Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 965: Unequal Negotiation! !

"What are you blinking?"

"I didn't blink! I just wiped a sweat!"

In the hall, Dasha and Niu Xiong were still staring, confronting each other.

"You obviously blinked!" Dasha said to Niu Xiong, "Take your hands away, let me see!"

"Just look, who is afraid of who?" Niu Xiong took his hand away and stared hard.

The eyes of the two were sore, and they made small movements from time to time to be lazy.

Over there, Chen Huimin and Wen Zedong were drinking together.

The smell of alcohol filled the huge hall.

"Come on, have another drink!"

"What a ghost, think I'm afraid of you? Come!"

Chen Huimin raised the whisky glass and clinked with Wenzelton, and they both drank it.

"To tell you the truth, I hate you, you ghost! The only thing that makes me look good is the amount of alcohol!" Chen Huimin said to Wen Zedong.

Wen Zedong snorted and said with a smile, "Don't forget, I used to own a nightclub! I own the biggest Lichi in Hong Kong!"

Chen Huimin sneered: "What about now? Li Chi was taken away by my boss, you are not even a fart!"

Wen Zedong's face became ugly, "I was not prepared at that time, so I was taken advantage of by Shi Zhijian!"

"Hey, hey, what is Shi Zhijian? He's my boss, you should call him Mr. Shi respectfully!"

"He's your boss, not mine!"

"Damn foreign devils, dare to talk to me like this?" Chen Huimin picked up the wine bottle and filled a glass: "If you have the kind, then fight with me for a drink!"

"Afraid of you? Come!"

Two cheers again!

A little drunk this time.

Chen Huimin put a hand on Wen Zedong's shoulder: "Good job! I'm starting to appreciate you!"

Wen Zedong hooked up with Chen Huimin: "Me too! Is that Amin? I heard that your fists are very sharp. Let's fight when you have time! I'm good at boxing!"

"Really, then let's have a good fight!"

Suddenly, Chen Huimin stopped, pricked up his ears, and asked Wen Zedong, "Listen, is there any movement upstairs?"

Wenzelton looked up drunk: "I didn't hear it!"

Chen Huimin babbled: "Will your lady and my boss be able to----"

Wen Zeton was annoyed and pushed Chen Huimin away: "I won't make you a friend! Our lady definitely doesn't look down on that surnamed Shi!"

Chen Huimin pouted: "I said this right! You girls are like goblins, our boss won't like her!"

"Shit! Come on, let's fight three more cups!"

"Who is afraid of whom?!"

Dasha and Niu Xiong also pricked up their ears and looked upstairs.

"Did you hear that?" Dasha said, "It's ping-pong-pong!"

Niu Xiong turned his head deliberately, hurriedly moved his eyes, and said, "What? I didn't hear anything!"

Dasha also took the opportunity to lazily move his eyes and said, "Since there is none, then let's continue!"

"Go on, go on!"


"No, I suddenly have a urgency to urinate, so I need to pee first!" Dasha said.

"Me too, my stomach hurts, I have to **** and compare!" Niu Xiong said with a stern face.

"So that's it for today?"

"I'll let you go! Just like that!"

"I was the one who let you go!"

"Fall on the street!"



Shi Zhijian opened his eyes, and there seemed to be candles shaking in front of him.

See clearly, it is indeed a candle. .

The dead girl, Li Xuexuan, held a candle in her hand and swayed under Shi Zhijian's eyelids, as if to confirm that he was awake.

"He's awake." Li Xuexuan turned around and said to Li Zhaotian who was sitting on the sofa.

When Li Zhaotian heard the words, he said angrily to Shi Zhijian, "You dare to kick me?"

Shi Zhijian shook his head to make himself more awake. After seeing Li Zhaotian clearly, he said, "You **** and you are in prison, but you sneak out. It's a big crime. I advise you to surrender!"

"Since your old mother!" Li Zhaotian was furious and stood up from the sofa, but it affected the injury in his crotch. He bared his teeth in pain, and sat down slowly, glaring at Shi Zhijian and said, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have spent so much money. Buy those prison guards with a lot of money and give me two hours to get out of jail!"

"Oh, it turns out that you bought it with money! I should have thought of it earlier, in this era of Hong Kong, you can buy anything with money!" Shi Zhijian said that he suddenly found himself unable to move, and when he looked again, he saw that his hands were handcuffed. On the chair, he immediately looked at Li Xuexuan and Li Zhaotian: "What do you mean? Kidnapping, extortion?"

"Tie your old mother!" Li Zhaotian scolded again, "Let you be so ruthless? You stay like this until things are settled!"

Shi Zhijian looked at Li Xuexuan again: "This is how your Li family treats guests?"

Li Xuexuan shrugged: "No way, I'll give face to my cousin, he finally sneaked out to see you, for safety's sake, it's better!"

"Good mother!" Shi Zhijian imitated Li Zhaotian's tone and said, "You Li family don't have a good thing! This is obviously kidnapping! I want to shout, Chen Huimin and Dasha are downstairs, they will definitely hear , then you will be miserable!"

Li Xuexuan sneered and showed the mini electric shocker again.

Shi Zhijian immediately changed his words: "It's better to break up the enemy than to end it! Besides, I'm going to get married tomorrow, everyone should be considerate of each other! Why don't you like this, I'll invite you to a wedding wine, and everyone will take the opportunity to turn enemies into friends, OK?"

"OK? OK, you are tall!" Li Zhaotian grinned, stood up enduring the pain, and staggered to Shi Zhijian, staring at Shi Zhijian condescendingly: "You can also turn an enemy into a friend! You swallowed our Rishi The hydropower project spit it out!"

"Isn't that bad?" Shi Zhijian blinked, "Eating something in your stomach and then spitting it out is so dirty! The two handsome men and beautiful women are dignified, there is no reason to eat what I spit out!"

"Are you still pretending to be stupid?" Li Xuexuan winked from Li Zhaotianchao.

Li Xuexuan gently poured the candle on the back of Shi Zhijian's hand!

The hot wax instantly burned the skin on the back of Shi Zhijian's hand. Shi Zhijian only felt the hot pain coming from the back of his hand, and couldn't help but groan.

Li Zhaotian felt relieved when he heard Shi Zhijian's

"How is it, are you happy?" Li Zhaotian snorted coldly, "I don't have much time, now I'll give you another chance, will you spit it out?"

No way, Ricci Hydro is one of the most profitable companies in the Ricci Group.

Ricci also relies on the monopoly of hydropower to be on an equal footing with those ghost tycoons. Now Shi Zhijian intends to swallow the Ricci hydropower project, which is equivalent to pulling out Ricci's spinal cord!

If Ricci's keel is taken away, it will be difficult to ascend to the sky in the future.

And this is also the main reason why Li Zhaotian had to escape from prison and threaten Shi Zhijian.

As for Li Xuexuan, after being defeated by Shi Zhijian several times, he was completely defeated by Shi Zhijian!

Especially after joining forces with Fu Shi and being defeated by Shi Zhijian, her self-confidence has been cut by more than half!

This time, Li Zhaotian secretly escaped from the prison and asked her to help design Shi Zhijian. According to her previous arrogant temperament, she would never cooperate, but now——she gave in!

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