Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 917: Let me tear down your bones!

Da Daxiong stretched out his hand and grabbed a man's hair, pressing his head down hard, hitting his knees! Break the bridge of the opponent's nose directly! The other hand grabbed the wrist of the second knifeman, slammed it forward, and grabbed the machete from his hand!

Da Daxiong grabbed the machete without pausing, stepped forward, and slashed the third knifeman to the ground with one knife!

One, two, three, four!

Soon, more than half of the twenty or so knifemen were on the ground or groaning in pain, and at this moment there were only six or seven people around Daxiong.

Holding the handle of the knife, Da Daxiong couldn't stop turning his steps, the blade's ring finger surrounded the six or seven people who were persecuting, and he opened his mouth to reveal a grin: "Fuck you! If it weren't for Lao Tzu's belly fat these days, you would have died a long time ago. Drop!" After saying that, wheezing, gasping for breath!

Yan Xiong was angry, and glanced at Zhang Jiuding, a nervous-looking Hong Yihai boss, and said in a displeased tone: "Zhang Jiuding, you have taught a good student, so you can fight like that!"

Zhang Jiuding didn’t know what to say. In the past, Da Daxiong was really good at fighting under his sect. Even Zhang Jiuding personally taught Da Daxiong’s kung fu. On the contrary, Jiuding didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Zhang Jiuding didn't speak, Yan Xiong turned to look at Fighting Cock, who was holding an umbrella for him, "Fighting, who are these people you are looking for? Didn't you have enough food? Can't even handle one of the twenty people? "

Cockfighting Qiang is obviously a little embarrassed. These people are all good players that he paid for from the rivers and lakes. It is said that they are very powerful.

How does Doujiang know that it's not that the hired swordsmen are too bad, but that Daxiong knows that he will die and perform exceptionally well! In a fight, they risk their lives at every turn. Those swordsmen do things with money, not desperately. The more people there are, the less willing they are to fight for their blood. Forced to step back again and again!

"I'm sorry, Master Yan! I must have made a mistake with this loud and terrifying beast! I will urge them to deal with it as soon as possible!"

"The beasts are still fighting? You also learned idioms from people when you were fighting cocks? Also, it's not raining here, don't help me hold an umbrella, go and help them kill me with the slap on the street!" Yan Xiong said sharply .

"Yes, Master Yan!" Fighting Jiqiang didn't dare to hesitate any longer, he hurriedly closed the umbrella he was holding and prepared to take the weapon and go forward to fight with the gang of swordsmen.

At this time, Fu Cong, the tiger of Macau next to Yan Xiong, said, "I'll do it! These pleasures are a waste of time!"

"What are you talking about? It's a pleasure to talk about it? Also, if you don't want Lord Yan to take care of you, you will be lawless. Be careful if you kill someone, you will be killed!" Fighting Jiqiang was very dissatisfied with the look in Fu Cong's eyes.

Although Fu Cong had been with Yan Xiong for two days, they were in the limelight, and in turn, both Jiujiang and Agui were almost like decorations!

Now Yan Xiong is about to take charge of the black and white of Xiangjiang, as long as he holds his thighs tightly, he will have a bright future in the future! Fighting Cock is not willing to be robbed of his glory by Fu Cong!

However, Fu Cong ignored the cockfighting force at all, as if the cockfighting force did not exist, he went straight forward, waved arrogantly at those swordsmen, and said, "Side edge!"

Those knives also have tempers. They were beaten by Da Daxiong and couldn't raise their heads, but now they are so contemptuous by Fu Cong that they couldn't help but want to lose their temper. At this time, Yan Xiong said, "Fu Cong, if you can handle it, No matter if you are under Fu Shao or not, if you come to Hong Kong to play in the future, I will cover you!"

When the swordsmen heard the words, they all shut up.

How glorious is it to be covered by Yan Xiong, the future number one in the Hong Kong police? !


Fu Cong twisted his neck, rolled up his sleeves, opened his mouth and clasped his fists at Da Daxiong: "Macao, Fu Cong!"

Holding a long sword, Da Daxiong felt the murderous aura that filled Fu Cong from standing up. According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, he casually clasped his fists: "Hong Xing, Da Daxiong!"

Fu Cong flicked his legs and said contemptuously, "Give you a chance! Kneel down and kowtow now, and apologize to Master Yan! Maybe, I can let you go!"

Lou Xiong laughed, and the long knife pointed at Fu Cong: "If you want me to kneel down, ask me first the knife in my hand!"

"It's a man!" After Fu Cong blurted out the word "man", he rushed out like a tiger!

With a tiger roar!

Fu Congye has appeared in front of Da Daxiong!

Da Da Xiong slashed the opposite side with his long sword!

Fu Cong snarled again, his right hand turned into a fist without evading, and directly punched the long blade!

