Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 837: Awards Ceremony!

Latest website: Just when all circles of society were full of objections to this JP selection, the recently emerging Hong Kong "Oriental Daily" published an article titled "In ancient times, there were three evils to be eliminated;

The person who wrote this editorial is Ni Jiao, who is known as a genius in Hong Kong. Ni Jiao did not make up or talk nonsense, but spoke with facts and made fun of himself!

Ni Jiao mentioned himself from the very beginning, saying that he used to work on the farm. He ate the cattle and sheep barbecued on the farm because he was too hungry, and also used the farm wood to keep him warm because it was too cold. In essence, he is A "thief".

But it is such a self, but smuggled to Hong Kong and turned into a literati, and made a lot of money by writing, and also did some charity work.

Now, when I think back to when I was young and frivolous, and the ups and downs of life, it seems like a big dream.

If you say that you are wrong, it is that your thinking is not pure enough, your concentration is not strong enough, and you can't stand the hunger and cold!

So, everyone makes mistakes! Some people turn back to the shore, and some people are obsessed. For us, should we give them a chance to rehabilitate, or beat them to death and never turn over?

It has to be said that Ni Jiao has a good reputation, and this editorial immediately caused a lot of discussion as soon as it was published.

In this era of Hong Kong, the old and the new are changing, and people's thinking is constantly changing, and they have their own definitions and views on the good and the bad.

Especially in this era, many people rely on fan stalls and flower stalls to eat their meals. For them, this is just their way of eating, and they are just the wage earners of those behind-the-scenes bosses!

Now Lai Hao is willing to change his course and become a good person. Most people still sympathize with him and are willing to give him a chance.

What's more, Lai Hao has done a lot of things recently, not only donating money and food to the refugees, but also building tin houses with the poor. What is even more commendable is that he has donated a lot of money to orphans and the frail elderly!

From this aspect, Lai Hao has shown his attitude with practical actions, that is, he wants to be a good person.

Hong Kong has never lacked some smart literati. After Ni Jiao wrote the editorial article "The Prodigal Son Returns, No Money Will Be Exchanged", they have already seen that the purpose of the British Hong Kong government's visit is to "set up a model" and defeat the enemy without fighting. , so that more gangsters like Lai Hao can put down their butcher knives and cast their shadows into the light!

After all, in this black age where there are many gangs and there are more associations than the police, it is unrealistic to want to catch all the outlaws! And this kind of reward-like "persuasion" has a powerful effect. At least many bigwigs in the arena see that Lame Hao is about to be rewarded as a JP, and they are also a little bit eager to wash their hands and go ashore, and no longer operate black and gray businesses. Among them are Hutchison tycoon Baitou Weng Zhenguolong, and 14k tycoon Ge Tianwang.

In a word, with hair, who wants to be bald? !

Those Hong Kong literati grasped the pulse of the British Hong Kong government, and in line with the current trend of Hong Kong, they also wrote articles one after another----

"Heroes don't ask where they come from, so why do gentlemen ask why? Remember the life and life of a justice of the peace!"

"Every time you slaughter a dog with your righteousness, you are a scholar with a heart! Remember the qualification of a justice of the peace!"

It can be said that with the help of these Hong Kong literati, those who questioned the lame man at the beginning were gradually "broken" by these literati!

Then I was surprised and sighed, was this still possible? It turns out that justices of the peace can still be selected like this? Justices of the Peace are not restricted to those rich and aristocrats, poor people and reformers can also get it!

Suddenly, the wind reversed!

Lame Hao turned out to be a "typical" of society who abandoned evil and turned to good, and reformed himself!


Bang bang bang!

Gunshots sounded!

And then the roar of the gun salute!

At the Grand Plaza of the Hong Kong Government, a grand ceremony of "Justice of the Peace Award" is being held at the moment.

The American flag was fluttering on the flagpole, and the guards of honor kept by the Hong Kong government were lined up neatly. Three hundred people performed various events together!

As the guests of the ceremony, the people who were invited by the Hong Kong government to attend the ceremony were all prominent figures in Hong Kong. In addition to some ghost politicians and ghost tycoons, some Chinese tycoons also attended the ceremony, including Shi Zhijian, Xu San Shao et al.

"Hey, Ah Jian, I admire you so much! I heard that you gave this JP to Wu Guohao!" Xu Sanshao whispered next to Shi Zhijian, "Whenever you send kindness to me, give me one too! I'm not greedy. Yes! Whether it's a JP or a Lord of the British Empire, you can get me one anyway, can't you get it?"

