Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 922: Who is the king of law? !

"Why did the Cheung Kong people come here?"

"Li Jiacheng didn't come, but sent his brother-in-law here!"

Shi Yufeng, Xu Sanshao, Huo Shao and the others looked surprised.

At this time, Zhuang Jiajun had entered the mourning hall.

"Stop the visitor!" shouted the master of ceremonies. "Go forward and salute! One bow, another bow, three bows! Family members answer!"

Shi Yufeng gave Bao'er to the little nanny Papaya, and personally brought Nie Yongqin, Bai Ledi, and Su Youwei on the ground to return the salute to Zhuang Jiajun.

Zhuang Jiajun, in a suit and leather shoes, looked very solemn and bowed to the black and white photo of Shi Zhijian, and accepted the return of Shi Yufeng and others, and then said: "Miss Shi, this time I represent my brother-in-law Li Jiacheng, and we, Cheung Kong Industrial, are here to pay homage to Shi Zhijian. Sir! I hope that the festival will change!"

"Boss Li has a heart, Mr. Zhuang, you have worked hard too!"

Zhuang Jiajun nodded his head and asked someone to place the wreath he brought in a prominent place. Then he glanced at Shi Zhijian's photo and said in his heart, "Shi Zhijian, Shi Zhijian, I admit that you are sharper than me, but in the end, you are better than me. Early death! So the world is fair!" Full of pride and pleasure, Zhuang Jiajun couldn't help but took a cigarette from his pocket and wanted one.

"Sorry, you can't eat cigarettes here!" Xu Sanshao stepped forward and said coldly.

Zhuang Jiajun shrugged: "I'm sorry! I'll put it away first!"

Zhuang Jiajun put the cigarette back into the cigarette case and put it in his arms.

"Xu Shao, Huo Shao, it looks like you are working very hard. I actually envy Shi Zhijian, to have close friends like you! But I still have to tell the two of you that your health is important, and sometimes don't take things too seriously!"

"Young Master Zhuang has a heart! And thank you for the wreath you sent!"

"My brother-in-law personally helped to choose the wreath, it's purely handmade!" Zhuang Jiajun said, "My brother-in-law asked me to send a message to everyone, it's better to solve the enemy than to knot, and the death and debt disappear like a lamp!"

"Boss Li is really generous!" Xu Sanshao's tone was full of sarcasm.

Back then, Shi Zhijian defeated Li Jiacheng several times, but they all gave him the opportunity to turn him around. That's all for a defeated general, there is still the face to talk about the debt elimination, and I don't even think about who was merciful in the first place!

Xu Sanshao is smooth, but Huo Dashao is very upright.

Listening to Zhuang Jiajun's remarks at this moment, it seems that Shi Zhijian owes Li Jiacheng a lot, and Li Jiacheng will not be held accountable when he sees Shi Zhijian's death!

Immediately, he said angrily, "What are you talking about? Who should be grateful? If it wasn't for Ah Jian's mercy back then, your Cheung Kong Industries would have been annexed by the myth!"

Zhuang Jiajun's face turned slightly red, "Hey, I'm a guest today! Don't talk like this, it will hurt you!"

"So what if I'm hurt? No matter what, I have to seek justice for A Jian!"

Zhuang Jiajun didn't expect Huo Dashao to be so rigid, and some of them couldn't get off the stage, just at this moment-----

"Sister Yufeng, Xu Shao, Huo Shao, someone is here!"

With the loud shout, I heard a commotion outside, and a large group of people came!

Everyone couldn't help but look out in surprise, and then they saw five cars parked in front of the funeral home.

First, four sedans opened, but it was the detectives from various districts in Hong Kong, plainclothes!

These people got out of the car and did not act immediately. Second, they stared at one of the cars whose doors had not been opened.

Yan Xiong's confidant, Agui, got out of the car and helped to open the door. Only then did Yan Xiong, who was short in stature, get out of the car in a reckless manner.

The gang of detectives in plainclothes hurried up, "Hello, Chief Inspector Yan!"

Yan Xiong waved his hand and looked proud!

"Everyone, come in with me!"

After speaking, Yan Xiong was surrounded by the crowd, as if the stars were holding the moon towards the mourning hall.

Shi Yufeng, Xu Sanshao, Huo Dashao and others saw that Yan Xiong's battle was unclear, so did they come to worship or fight? Why are those people still armed with guns? !

