Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 954: True hero, old debts 2 clear! !

"Brother Wen! How are you?"

"Brother Wen! Are you all right?"

Those burly men shouted when they saw that the big man was shot in egg tarts.

"It's okay, your mother! Didn't you see my leg being hit?" Egg Tart Wen wailed and scolded, "Still doing what, hacking the street to death?" Pointing at Lai Luo and shouting.

Everyone rushed to Lei Luo with knives, Huang Qinian and others were at a loss, not knowing whether they should go up and help.

The lard boy sneered.

Lai Luo directly aimed the muzzle at the big men, "Come on, come up and try!"

The burly men were stunned.

The big man in the lead held a machete: "You are smashing the street, there are at most six bullets in your gun, and there are five remaining after one shot was knocked out. Are we afraid of you?"


Without saying a word, Lai Luo directly shot the leader in the thigh!

The leading man knelt down directly!

All those big men took a step back in fright, and looked at Lei Luo again in astonishment. They had seen a lot of ruthless people, but they had never seen such a ruthless one!

Lai Luo shook the muzzle: "There are still four bullets here, do you want to try the other one?"

Those big men were all frightened, and one of them was about to speak when Lei Luo said, "This time, I won't kick the leg, I'll hit the head!" The gun pointed upwards at their heads.

The one who wanted to speak immediately closed his mouth.

"Cough, who the **** are you?" Egg Tart Wen only knew at this moment that he kicked the steel plate and was cruel and hard to deal with.

"You asked my name? What qualifications do you have?" Lai Luo smiled contemptuously.

Just as Egg Tart Wen was about to speak, Huang Qinian said, "He is Lei Luo, Superintendent Lei!"

"What? Thunder Tiger?" Egg Tart Wen and others were all startled when they heard Lei Luo's name! Those big men with machetes were even more frightened and took a step back! He looked at Lei Luo with incomparable horror, as if he saw some terrifying Great Demon King!

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!

Lai Luo is black and white, and almost everyone knows his name!

Even a lot of bigwigs in the arena can be scared to pee when they hear his name, not to mention the little gangsters like egg tarts!

"You you, are you the Great Inspector Lai Luo?" Egg Tart Wen looked at Lai Luo in horror, stammering when he spoke.

"Why, it doesn't look like it?" Lei Luo turned his head like a falcon and glanced at Egg Tart Wen.

Egg Tart Wen trembled all over, his eyes frightened.

Now he can be sure that the guy who shoots casually with a gun in front of him is Leroy Tiger! Only this strong man dares to be so unscrupulous! There is no king!

At this time, the lard boy stepped forward with his briefcase and slapped the egg tarts on the brain, "Fuck you in the street! What is Detective Lei, now Luo Ge is a superintendent! Several levels higher than the detective!"

Egg Tart Wen was beaten very speechless, but he didn't dare to resist. At this moment, he was like a wounded bunny!

Huang Qinian and others, you look at me, I look at you, don't mention what it feels like. .

In particular, Huang Qinian is also the vice-principal of the dignified Huang Zhukang Police Academy, but he was insulted on the spot by a little **** but did not dare to resist. In contrast, a mere lard boy under Lai Luo dared to throw egg tarts in front of so many people. Wen slap! In such a comparison, these poor guys are even more unbearable!

"I'm sorry, Brother Luo! I really didn't know it was your old man!" Egg Tart Wen knelt on the ground with his hands folded and apologized to Lai Luo, "If you know that your old man eats here, even if you give me the courage, I will not Dare to do it!"

The big men with machetes next to them also stepped forward: "Yes! Yes! Brother Luo, please forgive us, we didn't do it on purpose!"

Including Egg Tart Wen, all of them are finance companies charging usury loans, and no one cares about showing off their power in vain, that's because they have 14K behind them! But in Lai Luo serious, 14K is a fart!

In addition, the reason why Egg Tart Wen and the others dare to show off against Huang Qinian and others is that in addition to the powerful 14K forces, they also have Yan Xiong, the chief inspector of Hong Kong Island, as their backing! That is the big man in charge of the real power in the police world. How can Huang Qinian and the police academy be on the street?

But compared with Lei Luo, Yan Xiong is another fart!


"Since you know me, you should know that Lai Luo has always been fair!" Lai Luo put away the gun, reached out and wiped his hands with a wet towel from the dining table, then threw the towel back on the table, and then looked at the egg **** arts.

Under Lai Luo's sharp eyes, Egg Tart Wen was shivering with fright, his nose was broken, his brain was aching, and his thighs were bleeding, but he didn't dare to move rashly.