Shi Zhijian laughed dumbly: "Do you think sweet potatoes are sold on the street? I can grab one for you at will?"

After a pause, he said, "Besides, what's so good about these ghostly honors? Believe it or not, these ghostly honors are not worth a penny in more than 20 years, and in turn, will become your burden?"

"Uh, what do you mean by that?" Xu Sanshao looked surprised.

Shi Zhijian thought for a while, but still revealed a little: "Hey, let me ask you, where are you standing now?"

"Hong Kong government!"

"Be precise!"

"Hong Kong Government Plaza!"

"Where does the Governor of Hong Kong belong?"

"Hong Kong!

"Whose territory is Hong Kong?"


Shi Zhijian smiled, "They are robbers, can they be seized for a lifetime?"

These are outrageous words, and Xu Sanshao trembled in fright, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he swallowed violently: "Ajian, don't you scare me?"

Shi Zhijian glanced at the well-dressed ghosts around him, and scratched his brows with his tail finger in disdain, "What am I scaring you? Hong Kong was originally the land of our China, and these British guys relied on foreign guns, foreign guns, and planes. Lijian has seized the past! But now our country has awakened, and its strength is increasing in all aspects. Sooner or later, Hong Kong will return to the motherland! Return to the embrace of our Chinese nation!"

Xu Sanshao was too frightened to speak, and looked at Shi Zhijian in horror.

To him, what Shi Zhijian said was simply earth-shattering!

Shi Zhijian sneered: "Trust me, Hong Kong will return to China in twenty years at most, and then all these ghosts will get out!"

At this time, because Shi Zhijian was talking to Xu Sanshao, it influenced a ghost in front of him.

The ghost guy didn't understand Chinese, so he turned his head and said to Shi Zhijian in English, "Please be careful, this is a public place!"

Shi Zhijian said to the other party with a smile on his face: "Fuck you! Lose your mother!"

Seeing Shi Zhijian's smile, the ghost guy thought he was apologizing, so he nodded proudly: "Wai Rui Good!"

When Xu Sanshao heard this, he rolled his eyes and felt that Shi Zhijian was very bad and liked to play ghosts as grandsons!


"Now, three Justices of the Peace are invited! Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

Under the auspices of the master of ceremonies, the audience burst into applause.

"Clap clap clap!"

Along with the applause, Ma Dongcheng, the boss of Hong Kong Broadcasting Corporation, Wei Li, the boss of Hutchison Whampoa in Hong Kong, and Wu Guohao, a lame man who abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, stepped onto the award stage from below.

Ma Dongcheng wore a traditional large jacket, black, looking very serious and solemn.

Ghost Wylie also looked elegant in a black suit.

Lame Hao is leaning on crutches, wearing a suit with suspenders inside the suit, walking on crutches like a crab, domineering sideways!

After coming to power, it was obvious that Wei Lao, Wei Li, and Ma Dongcheng, the big boss of Guangfa Group, were a little unwilling to stand too close to Lame Hao.

For them, the honor of being a Justice of the Peace this time is the affirmation of the British Hong Kong government, but it is a bit pricey to win this honor together with someone from a lowly background like Lai Hao who is engaged in a society!

In a word, they look down on the lame man! Even a little contemptuous!

How could Lai Hao not be able to see that these two were rushing into the street, and he didn't care! In the past, he had seen a lot of people who looked down on people like this!

According to Lai Hao's own words, if Shi Zhijian hadn't taught him to "conquer people with virtue", he would have slapped **** whenever he saw this kind of guy before!

Li Hao leaned on crutches, raised his chin, and was arrogant and domineering. Although he was nervous on the stage, he was full of excitement!

Looking at the yellow-haired and green-eyed ghosts under the stage, Lai Hao suddenly had a feeling of being aloof!

Didn't these ghosts look down on themselves before, but now they stand taller than them and can look down on them! Looking at their envious, jealous and hateful faces towards him again, Lai Hao felt another burst of relief in his heart! Then I remembered a play in the storytelling, life is like this, what more can I ask for!

Immediately afterwards, Lai Hao saw Shi Zhijian and Xu Sanshao sitting in the crowd.

Lai Hao couldn't help wanting to say hello to Shi Zhijian. He raised his cane, but felt it was too abrupt, so he bared his teeth and grinned at Shi Zhijian to make a "mouth shape"----

Xu Sanshao could see clearly from below, looking at the grinning lame man on the stage, then turned to look at Shi Zhijian who was sitting beside him, and asked, "Is this old man talking to you?"