Bang Bang!

Sparks fly!

Seeing that Fu Cong's fist was safe and sound, it was wearing tiger fingers!

In a moment of stunned Daxiong, Fu Cong turned his left hand into a tiger claw and grabbed Daxiong's throat!

Dashengxiong moved slightly slower, the tiger claws slid down his throat, and with a stab, five bloodstains appeared from Daxingxiong's chest to his abdomen, and he was almost cut open!

Seeing that Fu Cong succeeded in one move, he stopped shooting, stood arrogantly, opened his left hand, but caught a bunch of black chest hair!

Da Xiong looked down and saw that the chest hair he was proud of was running out!

"Fuck you in the street, dare to mess with my hair?!" Loud Xiong was furious.

"Not only will I mess with you, but I will kill you!" Fu Cong finished speaking and bullied himself up again. The fist with tiger fingers on his right hand smashed the long knife in Dashengxiong's hand, and the tiger claws in his left hand were like a ghostly move. Male throat!

Daxiong had no strength when he was fighting with the twenty or so swordsmen before. At this time, he had no power to fight back in the face of Fu Cong's stormy attack.

With a bang, Fu Cong slammed another iron fist on Da Da Xiong's steel knife, and Da Da Xiong was staggered!

Fu Cong exhaled the tiger claw with his left hand!

When he was grabbing at Daxiong's throat, he suddenly snapped on Daxiong's shoulder: "I'll abolish one of your arms, let's see how you fight me!"


Loud male shoulder blades shattered!

The severe pain made Da Da Xiong about to bite his teeth, but he didn't snort, staggered a few steps back to the sandbag! Leaning on the sandbag and panting!

Fu Cong succeeded in one move, and once again stood up like a cat and a mouse and smirked loudly: "How is it, does it taste good?"

Da Xiong endured the pain and grinned: "It's so cool! It's so cool!"

"Don't admit defeat!" Fu Cong sneered.

Daxiong looked at his left arm that was caught, and picked up the fist belt that was thrown under his feet. These fist belts were used for punching and wrapping his hands.

Daxiong put down the long knife, leaned on the sandbag, bit the belt with his mouth, and tied his abolished left arm tightly to his chest, then picked up the long knife again and said to Fu Cong, "Come on!"

"court death!"

Fu Conghu rushed over!

Dao Xiong has a flash!

Tiger claws caught blasting sandbags!

The quicksand in the bag gushed out!

Fu Cong's body was like a spinning top, and a swirl appeared in front of Daxiong again, and his right fist with tiger fingers smashed towards Daxiong's other arm: "If you let go of your arm again, what will you use to fight me?"

Da Daxiong was seriously injured, and Fu Cong exerted a lot of strength, how could he avoid it!


The tiger finger hit the right arm of Dashengxiong!

Right arm bone cracked!

The long knife could no longer be held, and it fell to the ground!


Da Daxiong spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered back to the wall behind him, the window above his head was rattled by the strong wind, and the drizzle drifted over his head!

Dashengxiong leaned against the wall and slowly fell to the ground, blood constantly seeping from the corners of his mouth, he said, "Cool... so cool!"

Seeing that Daxiong was beaten to death by himself, and still looked like this, Fu Cong really admired it and said, "I won't cry without seeing the coffin! Now you know that I'm amazing!"

Da Daxiong giggled, until tears almost came out of his eyes, "Fuck you in the street... I, if I hadn't been playing with women for a while, and my belly was a little big, don't think about winning me so easily!"

Seeing Fu Cong succeeding next to him, Yan Xiong urged, "Quick and quick, don't be long-winded!"

Daxiong laughed with all his might: "Come on, give Lao Tzu a good time!"

Fu Cong snorted coldly, "Okay, I'll take you on your way!"

After saying that, his eyes burst into a sullen look, he stepped forward to grab Da Da Xiong's neck, moved his right fist with tiger fingers, and pulled his fist full of archery: "Look more clearly! The one who kills you!"

Seeing that Fu Cong was about to blow out Da Da Xiong's head with one punch, a gust of wind came from behind him!

Fu Cong didn't want to continue to kill Da Daxiong, so he turned back to parry, and Bang Bang and the man made two hard moves!

Look at that person again, it is Zhang Jiuding!


Zhang Jiuding suddenly stepped forward to rescue Da Daxiong, which not only made Fu Cong's difference inexplicable, but also shocked Yan Xiong, who was watching the battle, and roared, "Zhang Jiuding, what are you doing?"

Zhang Jiuding resisted Fu Cong's fist twice, turned around and clasped his fist at Yan Xiong: "I'm sorry, Master Yan! No matter how wrong Ah Xiong is, he is still my apprentice! As the saying goes, one day is a teacher for life. Father! I can't just watch him die!"

