Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 914: Do whatever you want!

The storm is getting stronger tonight!

Thunder and lightning.

The Chaozhou Guild Hall has always been the place where the Hong Kong police and the community meet. To put it bluntly, it is a place where black and white talk about things. At this moment, the huge conference hall is crowded with people and smoky.

"What the **** is this Yan Xiong doing? It's raining so hard and calling us so late!"

"Yeah, I'm so proud of myself tonight. I just hooked up with a student girl who is studying at the University of Hong Kong. I was called here when I made an appointment to open a room in Kowloon Tong!"

"I haven't recovered from my cold in the past few days. I finally drank the decoction and fell asleep, and was woken up by the phone call of Yan!"

"It's the same! Chasing the soul on the phone! My wife was frightened!"

Among the four major detectives in Hong Kong, the iron-headed Lan Gang, the black-faced Han Sen, as well as the Hutchison boss Baitouweng, the Yiqun boss Laihao, the 14K boss Ge Tianwang, and the Xinji Xiang The boss and others sat upright in the council hall, with the plaque above their heads "Loyalty forever!"

Standing on both sides of the council hall with their arms in their arms are the most capable red sticks around them.

"Hey, Pulsatilla! Have you heard the news? What the **** is Yan Xiong doing?" Yiqun boss Laihao asked Pudding Weng Zhenguolong while biting his cigar.

Zhen Guolong's granddaughter is Nie Yongqin, and Nie Yongqin is Shi Zhijian's second wife in the future, and Lame Hao is the brother of Shi Zhijian.

Where does the Pulsatilla know what's going on.

For the sake of safety, the news of Shi Zhijian's kidnapping was blocked and no one knew.

When Yan Xiong spread the news, they thought the news was fake. In their perception, Shi Zhijian was a man of great fortune. How can smart people be kidnapped by pirates?

But at this time, the white-headed Weng Zhenguolong couldn't sit still, because he called his granddaughter Nie Yongqin, but the other party has not replied yet.

"Is there really something wrong with Ajian?" Zheng Guolong was very satisfied with Shi Zhijian's grandson-in-law, and his expression changed suddenly when he thought of this.

"Bah bah bah! You old guy can't say some auspicious words?" Lai Hao spit on the ground, "A Jian is my good brother, he is smart and cruel, will he be kidnapped by those vulgar pirates with no culture? Just kidding. !"

"I don't want to believe it either, but... Yong Qin hasn't called yet!" Pulsatilla frowned.

Lame Hao froze for a moment, "Maybe it's raining and she's inconvenient! Look, there's thunder, rumbling, girls are afraid of thunder!"

Hearing Lame Hao's words, Bai Tou Weng was a little comforted, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and said angrily to Lame Hao: "Pu, your mother! Just now you lame man called me what? Old guy? I'm A Jian. His future grandfather, you actually called me an old guy? Believe it or not, I will sue you when he comes back, so that you can't finish eating and leave?"

Lai Hao was frightened, he didn't care about the cigar in his mouth, he hurriedly bowed his hands to the white-headed Weng, and said with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was a little impulsive just now! As a Justice of the Peace, you can be a former club boss, so your mouth will inevitably stink, please forgive me!"

The white-headed Weng snorted coldly and stared at the lame man blowing his beard.

Lai Hao continued: "Don't tell me you don't know, I didn't want to come to this meeting at first, but I can't beat my friends from the rivers and lakes, and the gang from the club! Boundaries, I want to be a good person!"

The white-headed Weng heard the words: "Pu, your mother! You are a good person, what am I? Are you scolding me around the corner?"

The lame man and the bald man were having a lively quarrel here.

Han Sen and Lan Gang, the four detectives over there, were also talking about tonight.

Lan Gang leaned back on the chair, with a cigarette in his mouth, shaking his thighs and said to Han Sen, "Hey, what do you think Yan Xiong is doing so late?"

Han Sen said grimly: "Brother Luo went to Scotland Yard for training. During this time, Yan Xiong kept recruiting troops in the police circle, and took a lot of money to bribe his immediate boss. What do you think he is going to do?"

Lan Gang suddenly regained his energy, straightened up and stared at Han Sen: "Does he want to take the opportunity to take the position?"

Han Sen's eyes were gloomy: "If it's just a simple job, it's fine, I'm afraid of him-----"

Lan Gang stared at Han Sen.

"I'm afraid he wants to step on Brother Luo's head!"

Lan Gang's pupils shrank, and smirked: "No way, he fought with Brother Luo for so long and didn't get any advantage, and was finally included by Brother Luo! You can also see that he usually flattered Brother Luo. , you are so flattering, how can you dare to sin?"

