Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 844: Please call me a big handsome boy!

The latest website: "Okay, since you have something to ask for, you must have a good attitude---you are so fierce and vicious, it is difficult for me to do it!" Shi Zhijian said with a cold face.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Li Xuexuan gritted his teeth.

"Please call me 'big boy'!"

Li Xuexuan didn't say a word.

"Why, don't you want to?" Shi Zhijian looked at her, "I told you to tell the truth, but you didn't tell me! Could it be that my face is not worthy of the three words "big boy"?"

"Are you playing with me?!"

"Smart, I see, I'm really playing with you!" Shi Zhijian finished speaking, his face stunned, "Since you want me to let Rickie go, then you have to pay some price!"

"What price?"

"Although I don't like you very much, you are a woman after all, and I drank too much tonight..." Shi Zhijian scratched his chin, and the meaning was obvious.

Li Xuexuan's pretty face was pale, but he didn't expect that he would not be able to escape this disaster in the end!

"Also, I don't like to use violence and I don't like to be passive, so you understand!" Shi Zhijian patted the sofa beside him.

Li Xuexuan didn't move.

Shi Zhijian sneered: "If I issue an order tomorrow to lower the price of steel to the lowest point, then all those you have hoarded will become waste! At that time, Rishi will collapse, and you, the Queen of Ricci, will also step down. You will be knocked down from the sky to the dust and never turn over!"

Li Xuexuan's pretty face showed a hint of panic, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

She took a deep breath, and finally walked towards Shi Zhijian, and then slowly sat down beside Shi Zhijian.

"Pour me a glass of wine!" Shi Zhijian ordered.

Li Xuexuan picked up the whisky on the coffee table and poured a glass, acting like a mechanical puppet.

"Send it to my mouth!" Shi Zhijian continued to order.

Li Xuexuan just bit his lip and forced himself to obey Shi Zhijian's order, and personally brought the glass to Shi Zhijian's mouth and served him to drink.

Shi Zhijian took a sip of whiskey, looked at Li Xuexuan and deliberately said in English: "Wai Rui Good!"

Li Xuexuan's eyes twitched.

"Do you still remember what you said?" Shi Zhijian stared at her and said, "You said you were going to let me fail, and then knelt down like a dog to beg you! How proud and arrogant you were back then?!"

The corners of Li Xuexuan's eyes twitched again.

She remembered her high-spirited attitude and the attitude of taking control of the overall situation at that time! At that time, she was in control of steel resources and in charge of many enterprises. She not only looked down on Shi Zhijian, but also looked down on all the big guys in Hong Kong!

She was a **** then!

Nobody cares!

But now, things have taken a turn for the worse!

"Now, go wash and wait for me on the bed!" Shi Zhijian continued to order.

Li Xuexuan couldn't bear it any longer, and two lines of clear tears flowed down.

Shi Zhijian's heart is like stone, "You should understand from the moment you stepped into this room, what you have to do to calm me down and stop taking your Rishi!"

"You are mean!"

"You just know?"

"You treat me like this, you will regret it!"

"Just be happy now, I never think about what's going to happen in the future!" Shi Zhijian pointed to the bathroom, "Towels, toothbrushes, everything is inside!"

Under Shi Zhijian's coercion, Li Xuexuan changed all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

From her point of view, Shi Zhijian would never let Rickie go easily, and he had to make sacrifices to get him out of the way!

Only by sacrificing yourself can we save Ricci! She, Li Xuexuan, has no choice!

Li Xuexuan got up from the sofa, dropped the Kun bag in his hand, and walked to the bathroom, like a poor girl who sacrificed to the devil——

Shi Zhijian looked at the glamorous demon girl who entered the bathroom, and asked, "Clean up! It's not that easy to serve men!"

With a bang, it was the bathroom glass that shattered!

Shi Zhijian shook his head: "He has a very violent temper and needs to be trained!"


"Why hasn't Miss Li come out yet?"

"Did something happen to Miss Lee?"

The ghost guy Wen Zedong and Niu Xiong stood guard at the door like ants on a hot pot.

The two put their ears on the door of the guest room and listened again and again. Unfortunately, this is a famous five-star hotel in Hong Kong after all, and the sound insulation of the guest rooms is very good. They held their breath and heard nothing.

"Miss Lee, are you—"


The ghost guy Wen Zedong didn't believe that Miss Li, who he regarded as a goddess, would be cheaper than that Shi Zhijian!

"I don't want to believe it either, but in my heart..." Niu Xiong patted his chest hard, "It's so frustrating! It's uncomfortable!"

"Miss Li, don't you!" Wenzelton fell to the ground when he heard the words, and his tears couldn't help shedding.

