Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 959: Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

"What are the last names of the two friends?" Shi Zhijian asked the two tax officials with a smile.

"Wang Shouzhong!"

"Fang Wenjie!"

"This is our business card."

The two took out the business card and handed it to Shi Zhijian.

The business card of this era is amazing, equivalent to a status symbol.

Shi Zhijian took the business card and glanced at it, both of them were still officials.

Wang Shouzhong is the leader of the tax inspection team, and Fang Wenjie is the leader of the inspection team.

After accepting the business card, Shi Zhijian smiled and took out a cigarette and handed it to the two of them: "Captain Wang, is that Team Leader Fang? Eat a cigarette first!"

The two thought that a young and vigorous rich man like Shi Zhijian would get angry at him, but they didn't expect to be so polite and polite, but they felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Shi Yufeng said angrily from the side: "Ajian, what are you doing to them so politely? Didn't you hear that they asked you to cooperate with the investigation? You clearly didn't take our Shinhwa Group seriously!"

When Wang Shouzhong heard this, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Ms. Shi, don't say that, we are actually under orders to do things!" His tone softened a bit.

"Yeah! It's all the ghost boss Hendry who asked us to come here. We also know what Mr. Shi's identity is. If it wasn't for pressure from above, we wouldn't dare to come here!" Fang Wenjie interfaced.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

What kind of character Shi Zhijian is, as long as he is in Hong Kong, he will know. He is not only a famous young tycoon in Hong Kong, but also a brother of Lei Luo, a hero in Hong Kong police. In addition, he has a close relationship with Hong Kong Governor Dai Lingzhi. It can be said that his identity is complicated. , which is not to be underestimated.

It's just that the ghost guy Hendry is the director of the Hong Kong-British Taxation Bureau, and he is also the top leader. Under the power, they had to come to do things.

"Don't panic, you two! I'll go with you after eating this cigarette!" Shi Zhijian smiled and comforted when he saw the two of them panicked. .

"Really? That's a big thank you to Mr. Shi!"

Wang Shouzhong and Fang Wenjie were overjoyed, they didn't expect Shi Zhijian to cooperate so much.

They originally thought of two ways. If Shi Zhijian didn't go back with them, they would either stalk or give up. They didn't expect it to be so smooth.

"Ajian, you are going to get married tomorrow. What if something happens to you when you go back with them?" Shi Yufeng didn't want to take risks.

"It doesn't matter, the tax bureau, it's not a sea of ​​swords and flames, I'll be back as soon as I go! Sister, if you're worried, let Huimin and Dasha accompany me!" Shi Zhijian turned his head and asked Wang Shouzhong and Fang Wenjie with a smile, " I'll bring two of my subordinates over, do you two mind?"

"I don't mind! Mr. Shi cooperated with our work so much, we are grateful!" Wang Shouzhong and Fang Wenjie thought clearly, anyway, their task was to ask Shi Zhijian to sit down at the tax bureau, and the task was completed by inviting people over. After the game, hand over this great **** to the superiors of the ghost guy, and they hide far away!

Shi Zhijian took his Bentley and rushed to the tax bureau accompanied by Chen Huimin and Dasha.

Shi Yufeng couldn't hold it any longer, and said to Papaya, "Call Xu Sanshao, who fluttered in the street, his good brother was invited to the tax bureau to drink coffee, let's see what he does!"

"Yes, Sister Yufeng!"


Lu Yu Tea House.

Xu Sanshao pulled his neckline, leaned lazily on the sofa with a playful smile on his face, and gave the simplest introduction to the three people with different faces on the sofa in front of him.

"Director Sun, Director Zhou, and Section Chief Zheng of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department, you three are colleagues, and I don't need to introduce any more! Remember, our old man often invited three to come here for tea when he was alive. Driving a crane to the west, I wonder if the three of you still like to drink tea?"

People take tea to cool, and the world is cool!

After Xu Sanshao finished speaking, he leaned back on the chair and looked at the three of them with a smile, and the restaurant box fell into silence.

Director Sun lit a cigarette by himself, and turned his face to look at Director Zhou and Section Chief Zheng opposite, with a smile that was not a smile. Among the three people present, he was of the highest rank and was more familiar with the Xu family.

However, since the death of Lord Xu Lafayette, the head of the Xu family has been replaced by Xu Shijian, the eldest young master of the Xu family, instead of the current Xu Sanshao.

Although Xu Sanshao is also very sharp now, and has made Xu's construction company successful, but in a place like Hong Kong that pays attention to "orderly order", his third young master is not the helm of the Xu family after all.