Han Sen listened to Lan Gang's words, and his eyes gleamed: "Don't you know who Yan Xiong is?"

Lan Gang stopped talking.

Yes, who is Yan Xiong?

A few of them know best!

A typical smile hides a knife, smiles a tiger!

People can bend and stretch!

I used to be good at flattering the ghosts, and relying on the blessings of the ghosts to fight against Lai Luo! After Lai Luo took over as Inspector General Hua and Chief Inspector, he immediately lowered his head and conceded defeat, putting his posture very low, like a dog in front of Lai Luo, and was even looked down upon by many people who used to be with him, thinking that He's spineless, he's a jerk!

But Lan Gang knew that all this was Yan Xiong's surface, but the core of this soft head was still the first of the four once majestic detectives!

How scary would it be for someone who was trampled down on their knees but still smiled? Thinking of this, even the iron man Lan Gang had some hair standing on end and shuddered.

Just when everyone was talking about it, there was a bang!

The door of the conference hall was pushed open, and two confidants, Doujiqiang and Agui, walked in from the outside, surrounded by Yan Xiong.

It was raining heavily outside, so that Yan Xiong was wet on his shoulders, and it looked like he was caught in the rain when he got off the bus.

As soon as Yan Xiong entered the room, he hurriedly folded his hands and folded his fists to greet everyone, and said, "I'm sorry everyone! I'm really sorry! I called you in the middle of the night to tell everyone to come to a meeting, and it was raining so hard outside. Really ashamed!"

"Yan Xiong, don't be ashamed! If you have anything, just say it! Don't play this trick with us!"

"Yeah, do you think you are Brother Luo! Can you show off your strength in front of us? We are for Brother Luo. When Brother Luo went to England, he told us that there was something for you to arrange, so we endured our anger and came here! Pu! Your grandmother, the rain is so annoying! You are still chasing souls on the phone in the middle of the night!"

Xinyi'an yelled at Yan Xiong to the boss and the 14K Ge Tianwang very dissatisfied.

Yan Xiong smiled, and walked over to look at the leading seat in the conference hall. That seat used to be the exclusive seat for Lai Luo when he was in a meeting, and no one else was qualified to sit there. Of course, he didn't dare to sit!

Yan Xiong walked to his seat, instead of sitting down, he clapped his hands on the back of the chair and said, "When you talk about Brother Luo, I also respect his old man! But his old man is in London now and can't see yours. , you are so loud, he can't hear it, you don't have to work so hard to express your loyalty, right?"

"Yan Xiong, what did you say?"

"Are you taunting us?"

He was furious at the boss and Ge Tianwang.

The others also looked at Yan Xiong with astonishment, wondering if he was taking the wrong medicine, how dare he say such a thing!

The white-headed Weng Zhenguolong is also the oldest and the oldest old man in the four major clubs, and even the big water piper Shi Zhijian, even Lei Luo had to give him three points in front of him. Xiong, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense! How can you say that everyone has known each other for a while, and they are all begging for food on the rivers and lakes, you are going too far! If I were you, I would choose to ask them at this time. You two apologize!"

Hearing this, Yan Xiong hurriedly bowed to the white-headed Weng: "It's my fault! It's my fault! Damn it, I'm not loyal, I'm a despicable and shameless villain!"

Seeing Yan Xiong doing this, everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

The white-headed Weng became angry, and Li Kuohua, his confidant next to him, couldn't help but stand up: "Yan Xiong, are you mocking our Lord Long?"

The smile on Yan Xiong's face subsided, and he walked step by step to the angry Li Kuohua. Without a word, he slapped Li Kuohua on the cheek!

Li Kuohua, who was slapped in the face, had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth at that time, and the whole person was staggered!

Everyone at the scene was stunned, but they didn't expect that Yan Xiong would suddenly hit someone!

The bald-headed Weng Zhenguolong was even more furious, and this was about to hit the case. At this time, Yan Xiong shouted: "Come on, torture him! I'm embarrassing you! Dare to resist and kill him on the spot!"

clap clap clap!

Footsteps sounded!

Thirty or forty policemen armed with guns and bullets broke in!

Li Kuohua wiped the corner of his mouth, then spit two **** spit on the ground, and spoke to Yan Xiong with his red and swollen cheeks: "Yan Xiong, I..."

"Did you call Yan Xiong? No big or small! Since your boss doesn't know how to teach you to be a man, I'll teach you!" Yan Xiong stared with murderous intent.

Many bigwigs around looked at each other in dismay, not understanding what Yan Xiong was doing?