When Yan Xiong heard this, he laughed instead of being angry: "What are you talking about, old guy? It's time to have a deep love with my lecturer, a loving father and a filial son?"

Zhang Jiuding said in a loud voice: "I don't know what the current rules of the rivers and lakes are, but the rivers and lakes in my time were all about loyalty. For the sake of loyalty, I could sacrifice myself for righteousness, and for the sake of loyalty, I could stick a knife in both sides and splatter five steps with blood... "

"I'll make you splatter five steps with blood today!" Yan Xiong said angrily, "Old guy, you brought it on yourself! Originally, I invited you to come here to persuade your apprentice to surrender, so that everyone can enjoy the glory and wealth together, but I didn't expect him to be ignorant. Now it's your turn to chatter here and teach me how to be a human being. What do I mean by loyalty? As you know, loyalty is a fist! If the fist is hard enough, the other is the winner! It is the formulation of the rules of the rivers and lakes By!"

After Yan Xiong finished speaking, he instructed Fu Cong: "Kill this old guy, how much is the reward, how much will I give!"

Yan Xiong is really angry at the moment!

Originally looking for Zhang Jiuding here to help, but now it has become a thorn!

"Master Ding, you don't have to do this! Kekeke!" Dashengxiong leaned against the wall and said to Zhang Jiuding in the drizzle.

Zhang Jiuding looked at the window above Daxiong's head, "Xiongzi, would you like to close the window for you, I remember that you are the most protected from wind and rain!"

Loud Xiong is about to cry! Xiongzai was his nickname, and it was also the name that Zhang Jiuding liked to call him when he worshipped Zhang Jiuding and entered the school. At that time, Da Daxiong was not in good health due to fighting with others and his body could not stand the cold, so Zhang Jiuding gave him a bath with homemade Chinese medicine, and every time Da Daxiong rested, Zhang Jiuding would quietly help him close the doors and windows!

"Master Ding, you..."

"Don't talk, wait for me to avenge you first!" Zhang Jiuding wore a green robe and rolled up his sleeves.

Yes, even he himself doesn't know why he suddenly stood up to save Daxiong!

Just when Da Daxiong was about to die, Zhang Jiuding's mind resurfaced in bits and pieces of the past.

At that time, Xiongzai was his apprentice, his leader, and the biggest contributor to his founding of Hong Yihai!

At that time, Xiongzi didn't speak so loudly, and he was not called Daxiong. He was just a hot-tempered young man. When he saw him, he laughed and shouted, "Master, I love you! When you are old, I will be filial to you. "The hairy boy!

Since he abdicated to become a virtuous person and stopped being a big boss of Hong Yihai, Zhang Jiuding was very satisfied with his current life at first.

But slowly, Zhang Jiuding always felt that he had lost something.

Those things are very important, but he can't remember them!

He didn't know what it was until one day!

The older you get, the more nostalgic you get!

He lost the pride he once had! Lost the loyalty that I once had! Lost his ideals and principles of life! Also lost the once high-spirited Zhang Jiuding!

The current Zhang Jiuding looks carefree and does not worry about eating and drinking, but in fact he is just a walking dead!

But Zhang Jiuding, who was the walking dead, woke up at that moment! And shot to save Da Daxiong!

"Hey, old guy! You're too old, I'll never fight a guy like you that's half-dead, you'd better get out of the way and let me send this kid on the road!" Fu Cong has always been arrogant and doesn't want to bully the old, the weak, the sick! In his eyes, Zhang Jiuding was so old that he could kill him with just two punches!

Zhang Jiuding didn't expect Fu Cong to be so arrogant, he stroked his beard and smiled!

I saw him walking to the weapon rack on display in the boxing gym, shouting loudly, and with a single kick, he lifted a large sword similar to the Azure Dragon and Moon Sword into the air. : "Young man, don't let people say that you are the tiger of Macau, you really think you are a tiger! I tell you, no matter how powerful a tiger is, someone will tear it apart and make wine in the end! Today, let me tear it down. Lose your bones!"

After saying Zhang Jiuding took a steady step, raised his robe, pushed his long beard, and put on a Guan Gong posture behind his long knife!

Fu Cong didn't take the old guy Zhang Jiuding in his eyes at first. How powerful can a dead old man who is about to sink into the ground? But seeing Zhang Jiuding picking up the knife just now, his eyelids jumped, and he immediately restrained his contempt.

For the first time, Fu Cong solemnly took off the tiger finger on his right glove, patted it, and threw it on the ground, then unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the two Emei thorns crossed at the back of his waist!

An inch long and an inch strong, an inch short an inch dangerous!

Many people outside only know that Fu Cong, the Tiger of Macau, is best at Hong Quan and Tiger Claws, but they don't know that Fu Cong's most powerful is Emei Thorn! Because all those who knew his Emei thorn were dead!

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