Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 908: Shark Island, a pirate theme park!

Just when Hong Kong raised 10 million to rescue Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian was lying on a big rock in a "reclining Buddha" posture on Shark Island, blowing the sea breeze and basking in the sun.

One of the two little pirates who was newly recruited by him beat him on the leg and the other on the back.

Shi Zhijian was barefoot, one foot rubbed the other.

On the big stone, a few words were written in bright red paint: "Mythology Home Sales Department!"

In front of the house sales department, three or four hundred pirates were lining up to sign a house purchase agreement with the salesperson of the Shinhwa Real Estate Company.

Because of too many "customers", Shi Zhijian had to temporarily recruit house salesmen, so Zheng Wanyi, Li Qiyi and other rich and powerful men who were kidnapped all became his "workers".

These bosses used to be prominent figures on the shore, but now they have to obey Shi Zhijian's dispatch to serve these vulgar and barbaric pirates.

"I've said many times that this public stall was not invented by us! It was invented by another real estate boss in Hong Kong! We just follow the rules!"

"A public stall invented on the street?"

"It seems that the last name is Li."

"Lee what?"

"This... do you know what this does?"

"I'm going to kill him with a knife!"

A pirate draws out his treasured sword.

the other side.

"I'm sorry, the down payment is 10,000 Hong Kong dollars! We also accept US dollars and pounds! Or you can use gold and silver jewelry to discount! As for you to exchange this big car of abalone, and this sea cucumber, it is not acceptable!"

"Why not? Are these not money?" the pirate said angrily. "Do you know that these treasures can be sold for a lot of money when they are pulled on land?"

"Cough, the problem is that you can't pull to land?"

"Are you mocking me?"

"Don't dare!"

"I'll hack you to death!"

Looking at the "sales department" who was slashing with swords and swords at every turn, the fat man Qiu Defu was scared to death.

Is this selling a house or filming?

And these pirates just buy a house, why do they have to bring a guy?

Today's gang is quite good. At least the things they bring are knives and swords. At most, there are those who dance with big hammers. Yesterday's one was outrageous, and they directly held the AK47 and shot into the sky!

For the first time, Qiu Defu knew that selling a house would be life-threatening!

What made Qiu Defu even more unexpected was that, except for the very few pirates who brought abalone and sea cucumbers to sell, the pirates on this Shark Island were really rich!

To be precise, it is a downright local tyrant!

Especially those female pirates, unlike male pirates who robbed money and then lost money in drinking and gambling, they are women who like to save money by nature!

Therefore, they have the most money and are also the best "quality customers" in Shi Zhijian's mouth.

When these high-quality customers took out piles of fishy-smelling Hong Kong dollars, US dollars, and British pounds out of sacks like garbage and put them on the table, Qiu Defu realized that he was shortsighted!

When these high-quality customers piled gold bars and emerald diamonds on the table like garbage, Qiu Defu realized that his thoughts were superficial!

This is not Shark Island, this is a mountain of gold!

In just two days, Shi Zhijian's mythical home has sold 300 houses, and the total capital has reached an astonishing 5 million!

In other words, Shi Zhijian is fully capable of paying half of his ransom if he wants to! Or directly help five people redeem themselves! And this is also the ultimate reason why these tycoons are willing to work for Shi Zhijian!

Thinking of this, Qiu Defu couldn't help but glance at Shi Zhijian, who was leaning on the stone and looked like he was on vacation. He really wanted to knock Shi Zhijian's head open with a hammer to see how long it was inside.


"I'm thirsty! Tom, have some drinks!" Shi Zhijian yawned and said to the little pirate beside him.

This little pirate is an orphan, half of the blood of a ghost, and his hair is yellow, which makes Shi Zhijian very fond of him and thinks of his old friend, Ghost Seven. .

And because the people on this island have no culture, and the little pirates have no serious names, many pirates even call them "dog eggs", "iron eggs", "sea urchins", "sea cucumbers", etc., so Shi Zhijian named the little pirates. called "Tom".

The name "Tom" is very foreign, and the little pirate likes it very much.