Therefore, neither Director Sun nor the other two were very positive about the third young master asking them to "drink tea" this time.

In the end, it was the lowest-ranked Section Chief Zheng who spoke, and he turned his attention to Xu Sanshao: "Sanshao, you know the relationship between us and the Xu family best! But this time you invited us to drink tea. , what's the matter? If we don't make it clear, I think we'll still say goodbye!"

In fact, the three of them asked knowingly. A person as big as Shi Zhijian was invited to the tax bureau to drink coffee, who didn't know?

Xu Sanshao is Shi Zhijian's friend and best friend again! The relationship between the two is stronger than that of brothers, and the purpose of inviting them out for tea at this moment is obvious.

Xu Sanshao shrugged, looking at the three of them pretending to be confused, he knew that the three of them didn't take themselves seriously.

"I'm sorry, three, I'm late! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" The private room door opened, and Xu Shijian, the elder brother of Xu Sanshao, who is now at the helm of the Xu family, came in from the outside with a spring breeze, and turned back to the restaurant staff: "Please send me two pots. The best Pu'er tea here! I'll pay for it later!"

The sudden appearance of Xu Shijian made Director Sun and others a little stunned.

However, Xu Shijian walked up to the three of them neatly, and extended his hand to Director Sun first: "Hello, Director Sun, long time no see!"

Director Sun frowned slightly. It is true that the two have not seen each other for a long time. When Mrs. Xu was alive, he often brought Xu Shijian to drink tea and drink with them and establish a relationship.

Director Sun shook hands with Xu Shijian: "It's been a long time! It's been almost a year since Mr. Xu passed away!"

"It was my negligence! I should get together with you more when I have time!" Xu Shijian shook hands with Director Zhou and Section Chief Zheng again, "Since I took on the heavy burden of the Xu family, I have been so busy that I can't get out of the way, please also I'm sorry everyone!"

"Young Master Xu is very polite! This time the third young master invited us over, but I didn't expect you to come too, but it was an accident!" Chief Zheng said with a smile.

"So, what are we going to talk about at the tea party today?" Director Sun asked after exhaling a breath of smoke.

Xu Shijian sat down beside San Shao.

When the tea came, Xu Shijian made an inviting gesture to everyone, and then he said: "Everyone is the big boss of the tax bureau. What is the purpose of drinking tea this time, it goes without saying that you should understand!" wink.

Xu Sanshao smiled and stood up and clapped his hands.

Soon Ah Xiang came in with three bags of tea.

Xu Sanshao distributed the three-point tea ceremony to Director Sun and the three of them, spit out a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Old rules! Please go back and drink these teas!"

Director Sun opened the tea bag and looked down. It was stuffed with big golden bulls (thousands of Hong Kong dollars). He raised his head and said with a smile, "You two are very kind!"

Xu Sanshao flicked the soot: "Don't be polite! I don't need to teach you what to do, right?"

Xu Sanshao's arrogant attitude made Director Sun and others a little unhappy.

Director Sun said with a small smile: "Third Young Master, you need to ask someone to do something, you need to lower your posture! Besides, as far as we know, the helm of the Xu family seems to be the young master, not you!"

Before Director Sun finished talking about the provocation, Xu Shijian stood up with a smile on his face, but his eyes were sharp: "Director Sun, and Director Zhou and Section Chief Zheng! You are smart people, I don't need to teach you a lot of things! Not to mention you Still senior!"

"But I have something to tell you! My surname is Xu, and my third brother's surname is also Xu! We are a family! His words are my words! We are brothers, regardless of each other! So, let you do what, you Just do it!"

Director Sun and the others twitched, and before they could speak, Xu Shijian said again domineeringly: "Why, I don't feel comfortable, and I still don't want to communicate with our Xu family? Simple! You can spit as much as you ate before!"

No one expected that Xu Shijian would say such cruel words. For a while, Director Sun and the three of them couldn't accept it. They were stupid at the scene. It took a long time for them to react.

After so many years, they have swallowed too much, how can they vomit? !

Drink tea!

Director Sun and the others only drank for three minutes before leaving with the big gift bag given by Xu Sanshao.

Xu Sanshao looked at his elder brother with a strange expression.

Xu Shijian sat opposite him, pulled the tea foam with the tea lid, took a sip and saw that the third brother was still staring at him, and asked, "What do I do? Do you think I'm handsome?"

Xu Sanshao gave a thumbs up: "It's not just handsome, it's so handsome! You didn't see the appearance of the three squatters just now. He looked like a dead father and mother! But why do you want to help me?"

