Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 948: The police boss, come back to the arena!

Main police station, meeting room.

On both sides of the long conference table are full of bigwigs from various districts of the Hong Kong police, including many ghost inspectors, superintendents and so on.

These ghost police officers always disdain to sit with these Chinese detectives for meetings, and feel that the Chinese are too low-level regardless of race or rank, but today is different. Not only did they come, they came in neatly.

At this moment, sitting in front of the conference table is Chief Superintendent Ge Bai, and sitting on his right is his translator.

Sitting on his left is Lai Luo, a Chinese boss who has just been promoted to superintendent.

Lei Luo sat down with Lan Gang, Han Sen, Chen Xijiu and others.

Below is the Inspector Hua of the 18th District of Hong Kong, as well as the heads of various administrative departments and so on.

The huge conference room was crowded with people and filled with smoke.

"Hey, what do you think this meeting is about?"

"Who knows! Maybe someone is going to take a job! Every time someone takes a job, there will be such a big battle."

The two Detective Hua, who had a good relationship with each other, got together and whispered.

On the other side.

"It's been a long time since there was a meeting, and it looks like something important is going to happen!"

"Yeah, even the boss of the police headquarters is here!"

There are more people talking on the spot.

For a moment----

"Clap clap clap!"

The interpreter with the middle parted head stood up, picked up the pointer and knocked on the small blackboard in front of him, "Everyone, be quiet! Chief Superintendent Ge Bai is going to start speaking now!"

With the knocking sound of the blackboard, the chaotic scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at the ghost guy Ge Bai. .

The ghost guy Ge Bai rested his hands on the table in a tower shape, his waist was straight, and his posture was very majestic.

He coughed and began to speak in English. The translator translates by the side.

Ge Bai has been in Hong Kong for so long because he could speak Chinese originally, but on occasions like this, in order to show that Hong Kong is governed by their British Empire, their ghosts are superior to others, and often these ghosts like to speak English—English is the official language. Appears to be more advanced.

At the beginning, Ge Bai gave a lukewarm opening remarks, roughly meaning that Hong Kong's law and order is good, and everyone here has made good governance, and then the topic changed, saying that in order to continue to maintain the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, these ghosts and their superiors have discussed it. Make the following decisions.

"First of all, I want to announce an appointment! When Inspector Chen Xijiu was in charge of the Yau Tsim Mong area, his performance was extraordinary, his grades were excellent, the crime rate was extremely low, and the public security management was good! Therefore, we decided to appoint him as the New Territories Chief Chinese Inspector. Long! Everyone is welcome!"

"Wow, Detective Chen is hired!"

"Xi Jiu Detective soars into the sky!"

With the warm applause, Chen Xijiu stood up and bowed to everyone, "Please take care of everyone in the future! I, Chen Xijiu, will definitely take care of the New Territories!"

"Chen Xijiu is really lucky!"

"Yeah, I have meat to eat with Lai Luo!"

Everyone below whispered, and more people were envious and jealous.

Especially those old detectives are full of envy and jealousy for Chen Xijiu, who has been the Chief China detective at a young age!

Some of them have been in the position of inspector for ten years, but they have not yet been able to take the position. Chen Xijiu, a rising star, has soared into the sky by fawning on Lei Luo. !

"As for the second thing, Inspector Lan Ganglan, who originally had jurisdiction over the New Territories and served as Inspector General of the New Territories, will be transferred to Hong Kong Island to replace the former Inspector Yan Xiong as Inspector General of China there! Everyone please applaud!"

Applause broke out again.

"Yan Xiong fell, and Lei Luo was full! This sentence is indeed true!"

"Yeah, everyone who followed Lai Luo ate meat this time!"

"Hong Kong Island is several times more oily than the New Territories!"

"I'm so envious!"

The Chinese detectives started talking again.

At this moment, everyone can see clearly, today's job-seeking conference is simply Lai Luo's world!

Anyone who follows Laylo and relies on Laylo will be rewarded for their merits! On the contrary, he will be utterly defeated like Yan Xiong and be swept out of the house to be a watchdog!

"It looks like I'm going to have a good relationship with Lai Luo in the future!"

"Yeah, be sure to curry favor with Laylo!"

Everyone thought so in their hearts.

Faced with such a situation, those ghosts also expressed their helplessness! Who let Lai Luo manipulate the fee collection of the entire police station now, and these Chinese policemen have formed a powerful force, so that these pure-blooded ghosts have to succumb to Lai Luo's "provocative power"!

Facing the duties of everyone under Lei Luo, he could only applaud, but he didn't even dare to say a word.


"Okay, everyone be quiet!" Ge Bai whispered a few words to the interpreter, and the interpreter stood up again and said, knocking on the little pointer. "Next, Chief Superintendent Ge Bai has one more thing to announce!"

The scene was quiet again, and all looked at the ghost Ge Bai.

Ge Bai adjusted his tone, looked at everyone and said, "As we all know, dear Chief Inspector Raylory has been promoted to the post of Superintendent after training at Scotland Yard! I hope everyone can use this occasion to congratulate him!" After speaking, Ge Bai The first to applaud.