"Stop the visitor!" shouted the master of ceremonies. "Go forward and salute! One bow, another bow, three bows! Family members answer!"

Yan Xiong did a good job and led the crowd to worship Shi Zhijian's portrait. Without waiting for Shi Yufeng, Nie Yongqin and the others to kneel in return, he took out a handkerchief and blew his nose. Then he pointed to the portrait of Shi Zhijian and said, "This photo is so pretty!"

He turned around and said to the people who followed him: "I remember it well, Shi Zhijian is one of the few handsome guys I know! By the way, he has many nicknames, what are they called Chushuijian, traitor Jian, and God of Wealth Jian! All of them! So sharp!"

"Yan Xiong, what do you mean by that?" Shi Yufeng said angrily.

"What do I mean? I'm complimenting you for being handsome. Why, I'm stumped that I'm wrong?"

Shi Yufeng could see that Yan Xiong's worship today was fake, and he was clearly here to find fault!

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao were also clear, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Inspector Yan, give me a face, just leave after worshipping, no need to talk about it here!"

"Face for you, or face for this lame woman? By the way, correct me, now I'm not the inspector, but the chief inspector!" Yan Xiong deliberately took out his certificate to brighten it up, looking at Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao. People, "So the two of you don't have to speak so loudly in the future, I can hear it!"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao looked at each other, not expecting Yan Xiong to be promoted so quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, Yan Xiong turned his head to look at Zhuang Jiajun and said, "Young Master Zhuang, if you're done worshipping, then leave as soon as possible, it will be very chaotic here later!"

As soon as Zhuang Jiajun heard this, he understood what it meant.

Where will he go, but waiting to see a good show!

"Chief Inspector Yan has a heart, congratulations to Zhazhi, and invite you to drink another day!"

"It's easy to say!" Yan Xiong is even more proud, and the people who have invited him to drink recently are all lined up until next year!

"Yan Xiong, what are you going to do?" Xu Sanshao stepped forward and asked.

Yan Xiong was not afraid at all, but went up to meet him, his triangular eyes flashing fiercely forcing Xu Sanshao to say: "Three young masters, you come from a big family, I respect you so much! So I remind you, you must be careful when choosing friends! Now Fu The foundation stone laying ceremony of the Furama Hotel is held there, if I were you, I would go with Huo Shao to congratulate you, instead of staying here and guarding a black and white photo!"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Is there?" Yan Xiong smiled grimly, "I'm a policeman, I never rely on threats, do you know what to rely on? Evidence! Not long ago, I received a tip that someone was holding an illegal transaction here! Come on, Check everything here, including everyone, not even an ant!"

"Yes, Master Yan!"

"Yes, Chief Inspector Yan!"

The detectives and plainclothes began to boo and move their hands.

In an instant, the entire mourning hall was turned over and turned into a mess!

Even Shi Zhijian's photo was not spared, he was casually dropped on the ground, and the frame was broken!

Shi Yufeng grabbed it, hugged it in her arms, and burst into tears!

"Yan Xiong, don't overdo it!" Xu Shao and the others gritted their teeth!

"We are the police, and the police handle cases regardless of time and place! If anyone wants to stop them, I will ask him to eat a bullet!" Yan Xiong lifted his suit and revealed his waist with a gun!

"Yan Xiong, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?" Xu Shao and the others' eyes were splitting!

"Wang Fa?" Yan Xiong smiled, stepped forward and grabbed the photo that Shi Yufeng was holding in his arms and stepped on the ground! He crushed Shi Zhijian's smiling face hard!

Then he looked up at Xu Sanshao and everyone smiled arrogantly: "Sorry, I am Wang Fa!"

So annoying!

Shi Shao and others' lungs are about to explode!

Just when Yan Xiong was arrogant and domineering to the extreme, everyone could only swallow their anger and do nothing, and when everyone next to them laughed wantonly, a voice said: "You are Wang Fa? Then what am I?"

The laughter stopped abruptly!

Everyone looked straight behind Yan Xiong as if they had seen a ghost.

When Yan Xiong was complacent, he might as well be interrupted. Seeing the ghostly expressions of the crowd, he couldn't help but say, "What are you doing? Damn it? All of them are stunned? Pu, your mother!"

As he spoke, Yan Xiong turned his head and looked behind him, then his face was pale and his pupils widened! Unbelievably staring at the man in white who suddenly appeared in front of him, his mouth trembled: "Shi, Shi Zhijian?! How is that possible!"

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