"He said it's cool! It's cool to stand on it!"

"Uh, can you read that too?"

"Do you still need to read? Look at his teeth and grin, so beautiful that he even shows his teeth!"

Xu Sanshao hurriedly looked at Lai Hao, and sure enough, Lai Hao bared his teeth and seemed to be really saying, "It's cool! It's cool!"

Fortunately, the emcee of ceremonies announced the start of the award at this time, and another salute sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi came to the stage, and a member of the honor guard next to him wore white gloves and held a plate with the jp badge representing the justice of the peace on the plate!

Lame Hao stretched his neck to see clearly, the badge was exquisite and ruthless, exactly the same as the one that Lai Luo often wore on his left chest!

After Lai Luo got this badge, it was a treasure of love, and he couldn't pull it! I often take it out and show it off in front of the lame man, just to say, I have you or not!

But now, his lame man is about to have such a badge!

When Lai Hao thinks of this, his heart is full of joy! I feel so light, I don't know where I am!


"Congratulations, Mr. Ma Dongcheng! Thank you for your contribution to Hong Kong's department store industry!" Dai Lingzhi awarded Ma Dongcheng a medal and pinned the beautiful jp badge on Ma Dongcheng's left chest.

Ma Dongcheng was very excited, shook hands with Dai Lingzhi and said, "Thank you, Lord Governor of Hong Kong, I will continue to work hard in the future!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Wylie! Hutchison Whampoa has turned losses into profits in your business direction, and won glory for our British-owned enterprise!" Dai Lingzhi then awarded the ghost Wylie an honor.

Wei Li shook hands with Dai Lingzhi: "Thank you, dear Hong Kong Governor! As a British, I always remember that the interests of the British Empire come first!"

"Very good!" Dai Lingzhi patted Wei Li on the shoulder and finally came to the most controversial lame man.

Unsurprisingly, the audience had already started talking.

"Does the Governor of Hong Kong really want to award him a medal?"

"Can such a person be a Justice of the Peace?"

"No way, we have to set a model above, this lame man is lucky!"

In the face of the discussion in the audience, Dai Lingzhi turned a deaf ear, but picked up the jp badge on the tray swiftly, and helped Laihao wear it on his chest, and then shook hands with Laihao: "Congratulations, Mr. Wu! Hope! You can become a role model for many people in Hong Kong, and you will shine for Hong Kong's charities in the future!"

Lai Hao was very excited and held Dai Lingzhi's hand tightly: "I will! Thank you, Lord Governor of Hong Kong!"

Bang bang bang!

Another burst of gun salute!

Everyone at the scene stood up and applauded in the sound of the gun salute, in order to show their respect for the three jp badge winners!

The media reporters who were invited to interview, all set up long guns and short cannons at this moment, and madly shot at Lai Hao and others!

In the camera, Li Hao grinned like a child!


The award ceremony is over.

Many people gathered around Ma Dongcheng and Wei Li to express their congratulations to them.

Those media reporters were also all around, doing interviews and reports.

Shi Zhijian had some private conversations with Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi, and when he turned around, he saw Lai Hao standing alone at the venue, and no one paid any attention to him.

No matter what time or place in this world, "dogs look down on people", and this place is no exception.

Because of Lai Hao's special status, many members of the audience disdain to pay attention to him, so as not to lose their identity.

Those media reporters crowded wherever they were in full swing. Since Lai Hao was too quiet, of course they wouldn't take the initiative to come over, and there were even a lot of people gossiping---

"Look, what a shame!"

"Yeah, don't think it's great to get a JP! No one congratulates him at all!"

"poor thing!"

" It's as lively as fire here, but it's as cold as ice over there!"

"It's a different fate, poor fellow!"

Everyone looked at the lame man with contempt and contempt in their eyes.

Don't talk about these media reporters, even Ma Dongcheng and Wei Lao Wei Li, who were awarded the honor with Lai Hao just now, can't help but feel contemptuous in their hearts, and their eyes show contempt.

From their point of view, it was a blessing for Lai Hao to participate in the awarding with them in eight lifetimes! Now that the award is over, it is directly beaten back to its original shape!

Dog meat can't be on the table! This sentence is correct!

After Shi Zhijian finished talking with the Hong Kong Governor, he turned around and greeted Xu Sanshao: "In the past, Brother Hao is so lonely, and we need us to support him!"

Xu Sanshao joked: "How dare I go over if you don't speak up?"


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