Just at this time, Chen Huimin and Dasha came back from supper and picked their teeth with toothpicks. At a glance, they saw Wen Zedong and Niu Xiong lying on the ground and crying. They looked at each other and didn't understand what was going on.

"Your Miss Lee hasn't come out yet?" Chen Huimin asked the last thing she should ask.


Don't know how long it took.

Li Xuexuan was also dressed.

Shi Zhijian was obviously a little tired, leaning on the bedside and smoking a cigarette, "Don't worry! I'm the one who counts, I won't snipe at Ricci! I will slowly reduce the price of steel, so that you have a chance to get your money back!"

"You will be so good?" Li Xuexuan buttoned the last button and turned his head to look at Shi Zhijian.

"You think I'm you, ruthless!" Shi Zhijian glanced at Li Xuexuan with contempt, and exhaled a breath of smoke: "To be honest, I didn't plan to snipe you Li Jiacheng from the beginning, because I promised Li Jiacheng and others, I'm going to let you go! Uh, just two hours ago!"

A bang, like a lightning strike!

"What did you say?" Li Xuexuan stared at Shi Zhijian in disbelief.

"I said that I didn't plan to embarrass you from the beginning. To be precise, I wanted to let you go! You were the one who sent it to the door stupidly! I'm not a gentleman, so I'll just follow the flow!"

The three words "stupid" pierced Li Xuexuan's heart like an awl!

She swayed, almost fell, and hurriedly reached out to hold the table next to her!

She has always looked above the top and was unattainable, and she never thought that she would fall into the trap! Being played in vain? !

At first she also felt that she was "bearing humiliation" by doing so! Is sacrificing yourself in exchange for Ricci's interests! Because of this, she also feels that she is so heroic and great!

But now it seems that he is so stupid and naive!

"You're lying, you're lying to me, aren't you?" Li Xuexuan didn't believe that he paid such a price, but what he got was Shi Zhijian's words. From the beginning, people didn't plan to embarrass him, he thought too much. More, automatically delivered to your door!

"Hey! I know you're feeling uncomfortable, so just cry if you want to! The virginity of a girl's family is really important. You're so cheap to me, I'm so embarrassed!" Shi Zhijian shrugged.

Li Xuexuan is about to collapse!

Turns out all this is true!

This is the biggest blow to her self-esteem!

Murder and kill!

Shi Zhijian took off even the last vestige of her dignity!

"It's a long time coming to Japan! I know you hate me, so you can find a good opportunity to take revenge, I'll wait!" Shi Zhijian finished speaking and waved his hand, "Go away, I'm going to rest!"

Li Xuexuan didn't move, but stared straight at Shi Zhijian, clenching his silver teeth.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Shi Zhijian frowned and issued the order to evict the guests again.

Li Xuexuan bit his lip, reached out and picked up the Kun Bao placed on the sofa, and put down a cruel sentence: "Shi Zhijian, you will regret it!"

Shi Zhijian spit out a smoke ring and said lightly: "Go slowly, don't send it!"



Lee Seol-hyun left the room.

"Miss Li, are you alright?"

"Miss Li, your face is ugly!"

Wen Zedong and Niu Xiong saw Li Xuexuan come out and hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

Li Xuexuan didn't speak, but supported the wall with his hands, and his body was a little shaky.

"Prepare the car! I'm getting out of here!"

"Okay, Miss Li!" Niu Xiong hurried to prepare the car.

Seeing that Li Xuexuan looked tired, Wen Zedong wanted to reach out to help her.

"Don't touch me!" Li Xuexuan yelled sensitively.

Wenzelton was startled, "Miss Leigh, I----"

Li Xuexuan waved his hand: "I'm very tired!"

"I'll help you leave!"

This time, Li Xuexuan didn't refuse, and handed it to Wen Zeton. Wen Zeton was full of surprises, but Miss Li didn't let him touch it before.

He hurriedly reached out to hold Li Xuexuan's fingertips, and helped her to leave slowly.

Chen Huimin and Dasha, who were waiting outside, looked at each other.

"Brother Min. What's wrong with Miss Lee? She looks listless?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Why is she walking so slowly? Is she hurt?"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"Brother Min, should we knock on the door and ask Mr. Shi?"

"If you don't want to die, just knock!"


Shi Zhijian had a nightmare.

In the dream, Li Xuexuan was chasing and slashing him frantically with a three-meter broadsword, shouting, "Shi Zhijian, you insult my innocence! I want your life!"

Shi Zhijian tried his best to dodge, "Hey, everyone is an adult, so you can't afford it, right? Besides, you delivered it to the door yourself, I'm right!"

"You're right? You are a despicable and shameless villain!"

"I admit it's despicable, it's a bit too shameless and humble! I, Shi Zhijian, are also shameful!"