The little pirate Tom knocked open a coconut, then took a straw made of a tree branch, inserted it, and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian squinted, drinking natural coconut water.

"I'm hungry, Jerry, come get some food!" Shi Zhijian said to another little pirate.

Another little pirate, like Tom, is also an orphan of mixed breeds. He usually likes to stalk and fight with Tom the most. Shi Zhijian simply named him "Jerry".

When the little pirate Jerry saw what Shi Zhijian wanted to eat, he hurriedly took out the stolen candied fruit from his arms. Shi Zhijian took one and threw it into his mouth, praising: "It tastes great!"

Seeing Shi Zhijian eating well, Jerry was also very happy.

To tell the truth, orphans like him and Tom are not welcome on the island, because their parents died in battle, many people think they are broom stars, and because they are mixed blood, it is even more so. Contempt, let them stay on the island to fend for themselves. If Tom and Jerry hadn't had a hand in stealing, they would have starved to death long ago.

Tom and Jerry, who had been cared for and ignored since childhood, met Shi Zhijian.

Shi Zhijian's overflowing love not only gave them names, but also accepted them as younger brothers, which made Tom and Jerry, who have always lacked warmth, feel the feeling of being valued for the first time.

"Boss Shi, just tell me what you want to drink, and I'll go to the liquor warehouse on the island to steal it!"

"Boss Shi, just tell me what you want to eat, and I'll go to the food warehouse on the island to grab it!"

Shi Zhijian laughed and scolded: "You two need to change, don't steal or rob! Many things in this world can be bought with money!"

As he spoke, Shi Zhijian took out a roll of US dollars and threw it to the two of them, "Hey, this is a thousand dollars, you can buy a lot of things! You can buy whatever you want to eat and drink! By the way, Tom, you can buy it again! Buy a top! Look at you, the torn top is about to become a fishing net! And Jerry, you also buy a decent pair of pants, look at you, the pants are so rotten that your **** is about to be exposed!"

Tom and Jerry giggled: "Okay, boss!"

"Also, don't call me boss in the future, if you want to be gentle, call me Mr. Shi!"

"Okay, boss!"

Shi Zhijian rolled his eyes, "Tom, Jerry, do you have any ideals?"

"Ideal, what is ideal?"

Shi Zhijian pointed to the pirates who were buying houses: "Nuo, like them, their ideal is to have a home on the shore. What about your ideal?"

"Our ideals?" Tom and Jerry scratched their heads. "We want a home too, but ours is on Shark Island! We don't want to leave Shark Island."

After a pause, Tom added: "But I heard there are a lot of fun things on the shore, and Jerry and I have never played!"

"Yeah, we often hear people say that there are many playgrounds on the shore where children and adults can play, what small trains, merry-go-rounds, and pirate ships!"

"You have a lot of pirate ships here!" Shi Zhijian scolded with a smile, "Isn't it enough for you to play?"

Tom and Jerry laughed: "That's true! We are the biggest! If the gang on the shore saw it, they would be shocked!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, "How about we take this Shark Island down and develop it into a pirate paradise?"

"Uh? What do you mean?"

"Boss, do you want to be a pirate too?"

Shi Zhijian got up and laughed: "It's not that I want to be a pirate, but that I make this place a large-scale pirate adventure park!"

Facing the sun, Shi Zhijian stood up, with one hand on his hip, one finger pointed at Shark Island and scolded Fang Qiu: "When the time comes, I will spend a lot of money to build a pirate castle there, as for the jungle train over there, and the other side. On the side is your pirate ship! You can perform here, and the content of the performance is robbery at sea! At that time, many people will come here from land to buy tickets to enjoy your performance! Maybe you will become famous and become pirates. The big star in the paradise!"

"In addition, after the completion of this place, I will move my film company over and shoot a few movies about pirates. You can directly be actors and start acting in your true colors! The first movie is "Plan A", I will invite your favorite actors Dillon and David Jiang to star! If the box office is a big hit, I will continue to film "Plan A Sequel", and maybe I will invite the Hollywood team to come over and film "Pirates of the Caribbean"! Ha! Ha ha!"

Shi Zhijian talked about his ideas in high spirits, but he didn't notice that besides Tom and Jerry, more and more people gathered around!

