the oil painting, Hu Juncai, wearing a suit, with a mid-parted hair, wearing glasses and baring his front teeth, looked triumphant.

in reality.

Behind the desk, Hu Juncai, who looked dejected, was scratching his hair, worrying about the bill in his hand.

Since Shi Zhijian made a clear relationship with him, Hu Juncai didn't care at all, thinking that it was fine, he was out of Shi Zhijian's control.

What's more, Hu Juncai believes that he is developing well now. He has a law firm and a labor agency, and he can make millions every year!

Rich is grandfather!

He Hu Juncai will not be called to drink again!

But it was only after he really broke away from Shi Zhijian that he realized how stupid his decision was! What a mistake!

Because of Shi Zhijian's blessing, those gangsters and gang members won't trouble him.

When they heard that he had left Shi Zhijian, those people flocked to extort one by one, more ruthless than blood-sucking worms!

This is not to mention The tax bureau, the health department, and the immigration department have also come over to ask for money!

The money that Hu Juncai earned before was basically taken into it!

As for business, whether it's a law firm or a labor agency, it's all deserted!

When a client comes to come to you to file a lawsuit, in addition to your reputation, it also depends on your backstage toughness. After all, this is an unreasonable age!

A lawsuit is just a formality!

Backstage is the last word!

Those who find intermediaries to hire Filipino maids are basically people with high profile. They are looking for your help because of the face of the boss behind you, so that you can make money and sell you the boss's favor.

Now, Shi Zhijian is no longer your boss, and he is still beating you Hu Juncai? !


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