The white-headed Weng Zhenguo saw that the military police really wanted to handcuff his confidant Li Kuohua, and couldn't help but slap the case: "Yan Xiong, you are too presumptuous! You really don't take me and Ji in your eyes?"

"Yeah, Yan Xiong, you----" Ge Tianwang was about to stand up and say a few words.

"You don't have the right to speak!" Yan Xiongji pointed at Ge Tianwang, "If you don't want me to wipe out your 14K, just stand up!"

Yan Xiong is crazy!

This is Ge Tianwang's first reaction.

So his raised **** sat down again.

"Yan Xiong, don't lose your temper, you have something to say!" Xinji said to the boss.

"Shut up for me too!" Yan Xiong pointed at him again.

The big brother's face was blue and white, and he was very angry.

Yan Xiong looked arrogant and domineering, "There are more than 30 people here who are all my people! There are also 300 people outside! I know what you say, who should be obedient?"

The place was silent.

After a while, Lai Hao slowly stood up and said: "Yan Xiong, I don't care what you want to do tonight, I hope you can figure out one thing, I Wu Guohao is not only a righteous boss, but also a gentleman of the balance conferred by the Hong Kong Governor! Taiping! What is the title of a gentleman, I think you should know better than me?"

Yan Xiong smiled, his triangular eyes gleaming faintly at Lai Hao: "If you don't tell me, I really forgot! Oh, I'm so scared! A Justice of the Peace is so sharp, has the power of inspector, and can hear cases. Even the big tycoon will call you JP when he sees you!"

Lai Hao heard Yan Xiong's sarcastic tone, leaning on crutches and biting a cigar, his face ashen.

"But what to do? You are JP, you are a high-ranking Justice of the Peace, how could you appear in such a place?" Yan Xiong pointed to the surroundings with a pretense of exaggeration, "This is the council hall of the Jianghu Association! I saw that plaque. No, loyalty forever! Do you know what it means? It means that you are all thieves! You are a thief!" Yan Xiong pointed at Lame Hao, "You are also a thief!" Then he pointed at Pulsatilla, and finally at Ge Tianwang and Xiang Da The guy said: "And you two, you are both thieves!"

"Why don't you talk? How come you, a dignified JP, are with a large group of thieves?" Yan Xiong stared at Lame Hao with a smile, "Would you like me to call a reporter and let you publish it, I'm sure tomorrow The headlines! The big topic is the generation of Justice of the Peace, Wu Guohao, gathering with all the thieves, and making a big noise in the council hall with uneven distribution of spoils!"

As they were talking, they saw Fighting Jiqiang and Agui came in from the outside with two bags with a smile, and slammed down on the table. There were bags of white things on the table!

Lame Hao's eyelids twitched, very familiar! Those were all necessities when he ran a fan stall in the past!

"How about it, are you excited to go back to your old business?" Yan Xiong said playfully, "Why do you want to wash it ashore? It's so good to sell these things, but why do you want to sell washing powder! How much can washing powder make? It's not even enough to plug your teeth!"

"Yan Xiong, are you obsessed with me?" Li Hao was furious, raised his cane and his eyes were splitting!

Yan Xiong took a step back, and the military police next to him pointed their guns at Lame Hao.

"Tsk tsk, you're a pretty smart cripple, you know that I want to **** you!" Yan Xiong shrugged, then he reached out and grabbed the cigarette on the table and bit it in his mouth, pretending to light it casually, took a few puffs, and then said: "This is the meeting room of the Chaozhou Chamber of Commerce. Many of you here are from Chaozhou, and Lai Luo seems to be from Chaozhou! What a coincidence! I am also from Chaozhou! After all, we are all family members! Lai Luo is home. Jilang, you can help him and listen to his orders; I am also a Jilang, why are you all against me? Well, why?"

Yan Xiong stepped forward like a madman, grabbed the lame man's shirt and glared at him Let me guess what you dead lame man is thinking now? Oh, by the way, you are thinking that your good brother Laylo will come to save you. What should you do? He is in London and can't fly! By the way, and your good brother Shi Zhijian, he is also very sharp. Even Lei Luo relies on him to take the top position. I am so envious and afraid of him! "

A sinister smile appeared on Yan Xiong's face, "But what should I do? He died! To be precise, he was torn up by pirates!"

"What did you say?" Lai Hao's face changed greatly!

Hearing this, the white-headed Weng was even more energized and bloody, standing unsteady and almost fell to the ground!

"You don't understand me when I speak Mandarin?" Yan Xiong sneered, his eyes taken away from the lame man, and he glanced around the crowd and said, "I'm talking, Shi Zhijian, I'm on the street!"

Suddenly, the whole scene was silent!

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