In fact, many people already knew that Lai Luo was promoted to superintendent, and secretly sent Lai Luo a lot of congratulatory gifts, such as the "immediately titled Marquis" made of pure gold, the priceless "Jade Ruyi", etc. It can be said that everyone sent The congratulations are enough to fill the halls of Villa Laylo!

Now Ge Bai brought this up again and asked everyone to congratulate Lei Luo on his appointment in person.

"Congratulations, Superintendent Ray!"

"Chinese Superintendent, the number one!"

"Yes! Yes! Superintendent Lei is the pride of many of us Chinese!"

In the face of everyone's congratulations, Lai Luo, who had a big back, bit his cigar and stood up, his hands on his hips, and his posture was reckless!

He nodded to everyone, and then said domineeringly to everyone in front of Chief Inspector Ge Bai: "Thank you for your appreciation! I will say something here. In the police station, Chief Superintendent Ge Bai has the final say. Going out, it's my Lai Luo talk! If you don't agree, can you stand up?!"

The scene fell silent.

You look at me, I look at you!

No one thought that Lai Luo would say such arrogant words.

And in front of Ge Bai.

Ge Bai's expression was calm, as if he didn't care what Lai Luo said.

In fact, what Laylo said was the truth. Outside, it was indeed his words! Whether it's black or white!

Everyone was silent for a while, and when they were about to applaud to echo, suddenly someone came in from outside the conference room with applause!

[First release on this site, fastest update]

"Well said! Superintendent Lei's words are really domineering! Let me be ashamed!" The tone was full of sarcasm and ridicule!

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't understand who had eaten the leopard and dared to speak to Lai Luo like this!

All together, everyone looked at the man at the door!

But he saw that man was wearing a police uniform, with a straight waist, and his handsome face was looking at Lei Luo with a smile!

"Why is he?!"

"Chen Zhichao!"

Blast on the spot!

No one expected that the person who suddenly killed was the former Chinese inspector Chen Zhichao!

Who is Chen Zhichao?

Before being defeated by Lai Luo, the famous Three Banners were in charge of the detective team and the criminal department! Known as the most powerful boss in the Chinese police!

It's a pity that Chen Zhichao made a wrong move, because he and Charles wanted to defeat Shi Zhijian and Lai Luo.

In the end, he was defeated by Shi Zhijian and Lai Luo. Not only did Charles die in Jiuquan, but Chen Zhichao was also suspended for investigation!

When everyone thought that Chen Zhichao could not turn over and was about to be crushed to death, he actually appeared!

Facing everyone's astonished gazes, Chen Zhichao walked forward with a smile, "Isn't it a surprise?" It was looking at the crowd, but after speaking, his eyes fell on Lai Luo.

The scene was silent, not knowing how to answer Chen Zhichao's words, let alone what kind of ghost Chen Zhichao suddenly appeared.

Lai Luo bit his cigar and squinted at the proud Chen Zhichao, and spit out a beautiful smoke ring at Chen Zhichao: "You're not dead yet?"

Chen Zhichao shrugged: "Inspector Lei, oh no, Superintendent Lei! I'm fine, but I was suspended, and it wasn't because I was caught shooting a target. How could I die?"

Chen Zhichao said, reached out and took off the police cap he was wearing, and flicked the police badge: "In addition, not only did I not die, but I also got a job!"

Lai Luo's eyes flashed coldly.

Chief Superintendent Ge Bai, who was sitting next to him, said: "After a rigorous investigation by Shangfeng, it was confirmed that the crime previously suspected by Senior Inspector Chen Zhichao was innocent! To be precise, he had nothing to do with the death of Superintendent Charles! In order to make up for it It is our fault, and for the sake of making the best of our talents, we have now deliberately re-enabled Inspector Chen Zhichao and promoted him from Senior Inspector to Chief Inspector!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar!

"how so?"

"It turned out to be innocent?!"

The people present here are not fools. Almost everyone knows about the fact that Chen Zhichao teamed up with Charles to fight against Shi Zhijian and Lai Luo.

Chen Zhichao, who is now suspended, was suddenly reactivated. There may only be one reason, that is, these ghosts are playing balancing tricks!

Yan Xiong fell, Lai Luo was full!

Yan Xiong himself is a chess piece used by Shangfeng Ghost to check and balance Lei Luo, but he did not expect to be pulled out by Lei Luo at once!

Looking at the crowd at the scene, no one is the opponent of Lai Luo!

In the face of Lai Luo's single-handedly covering the sky, what must these ghosts do to ensure that their noble status is not threatened, then the best way is to check and balance, and re-enable someone who can compete with Lai Luo. their pawns!

Undoubtedly, Chen Zhichao is the best choice!

Compared with others, Chen Zhichao has three advantages. First, he is Chinese! Second, he used to be Lai Luo's superior! Third, Chen Zhichao has his own troops and forces!

Now those ghosts just need to release this fierce horse, and they can race directly with Lai Luo!

