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Bobo Dance Hall, inside the box.

"Ajian, you're playing too much this time! You're not good at playing, and you pretend to be dead like others, and Lao Huo and I are scared to pee!" Xu Sanshao held the dog Bobo in his arms, his face Looking at Shi Zhijian unhappily.

"I'm sorry! I'll apologize to you first!" Shi Zhijian got up and helped Xu Sanshao pour a glass of wine and handed it to the other party, and then poured another glass to Huo Dashao and handed it over, then sat back on the sofa, leaning forward to meet the two said the man. "It was too urgent, and I didn't have time to inform the two of you! But seeing the two of you being so sincere to me, I was super moved!"

Xu Sanshao put down the dog Bobo, while he leaned lazily on the sofa, shaking the amber liquor in the goblet: "Again flattering? Since you're super moved, be more sincere, rich wine beauty Everything is ready, Lao Huo and I will definitely accept everything according to the order!"

"Yeah, it's rare for the three young masters to be approved to fool around recently! As for me, it's rare for me to get an amnesty order from my old bean, so I can go home later! Ajian, you should prepare for it, when the time comes, the rich will book a room, OK?" Huo Dashao drank the wine and encouraged him.

Shi Zhijian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You guys are killing me!"

"Don't talk like that, our three good brothers are all about heart!" Xu Sanshao teased.

"Yes, yes, we never talk about money!" Huo Shao followed with a smile.

"Okay! I promise you! Another day, I'll be in the big tycoon charter and let you have fun for three days in a row! But before that, I need you to do me a favor!"

"I knew that your kid was not at ease!"

"Yeah, it's nothing to do with Xia Yingchun, or something to do with Zhong Wuyan!"

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I know that the two young and old have a lot of friendship. Can you introduce the ghost guy Mai Lihao to me? It's better to invite everyone to have a meal!" Shi Zhijian took a cigarette and lit it in his mouth: "Just this one. Small things, can't you get them?"

"Mai Lihao? Why do you want to know him? He has always been doing clerical work. I heard that he was transferred from London not long ago. He is unfamiliar here, and many people don't like to see him!" Xu After San Shao took a sip of the wine, he asked Shi Zhijian with a surprised expression.

Huo Dashao also looked at Shi Zhijian strangely.

Mai Lihao has also heard that the newly transferred civilian officials from London seem to focus on finance, and the specific work has not yet been implemented.

And because this person is relatively clean, many Hong Kong officials do not like to see him. Many Chinese officials avoided him even more, for fear that his future would be affected by him.

Seeing Xu Shao and Huo Shao staring at him with wide eyes, Shi Zhijian laughed, feeling that something was moving under his feet, but when he looked down, it was the puppy Bobo. .

Bobo is pulling Shi Zhijian's shoelaces with his mouth.

Since Shi Zhijian suggested to Xu Sanshao to castrate Bobo two years ago, Bobo has lost the joy of picking up girls, and he doesn't even like to chew on his favorite dog bones. year".

Occasionally, the third master brought it out and was sick. Only when he saw Shi Zhijian, the big enemy, did he shake his spirits, either biting Shi Zhijian's trouser legs or pulling Shi Zhijian's shoelaces, looking like revenge.

Shi Zhijian kicked Bobo.

Bobo screamed a few times, jumped back into Xu Sanshao's arms, and glared at Shi Zhijian.

Xu Sanshao patted its little head: "Be good, don't be so angry!" He looked up at Shi Zhijian and said, "You guys **** my dog ​​every time! Did you have grudges against it in your last life?"

Shi Zhijian smiled and said: "This is fate! That's why I want to ask the two of you to help me and Mr. Mai Lihao thread the needle and make a bridge!"

"Don't avoid the topic, you haven't answered yet, why do you want to make friends with him?" Xu Sanshao stared, "Many people know that this ghost guy is an outlier, and he refuses to join forces. In Hong Kong, an opponent like this cannot survive! You! Do you want to befriend him? What about a plane?"

Shi Zhijian paused for a few seconds before speaking: "The key is character! I admire his integrity, and he is a good person like me, can't he?"