The others were all holding knives, and looked at Lei Luo pitifully, silently.

Laidlaw just glanced contemptuously at the knives in their hands.

Those people immediately snapped and threw their knives on the ground, their eyes horrified and sweaty!

Huang Qinian and others saw this scene, and they were all amazed at the power of Lei Luo's aura. Just one look can make these guys throw their knives in fear!

"They owe you money, and you came here to collect debts -- it is only right and proper to repay your debts!" ​​Lai Luo glanced at Huang Qinian and the others, and then at Egg Tart Wen and others.

Huang Qinian and others looked embarrassed.

Egg Tart Wen waved his hand hurriedly: "No, no! We don't want the money they owe!"

"No? How can I do it? It's rumored that I, Laiduo, are bullying you guys! The lard boy----"

"Come on, Brother Luo!" Lard Boy cheerfully stepped forward with his briefcase.

"Help Principal Huang to pay them back!"

"Okay, Brother Luo!"

The lard boy turned to look at Egg Tart Wen with a smile on his face: "How much do they owe you?"

Egg Tart Wen boldly said, "A total of 1.3 million!"

"That's 1.3 million?" The lard boy deliberately looked at Huang Qinian and others, "What are you doing with so much money? Buy a house, or speculate in stocks? Or marry a concubine?"

Huang Qinian and others all blushed and could not speak.

The lard boy looked at Egg Tart Wen again, Egg Tart Wen said, "These are just the capital, and if you include the interest, you will have to add 500,000 yuan!"

"Add 500,000 yuan in interest?" Lard Boy was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled again, "Understandable, you open a finance company, and you need money, otherwise how can you explain it to your boss?"

Egg Tart Wen suddenly felt that the lard boy was a good person, at least very understanding.

"Don't worry, since Brother Luo said, I will definitely give you the money!" Lard said, he took out the briefcase under his arm, stabbed it, opened the zipper of the briefcase and took out a bunch of pieces from the inside. Then he took out the pen and wrote the numbers, and finally dipped his thumb in saliva and tore off the cheque and handed it to Egg Tart: "Hey, look carefully, this is a 1.8 million HSBC cashier's check! It's a penny! There are many of you!"

Egg Tart Wen took the check and looked at the numbers above and couldn't believe his eyes.

The big men around also stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Huang Qinian and others had mixed feelings in their hearts, and they never expected that Lei Luo would really help them pay off their debts.

At this time, the lard boy laughed again: "You have received the check, what about their IOU?"

"Oh, I'll give it to you right away!" Egg Tart Wen hurriedly ordered his subordinates to bring over the IOUs from Huang Qinian and others.

These loan sharks liked to put their big debts on them, and soon someone brought a handful of IOUs and handed them to the lard boy.

Lard Boy smiled and took the IOUs and looked at them carefully, then stuffed them into his briefcase.

Just when everyone thought the matter was about to end, Lard Boy suddenly looked at Egg Tart Wen with a smile: "Oh, sorry, your name is Egg Tart Wen? Now, you and Huang Qinian and Principal Huang have cleared their accounts, so what? Are we going to talk about the accounts between us next?"

"Uh, what do you mean?" Egg Tart Wen was stunned.

The lard boy smiled and took out a small abacus from his briefcase and held it in his hand, cracking the abacus beads: "Hey, I'll settle accounts very quickly! Brother Luo has never shot people, why? Because of Brother Luo's bullets. Very expensive! At least 500,000 bullets for a bullet! I gave you one just now, and another for that friend, a total of two rounds, a total of one million!"

Egg Tart Wen and others were dumbfounded when they heard it!

Get paid for being shot?

And as much as a million? !

The lard boy continued to plan the plate: "In addition, Brother Luo has always been a man of quiet and not moving, and it is easy to be frightened. With so many of you coming over with knives and shouting and killing, it is easy to scare his old man! But our brother Luo has his heart. Well, the fee for your mental damage is only 500,000 yuan!"

Mental damage fee, what the hell?

Egg Tart Wen feels like a ghost today!

The lard boy was still pulling the abacus beads: "This is the last time, when you meet Brother Luo for the first time, do you mean it? To tell the truth, Brother Luo is very good to show up in such a place, and he rarely has an identity like you. Low-level, despicable and rotten people communicate with each other---- I'm sorry, I've always been so straightforward, so you should thank Brother Luo for giving you the opportunity, at least 300,000!"

small book booth

"Hey, it's all settled now!" Lard Boy said to Egg Tart Wen and the others with a smile on his face, holding a small abacus, "The bullet cost, one million! The mental damage cost, 500,000! The meeting fee, 300,000! Hutchison 1,800,000! How about it, I think my calculation is wrong, so I can say it boldly! I am a very easy-going person, if you have any objection, you can raise it and we will study it!"