"I want your head!" Li Xuexuan slashed with a big knife.

Shi Zhijian fled in a hurry.

Suddenly encountering Nie Yongqin on the road, Shi Zhijian shouted loudly, asking Nie Yongqin to save his life.

Nie Yongqin, however, gave him a flirtatious look and said, "The woman you provoked, deal with it by yourself!" After speaking, she walked away regardless of his life or death.

This woman is so ruthless!

Shi Zhijian was helpless and had to continue to run away. This time, he was lucky enough to meet Bella Di.

So Shi Zhijian yelled for Bella Di to save her life.

But Bella Di said: "Since you chose me to be the big house in front of everyone, you should cultivate your mind and don't mess around with flowers and troubles, but now you don't even let this demon girl surnamed Li let go, how do you want me to save you? You? I'm so disappointed!" After speaking, he walked away!

This woman is also ruthless!

In desperation, Shi Zhijian had to continue to flee in a hurry.

This time he met Su Youwei on the road.

"Youwei, help! Help me stop this crazy woman!" Shi Zhijian asked Su Youwei for help.

Sure enough, the woman who listens to him the most and treats him the best is Su Youwei!

Su Youwei didn't say anything and let Shi Zhijian hide behind her.

"The surnamed Li, you don't want to hurt my brother Jian!" Su Youwei was righteous, and she was not afraid of the fierce Li Xuexuan.

Li Xuexuan waved the machete and sneered: "You treat him as a brother, but he treats you as what? Let you be a child, let you be a cow and a horse, but he spends his time outside, seducing women casually!"

"Brother Jian is not such a person!"

"No? I think you're bewildered by him! A despicable and shameless villain like him who humiliates people's chastity, everyone gets it and kills him! Get out of the way!"

"I won't dodge! Brother Jian, run away!"

Under Shi Zhijian's eyelids, Li Xuexuan beheaded Su Youwei with a machete under the sword, blood splattered!

Shi Zhijian's eyes were splitting, he planned not to run away, he knelt on the ground and hugged Su Youwei's body and cried!

At this time, Li Xuexuan's voice sounded above his head, "Shi Zhijian, you have today too!"

Shi Zhijian raised his head sharply, and saw the dazzling big knife slashed down at the top of his head!

"Ah!" Shi Zhijian woke up from a nightmare.

He was stunned for a while, only then did he realize that everything was a dream just now, and he didn't know what magic trick the demon girl surnamed Li used, and she actually scared him enough!

After thinking about it for a while, I felt a cold sweat on my back! After wiping his eyes again, there were actually tears. It turned out that it was true that he hugged Su Youwei and cried a lot in the dream.

"Falling on the street! How could you have such a weird dream?" Shi Zhijian bent down and took a tissue from the bed to wipe away the tears.

"Mr. Shi! What happened?"

"Mr. Shi, do we want to go in?"

There was a knock on the door outside.

But it was Shi Zhijian who cried too loudly just now, startling Chen Huimin and Dasha who were waiting outside the door, and hurriedly knocked on the door to ask.

"I'm fine!" Shi Zhijian got out of bed, squeezed his slippers, and wiped his face with a tissue before walking over to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Huimin and Dasha rushed in nervously: "Mr. Shi, are you alright?"

The two looked around and found that there was no danger around.

"I said it's okay!" Shi Zhijian covered his nose with a tissue and blew his nose, coughed twice, "It's just freezing, I have a cold!"

"Oh, that's it!" Chen Huimin and Dasha finally let go of their hearts.

"Would you like to buy some cold medicine for you?"

"No, I'll go back to Tanglou later and ask my sister to help me cook a bowl of **** syrup."

"Aren't you going to the construction site today?"

"Don't go!" Shi Zhijian was in a bad mood because of the nightmare, and he didn't bother to go to the construction site Then I'll go prepare the car! "

"Well!" Seeing Chen Huimin leaving, Shi Zhijian asked Dasha, "Why, you didn't rest last night?"

"It's resting! Brother Min and I changed classes to rest! I saw the girl named Li come over last night. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I stayed outside!"

"You have a heart!" Shi Zhijian patted Dasha on the shoulder, thinking that the demon girl surnamed Li didn't do things directly, but ran into my dreams to do things! Also, Nie Yongqin and Bai Ledi are so ruthless, only Su Youwei treats me well!

Although he knew that it was just a dream, Shi Zhijian was still a little uncomfortable, feeling that Nie Yongqin and the others had betrayed him in the dream!

"Uh, Mr. Shi, you seem to be crying?" Dasha had no brains, and when he saw Shi Zhijian's eyes were red, he asked.

Shi Zhijian hurriedly wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands: "Tell you I have a cold! It's because of a cold!"

"Oh!" Dasha did not suspect him.

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