"What a liar?" Xu Sanshao looked at Shi Zhijian with his wine glass in his hand, and rolled his eyes: "Ajian, Lao Huo and I know what your character is like! If you have a good character, the two of us will be saints! "

"Yeah, I don't know your nickname is Traitor Jian in Hong Kong? This is the greatest affirmation of your character!" Huo Shao added to the side, "If you have a first-class character, I will take your head off and use it as a walnut! "

This time it was Shi Zhijian's turn to roll his eyes, looking at the two good brothers in front of him, "You guys are so disappointed in me! I didn't expect my personality in your eyes to be so unbearable! Well, let me tell you the truth, I like it This Mai Lihao, I feel that he is a talent and will definitely develop in the future, so if you want to take a gamble, first establish a good relationship with him!"

Shi Zhijian didn't say it clearly. In fact, he knew that this ghost guy Mak Lihao, who is now in Hong Kong, who is terrified of ghosts and ghosts, and who was run on by others, will become the next Hong Kong Governor next year! In addition, he is famous in the colonial history of Hong Kong. He served as the governor of Hong Kong for ten years, and managed Hong Kong into the "Four Asian Tigers"!

"That's not a good reason!"

"Yes, do you have anything else to hide from us?"

Xu Sanshao and Huo Shao looked at Shi Zhijian suspiciously, feeling that Shi Zhijian didn't tell the truth.

"You are questioning my honesty! Well, I'll showdown, and I won't hide it any more---I'm optimistic about this Mai Lihao, he might succeed as the governor of Hong Kong next year!" Shi Zhijian opened his mouth and slowly He slowly exhaled a smoke ring and said in a calm tone.

Xu Sanshao hugged the dog Bobo and looked at Huo Dashao with a shocked expression.

Huo Dashao also looked at him in astonishment.


"Hahaha!" The two laughed loudly, laughing back and forth, feeling that Shi Zhijian was telling a joke just now----Can Mak Lihao become the Governor of Hong Kong? Just kidding!

Who knows what is going on in Hong Kong now?

Whether it is in the political or business circles, they are extremely greedy, and even the law enforcement department, the Hong Kong police, is a mess!

Under such circumstances, let a clean person be the governor of Hong Kong and prevent them from making a fortune?

"Hahaha, Ah Jian! I'm sorry, I can't help but want to laugh!" Xu Sanshao was about to lose his breath, "You know Lai Luo, and he knows the situation in Hong Kong right now! People hate it, how could he possibly come to power?"

"Yeah, although I'm not very interested in these things, but I also know that these ghosts are so greedy, they will never allow a clean person to control the power!" Huo Shao also said with a smile.

Shi Zhijian remained silent, and when the two of them calmed down, he asked again: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not! Can you help me with this busyness?"

Xu Sanshao pondered quietly for a while: "It would be easier if my old bean didn't die. Even if I don't know each other and make an appointment, the other party still wants to give our Xu family some face! Now, as you can see, we The Xu family is not as good as before! Besides, I'm not familiar with him!" After speaking, he looked at his best friend Huo Dashao.

Huo Dashao scratched his chin: "I'm not familiar with him either, but my Laodou has a relationship with him!" After a while, he said, "I remember my Laodou was in the shipping business ten years ago and went to London, England. I met him from time to time! Afterwards, everyone had dinner together, and Laodou said he was a good person!"

"Since this is the case, please help me to introduce you!" Shi Zhijian excitedly raised his glass and said to Huo Dashao: "After this is done, I will come to thank you in person!"

"I'll give it a try!" Huo Dashao picked up the glass and touched Shi Zhijian, and said after drinking the wine.


After meeting with Shi Zhijian, Huo Dashao returned home and found that his father, Huo Daheng, hadn't slept, and he was still correcting documents in the middle of the night.

Huo Shao hesitated for a while, wondering if he should go in at this time, but the servant just came over with ginseng tea.

Huo Shao hurriedly winked, took the ginseng tea and said, "Let me come, you go to rest."

After the servant bowed and left, Huo Shao carefully took the tea into Huo Daheng's study.

Huo Daheng heard the footsteps, raised a pen in his hand, and didn't look back: "Why, come back so early? Did you have a good time tonight?"

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Huo Shao coughed twice, stepped forward and put the tea beside his father respectfully: "It's okay! I had a few glasses of wine with Ah Jian and San Shao, and talked about some business matters."

Huo Daheng stopped writing, took the wet towel next to him, wiped his hands, then took a sip of the ginseng tea and looked at Huo Dashao: "Do you have something to tell me?"

Facing his father's sharp eyes, Huo Dashao was a little flustered, scratched his head and said, "It's actually nothing."