At this moment, Lai Luo looked at Chief Superintendent Ge Bai, who shrugged at him, looking helpless.

It seems that although he knows about this, he can't stop it. It can only be said that there is a bigger person behind Chen Zhichao supporting him.

Looking at Chen Zhichao's arrogant face again, he put his hands on the table: "Sorry, I'm back in the police force to scare everyone! If everyone has no problem, I will hold a banquet at Taibai Seafood Restaurant tonight, and I invite everyone to come and visit!"

After Chen Zhichao finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

Everyone looks at me, I look at you, but no one dares to respond.

More people looked directly at Lai Luo.

After all, Lai Luo is the superintendent, and Chen Zhichao is the chief inspector, which is one level higher in comparison!

Lai Luo bit his cigar, leaned back on the chair, crossed his legs, arrogant!

He looked at Chen Zhichao coldly, to see how he would step down!

At this time, Chief Superintendent Ge Bai said: "Since Superintendent Lei Luo Lei has just returned from Scotland Yard's training, his theoretical knowledge and professional level have improved to a higher level, Shangfeng specially arranged for Superintendent Lei to serve as the Hong Kong Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy in the near future. The position of principal! Use the knowledge he has learned to teach the police officers to work hard and serve the citizens of Hong Kong better in the future!"

"As for the police affairs of Hong Kong Island, the New Territories and the three districts of Kowloon that Superintendent Lei was in charge of, he will be replaced by Chief Inspector Chen Zhichao for the time being! Wait until Superintendent Lei has finished teaching this batch of police cadets before returning them! Please cooperate with President Chen. Inspector work and manage Hong Kong's public order well! Thank you!"

Ge Bai's words are like a bomb! Directly fry everyone on the scene to the point where they are charred outside and tender inside!

Laidlaw to be the principal?

Chen Zhichao in charge of the three places?

Is the Hong Kong police going to change?

Laidlaw almost dropped his jaw while biting the cigar!

He never expected that the above would use such a sinister trick, and even let him teach!

Granny's Bear! Do you have to go to Scotland Yard for training and then come back to be a teacher? Pu your mother!

Everyone here is not an idiot!

Lai Luo is rising and falling!

Chen Zhichao is in control of the real power!

According to Ge Bai, although it is temporary, Lai Luo only needs to be the principal of the Wong Chuk Hang Police Academy and will return, and he will regain power at that time. But during this time, Chen Zhichao couldn't stand it and took the opportunity to really seize Lei Luo's power!

Those who like to speculate suddenly woke up at this moment, and hurriedly applauded: "How can we not be honored when Chief Inspector Chen is back in the arena? Tonight's Taibai Seafood Feast, I will definitely see you on time!"

"Yes! Yes! Chief Inspector Chen's comeback is a big joy. Of course we have to rush to celebrate!"

These people are not afraid of offending Lai Luo, the magistrate might as well take care of it now!

Take a chance first!

Seeing that someone showed up, seven or eight of the detectives present here began to express their opinions. In an instant, the scene was split into two major factions!

A Laylo!

One of Chen Zhichao!

Of course, Chen Zhichao's side is a little weaker in comparison. After all, Lai Luo has been in the police circle for so long, and those who follow him will not betray easily!

"Thank you for your appreciation! I, Chen, are waiting for you tonight!" Chen Zhichao smiled proudly at Lai Luo and the others, seeing that the campaign had been successful.


After the meeting.

Chief Superintendent Ge Bai knew that Lai Luo had something to ask deliberately fell behind.

After everyone left, Ge Bai set up the translator, leaving him and Lai Luo alone in the entire conference room.

"Dear Ray, if you have any questions, just ask!"

"Why do this?"

Ge Bai shrugged: "Unfortunately, none of this was my decision!"

"It's not you, who else would it be? You're the chief superintendent."

"The Chief Superintendent is not the biggest either. Above me are the Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, and the Commissioner of Police, etc.! And there are many superintendents who have overwhelmed the Commissioner of Police! To be honest, this police sector is not You and I have the final say!"

Laidlaw smiled, "You took my money, and now tell me this?"

Ge Bai said helplessly: "Then what do you want me to do? To be honest, I can't protect myself now!"

"What do you mean?" Lai Luo was surprised.

Ge Bai sighed, "Let me tell you, now they are looking into my affairs! You are just an excuse for them to look into me! If you can stay steady, I will be very stable on my side; if something happens to you, my side will also be very stable. Miserable! So you should understand that you and I are in the same boat!"

Lai Luo quickly digested these words, and asked the last question: "Is it the one who is messing with me?"

Ge Bai knew that Lai Luo would know sooner or later, so he picked up the chalk and wrote an English name on the blackboard, then dropped the chalk and said, "It's him!"

Laidlaw squinted at the name-----kerr!

Ge Bai seemed to suddenly remember something: "Oh, I forgot that you don't know English, his Chinese name is -- Bailiqu!"

Baili Canal!

Sir British Empire!

Official Justice of the Peace!

and is—

Chief Prosecutor of Hong Kong Supreme Prosecution!

0948 [Police boss, come back to the arena! 】

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