The place was dead silent!

Egg Tart Wen and the others stared at the lard boy in astonishment! Looking at Lard Boy's harmless face with a smile forever, I felt so humble and insignificant for the first time! They think that lending usury is treacherous, deceitful and shameless enough! Only at this moment did I realize that compared with other people's lard, they are as kind as pure and flawless lambs!

Huang Qinian and others also dropped their jaws. This operation of the lard boy directly destroyed the three views!

But the lard boy grinned like a normal person and turned to Lai Luo to ask for credit: "Brother Luo, do you think my account is correct?"

Laylora sat down in the chair, reached out and took a sip of the tea cup, and then her eyes were slanted: "That's right! You settle the account, I can rest assured!"

"Gee!" Egg Tart Wen and the others' hearts sank completely.

The lard boy turned back to the egg **** text happily and said: "You heard it too, Brother Luo said it, I'm right!"

No matter how stupid Egg Tart Wen was, he knew what to do at the moment, so he directly handed the HSBC check that was still warm in his hand to Lard Boy.

The lard boy happily took it, "Why is this so embarrassing? Wow, what a coincidence, it's exactly 1.8 million!" In front of Egg Tart Wen and others, he tore the cheque into shreds, hehe smiled and said, "Now our accounts are all clear! Both are clear, are you happy?"

Egg Tart Wen and others, want to cry but have no tears!


After Egg Tart Wen left with his men, the entire private room became clean again.

Looking at the table full of game, Lei Luo made an inviting gesture to the embarrassed Huang Qinian and the others: "Everyone, don't be stunned, the dishes are already cold!"

Only then did Huang Qinian and the others take the courage to sit down.

Huang Qinian's buttocks fell to the ground and suddenly got up again. He personally picked up the jug and poured the wine for Lei Luo: "Superintendent Lei, oh no, Brother Luo! Thank you!"

The others also stood up and raised their glasses: "Yes, thank you Superintendent Lei for your help just now!"

Lai Luo smiled, and also stood up and raised his glass: "Everyone is not an outsider, just call me Brother Luo like Principal Huang!"

"Brother Luo is really approachable!"

"Yeah, we can all have the backbone in the future!"

Everyone toasted together, and the atmosphere gradually became hot.

After Lei Luo finished drinking, he sat down and looked at the crowd, "Since you called me Brother Luo, then----Lard boy!"

The lard boy was busy and cheerful, "Come on, Brother Luo! What's the matter?"

Laylo snapped his fingers.

The lard boy understood, and immediately took out the IOUs from the briefcase under his arm and handed them to Lai Luo!

In front of Huang Qinian and the others, Lai Luo recklessly took a bite of a large cigar, then picked up the lighter and lit the and then used the large IOU to light his cigar!

The cigar is already lit!

The IOU in Laylo's hand is still burning.

Lai Luo casually threw those burning IOUs into the trash!

Huang Qinian and others were thinking about these IOUs in their hearts. They thought that Lei Luo would take the opportunity to use these things to blackmail them, but they didn't expect that he would burn them directly.

"Brother Luo, you are—"

Lai Luo smiled contemptuously, crossed his legs and spit out a thick mist at everyone: "I said, since you call me Brother Luo, then everyone is my own! I, Lai Luo, have always treated my own people like this! Blessed. Share!"

"Brother Luo, benevolence and righteousness!" Huang Qinian took the lead in giving a thumbs up.

"Yeah! No wonder there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Brother Luo, you are a great hero! You are a role model for me!" The dean also said with a thumbs up.

Others followed directly and joined in.

Lai Luo smiled proudly: "I'm very embarrassed for you to say that! But, since we are friends, we should be honest with each other!"

"Yes, yes! It should be frank!"

"We all like to be honest with you, Brother Luo!"

Lai Luo smiled, "Since that's the case, I'll ask everyone to do me a favor!"

"Do what?"

Lai Luo spit out a smoke ring and said word by word: "I want to run for the Legislative Council, please help me a lot!"

Explode with a bang!

Huang Qinian and others wondered if they heard it wrong?

"Brother Luo, what did you say? Member of the Legislative Council?"

The Legislative Council is the most powerful department in Hong Kong and has immunity! say! And the power to make laws! Even if you commit a crime, you can show up at the convention without being arrested! The most important thing is that in recent years those legislators are basically ghosts! There are no Chinese at all!

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