Huo Daheng smiled, put down the ginseng tea in his hand, picked up the cheap Double Happiness cigarette on the table, lit one, and said, "You are my son, is there something I can't see? You are most afraid of seeing me, but you come back so late tonight, but it's not something, what is it?"

Huo Shao scratched his head: "Father, you're right! In fact, Ah Jian asked me to help. He wanted to meet that ghost guy Mai Lihao, and he wanted to ask me to introduce him. I don't know him, just talking to you and him. It's very familiar, so it's--"

"So you promised Ah Jian to let me introduce you?"

Huo Shaoen snorted: "If father, you feel embarrassed and can refuse, I think Ajian can understand."

Huo Daheng laughed and blew a smoke ring.

He started to struggle from a young age, from poor and poor, to now his family is rich! Many people like to smoke cigars and eat foreign cigarettes, but he does not change his original intention and still likes to eat this cheap Double Happiness cigarette!

"You and Ah Jian are good friends, so I can introduce him! But what makes me curious is, why does Ah Jian want to know this ghost?" Huo Daheng showed a trace of interest, because he knew that this young man Shi Zhijian belonged to The typical "no rabbits, no eagles" type, never doing useless work, since you want to know this Mai Lihao, you must have a plan.

Even though Huo Daheng was fully prepared, he was still shocked by what his son Huo Shao said next!

"A Jian said, this Mai Lihao is the next Hong Kong Governor!"

"What? Cough cough!"

"Father, are you alright? Father, you are choked with tears! Do you want to drink tea? Stop smoking in the future, your mother told you to quit! I'll beat your back!" Huo Shao is very filial To help Huo Daheng beat his back.

Huo Daheng crushed the cigarette he just took two puffs, and the whole person has not recovered from the shock just now.


Mak Liho is the next Hong Kong Governor?

"Is that Ah Jian insane? He can say anything!" Huo Daheng scolded with a steady mind, "Many people know what Mai Lihao's situation is! How can someone like him be in power?"

"That's what I said, but Ah Jian insisted on insisting on his opinion. There is no way! He's so stupid! Father, can you help me introduce it?" Huo Shao asked cautiously, fearing that Shi Zhijian would hurt himself.

"It's okay to introduce, but... hey, let him go! Ah Jian is always unpredictable when he does things!"

Huo Daheng took the tea handed by his son and drank it, thinking that what he said might be a little general, and his son might not understand, so he raised his head and smiled again: "Although Ah Jian does strange things, I find that every time It can hit the spot! Thinking about it later, I even doubt whether he can count! Since he said that Mai Lihao has the opportunity to be the Hong Kong Governor, we will help him for the time being. Anyway, it is only good for us, not bad. !"

"Then I'll reply to him tomorrow, and then let him take a big gift to thank you!" Huo Shao was overjoyed and said quickly beside him.

Huo Daheng laughed: "You know, you've helped you with this matter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't thank me, just let him thank you!"

"Huh?" Huo Shao was startled.

Huo Daheng continued with the tea cup: "I'm old, and the Huo family wants you to inherit it in the future! That Shi Zhijian is a dragon and a phoenix, and his human debt is very precious, you must grasp it!"

"No need, he and I are as close as brothers..." It's rare for his father to say so much to him. Huo Shao listened very seriously, but he didn't think much of Shi Zhijian's kindness.

Huo Daheng looked at his son with flickering eyes: "You said it too, it's just like brothers! Many brothers in Hong Kong are fighting for their own interests, not to mention your relationship? If you don't have a heart, you will eat it later Big loss!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Daheng patted Huo Shao's shoulder, turned and walked towards the door of the study, and said in a light voice: "Everything in the world is well-informed and knowledgeable. We have to figure out everything, and how to maximize the benefits! The ghosts govern Hong Kong and need to find an agent. No matter whether this Mai Lihao can sit on the throne of Hong Kong Governor in the future, since Ah Jian has said it, we will bet on it. If the bet is won, our Huo family's foundation can continue to be brilliant, and if the bet is lost, we can start all over again!"

When Huo Daheng said this, he had already walked out of the door, "Remember, you are my son of Huo Yingdong! I haven't seen any strong winds and waves. Even if the sky collapses, our surname Huo will be able to hold up!"

Huo Shao looked at the back of his father walking out of the study, and was shocked.

Take a gamble?

Bet on that Mai Lihao?

Is Shi Zhijian crazy, or is he crazy?

Huo Shao doesn't understand what he thinks!

0941 [Bet! ]

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