For these pirates, some people want to buy a house and go ashore, and some are older and have social phobia, but they dare not go ashore!

They are nostalgic, unwilling to leave Shark Island, unwilling to leave their homes.

But they are looking forward to a new life, and they don't want to fight and kill, and robbery at sea all their lives!

After all, it is already the 1970s, countries have begun to have zero tolerance for pirates, and the marine police and navy equipment are more advanced, these pirates will be arrested at every turn, or directly killed in the battle at sea!

Invisibly, they hope that one day they can change their destiny, at least they can live with dignity and live like individuals!

Originally, this was just a dream of these people, but after they heard Shi Zhijian's words just now, it seemed like they saw the dawn!


"Mr. Shi, is everything you said true?"

Suddenly, a voice woke Shi Zhijian, who was in fantasy.

"Damn!" Shi Zhijian, who was standing on the big rock, was startled, only to see the crowd in front of him and didn't know when it was full of people!

At this moment, the person asking the question turned out to be Miss Ah Jiu.

The Aji who followed Ajiu was also staring at Shi Zhijian with wide eyes.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Shi Zhijian hadn't figured out the situation.

Ah Jiu tried her best to suppress her excitement. The words just now were actually asked by many people.

Ah Jiu knew that these people were unwilling to leave Shark Island, but also unwilling to be pirates again. If they were given a chance to choose, they would definitely choose to be human again!

"I mean you're going to develop Shark Island? You want us to be actors?"

"Yeah, we can't do anything! We're pirates, we can only rob houses!"

Shi Zhijian looked into countless pairs of eyes, and immediately understood what was going on, "Of course what I said is true! To be honest, I really like the land of Shark Island! It's very fun, and it's full of original adventure spirit! I I am a businessman, that is, a businessman. What I pursue is to maximize profits! From Shark Island, I have seen mountains of gold and silver treasures! You can say that I am a philistine or that I am insatiable. If you allow me, I can work with you. You sign a contract, I will invest in the development of this place, and set up a 'Mythical Pirate Paradise Entertainment Co., Ltd.', as the original residents of this land, you own half of the equity! If the company is profitable, I will share half of the profits with you. Let you worry about food and clothing in the future!"

When Shi Zhijian said this, not only Ah Jiu and the others were shocked,

Even Qiu Defu and the others were shocked!

What are you doing?

Develop a pirate theme park?

Big money!

At this moment, everyone on the scene began to emerge a magnificent picture!

Shark Island has become a paradise!

Crowds of people!

The kids are having fun!

The adults are joking!

Their group of primitive inhabitants turned into pirates and performed their special skills in robbing houses!

On the other hand, the big film companies are filming here, and they have become actors in the play!

"Dill Dillon and David Jiang really come here to film?"

"Can we be actors too?"

"Can we get dividends then?"

Just when everyone was looking forward to the future, a discordant voice said: "Don't believe him! He is a big liar! He wants to bring down our Shark Island!"

A word awakened everyone, Qi Qi looked towards the place where the voice was made, but saw He Sangu, who had been on the wrong side of Miss A Jiu, came with two big men and skinny monkeys, coming over with a majesty!

With a bang!

He Sangu overturned the signing table to the ground!

The big guy even went up and smashed the table to pieces with big feet!

The skinny monkey held an AK47 and stared at Shi Zhijian and the to prevent them from doing anything.

He Sangu shocked the audience and walked up to Shi Zhijian proudly. She glanced at Shi Zhijian contemptuously, then turned her head and said to A Jiu: "A Jiu, you traitor! How dare you collude with outsiders to subvert Shark Island, I think What else do you have to say?!"

Ah Jiu was not frightened by He Sangu's words, but stepped forward and said, "What evidence do you have when you say I subverted Shark Island?"

"Evidence? Everything here is evidence!" He Sangu snatched a house purchase contract and said, "What do you guys think of this place? Are you still selling your house here? I lost it. Your mother's, when we are dead!"

"Yeah, when we are dead, believe it or not, Lao Tzu gave you money?" The skinny monkey threatened Shi Zhijian with an AK47.

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