Xu Shijian sighed: "You are my little guy, of course I want to help you!" After he finished speaking, he looked at Xu Sanshao with some warm eyes, "I know, I, the big guy, treated you badly before! You too, then I was too self-willed at times, always against me, and sometimes made me lose face! But now that my father has passed away, many people have begun to degrade our Xu family, and some are waiting to see jokes and watch our brothers kill each other. , the Xu family fell apart!"

Xu Shijian's eyes were full of sighs, "I just don't get used to them and don't let them be happy! They look down on our Xu family, but I want to cheer up our Xu family, and our brothers live in harmony!"

Speaking of which, Xu Shijian looked at Xu Sanshao: "To tell the truth, are you moved by what I do?"

Xu Sanshao laughed, and crushed the cigarette he was holding in the ashtray: "I was very moved at the front! You broke the defense with a word at the back, and I couldn't be moved at all."

Xu Shijian laughed and scolded: "It looks like your sister-in-law is going to fix you! She has newly developed a mixed soup with turtle, black chicken, jujube and wolfberry! Let me tell you to go home and drink the soup!"

Xu Sanshao was so frightened that "Hua Rong paled": "Please boss! You can do whatever you want, but don't let me drink the soup made by my sister-in-law! That soup is weird and can kill people! Last time I drank the invincible Dugu seeking defeat and saw the laughing haha ​​soup, and I was slaughtered for three days!"

Xu Shijian couldn't stand the clumsy acting of the third young master: "Okay, let's talk about the serious business with you! To be honest, even if a sharp character like Ah Jian is invited to the tax bureau for coffee, we don't need our help! What's the hurry for the monkey?"

"It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's Sister Yufeng who called, and I'll help!"

Xu Shijian stared suspiciously at the third young master: "Don't you have any purpose?"

Xu Sanshao gave a ghostly smile: "You still know me, big brother! Ah Jian owes very little to him! In turn, we owe him a lot of favors! And these favors are accumulating more and more, which makes people unhappy--- - You know, you scumbag, I'm the one who always pays the debt, so I'll take the opportunity to pay it back!"

Xu Shijian smiled: "You, you, you are still such a ghost! By the way, what did you say just now, you are a person who always pays back debts? I remember that you owed me a gambling debt during the New Year ten years ago. 3,000 yuan, and I haven't paid it yet!"

"Cough! Boss, I'm going to drink the soup that A-sister-in-law made! If you tell her, I'll take a sip of her soup and clear the account for 3,000 yuan!"


Big Regal Nightclub.

"I can't believe that Yan Ye is so kind to invite us here to sit, drink good wine, and admire beautiful women!" Lan Gang, the chief inspector in charge of the Hong Kong Island area, held a beer in his hand and glanced at the beauties with heavy makeup on the big stage of the nightclub. , Then his eyes came back and fell on Yan Xiong.

Sitting on the other side of Yan Xiong is Han Sen, the chief inspector in charge of the Kowloon area.

Lan Yan Xiong, Han Sen, three people occupy one side of this small square table, if you add Lai Luo, who is still in the police academy, then the four detectives are all together.

"Thank you two for your praise! In the past, everyone was on an equal footing, but now the two are Inspector General Hua, but I am Inspector Hua, but it's getting worse and worse!" Qibeer took the initiative to invite the two to clink glasses and said, "Thank you two today, I hope we can let go of our past grievances and return if we don't get drunk!"

Lan Gang smiled: "If you don't get drunk, you don't have to go home. It's a bit difficult to give up your grievances! This one makes me hold grudges the most!"

Yan Xiong looked a little embarrassed.

Han Sen said coldly: "Yan Ye, we have been dealing with each other for so many years, and everyone knows that you are not the kind of person who will easily pull down and invite people to drink! To be honest, what's the matter with inviting us?"

Yan Xiong's eyes twitched: "That...why do you distrust me so much? Can't I invite you to drink?"

At this time, Lan Gang couldn't bear it any longer: "I'm afraid your drinking is fake, and you're playing tricks!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? The tax bureau invited Ah Jian to drink coffee, aren't you afraid that we will help?"

Yan Xiong's face suddenly changed.

"But it's a pity, you've bought this wine for nothing!" Lan Gang drank the wine in one go, then got up and put his clothes on the back of the chair, and said to Han Sen: "What about you, do you still want to drink? I have something to do, let's go first !"

Han Sen also got up and said: "Last time I was on the wrong team, and I almost failed to guarantee the evening! This time I will never be wrong again!"

"Smart!" Lan Gang gave a thumbs up and walked out while putting on his coat: "Tomorrow is A Jian's happy day, if you dare to play with him, you will be against me! Dig out all the materials!"

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