Rebirth: Rising Hong Kong

Chapter 978: Asking God is easy and sending God is difficult!

Macau Pier.

The waves of the Haojiang River are monstrous.

The head of the Fu family, Fu Yunzhao, stood at the dock with his hands behind his back, watching the ship full of cargo ready to whistle and set sail, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Since the trouble in Hong Kong, the Fu family had to retreat to Macau. Even so, the business in Macau was affected.

Just like the current shipment of medicines, worth 3 million, was 30% undercut by Malaysian buyers. In order to recover cash flow, Fu Yunzhao had to swallow his words and accept it, and he had to personally supervise the loading and transportation.

Fu Yunzhao asked Thunderman Peng Gang to arrange a few 14K members to supervise the work on the ship, and asked them to help him keep an eye on these medicines. No matter what, they must be delivered safely.

After explaining to Peng Gang and a few 14K members, seeing that it was getting late, Fu Yunzhao took the rickshaw to go home.

Macau is too small. To be precise, it is a long and narrow street. It is far less convenient to take a rickshaw here.

After getting on the rickshaw, the housekeeper Kang Bo, who had been serving him, habitually handed out a wet towel to Fu Yunzhao.

Fu Yunzhao's body is weak, and he is prone to sweating when he does things. From time to time, he has to wipe his palms and face.

Fu Yunzhao wiped his hands and said to Kang Bo, who was running with the rickshaw: "Next time you go out to do errands, don't follow. You are old, and I can't see you running next to me! Otherwise, you will also take the rickshaw!"

Kang Bo smiled and said: "Master, you are underestimating me! I have trained my body and legs! As for not riding a rickshaw, it was my intention! Exercising at this age is good for the body. Eat a lot of fish, it is not easy to digest, and occasionally running is refreshing!"

Hearing this, Fu Yunzhao had no choice but to shake his head, and suddenly said again, "What is that girl named Niyizhanghong doing in the casino now?"


This made Fu Yunzhao stunned. "To collect money" in the casino is to help the casino to collect debts. How could a girl's family do such a thing?

"Let her do this kind of thing?" Fu Yunzhao's tone was a little annoyed.

"It's the third young master!" Kang Bo said, "I originally wanted to arrange a good job for Yizhanghong according to your wishes, but Sanshao said that she is a talented person, and it would be a pity not to go to the casino to do the truth!"

"Shit!" Fu Yunzhao said angrily, "Doesn't he know that Yizhanghong is Fu Cong's younger sister? Fu Cong died in Hong Kong because our Fu family died. In order to appease his family, I was going to find a good job for his younger sister, and I stopped him by the way. It's better for him to keep the mouths of some caring people, and he actually asked Yizhanghong to collect the bill?"

A zhang red,

Formerly known as Fu Hong!

The sister of Fu Cong, the Tiger of Macau!

She is also a strange woman raised by the Fu family from childhood to adulthood!

"The three young masters have always negotiated things with me, and I can't rob people with him!"

"Bullshit!" Fu Yunzhao stopped the yellow sports car abruptly, got out of the car and rushed away angrily with his hands behind his back, then looked at Kang Bo and said, "Her brother is dead, and the younger sister is a thug in the casino. The family is mean and ignorant, how can you raise your head in Macau?"

Facing the furious Fu Yunzhao, Kang Bo took it easy: "I mentioned this before, and San Shao said a word, so I won't say more."

"What did he say?"

"San Shao said, it's not that he wants to leave Yizhanghong to work in the casino, but Yizhanghong begged to stay by his side!"

Fu Yunzhao was stunned when he heard this, "Could it be...the rumors are true? Yizhanghong to us Yongren..."

Kang Bo clasped his fists and cupped his hands: "Those of us who are servants dare not guess, but Yizhanghong is indeed interesting to the third young master!"

Fu Yunzhao closed his eyes. .

Yizhanghong and Fu Sanshao played together from childhood to adulthood. He had always been afraid of such a situation. Unexpectedly, the most feared thing happened.

The Fu family is famous in Macau, how could a maid marry into the family? But if San Shao didn't marry her and just played with her, how could he be worthy of Fu Cong, who died for the Fu family?

"Look for an opportunity to introduce your marriage to Yizhanghong! Find someone with a good family background, and no matter what, take her away from the third young master!" Fu Yunzhao opened his eyes and let out a heavy sigh: "No matter what happens, it's up to me. bear it!"

Kang Bo was not surprised, clasped his fists and said, "Yes, sir!"

Maybe this is the best ending. All loyal ministers and filial sons deserve good rewards, but they can't hurt the master's face!

"I hope that Fu Cong can rest his eyes under Jiuquan by doing this." After Fu Yunzhao finished speaking to Kang Bo, he turned back to the rickshaw, and lightly tapped his forehead with his finger: "Where is the girl's house, the interest in the rivers and lakes is again and again. How? Always get married!"

Just as Fu Yunzhao was talking softly, a servant of the Fu family suddenly ran in front of him, panting and looking anxious.

Kang Bo Ying stepped forward and scolded the other party for being in a panic and inappropriate, and asked the other party if he had something important to report.

The servant hurriedly told the matter again.

At first, Kang Bo's expression was calm, but gradually he became nervous. Finally, before the servant could finish speaking, he hurriedly got up and ran to Fu Yunzhao's ear to whisper a few words.

"What? Shi Zhijian came to Macau and was kidnapped by Yongren?" Fu Yunzhao was shocked and inexplicable, and then a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Who is Shi Zhijian?

Hong Kong Tycoon!

President of the Shinhwa Group!

The most important thing is that he just got married and made a sensation in Hong Kong. Even the Governor of Hong Kong attended his wedding in person!

If such a person had a little accident in Macau, he would push the Fu family to a point of no return!

The most important thing is that Shi Zhijian also holds the evidence of the Fu family's illicit pirate correspondence!

This magic weapon alone can make the Fu family feel soft!

Now that Fu Yongren has offended him, what should I do?

Too nervous, Fu Yunzhao's lips trembled: "Hurry up! Go to Yongren!"

Fu Yunzhao leaned on the car and covered his heart, why was it so painful? !



The pickaxe was smashed to the ground by Fu Yongren.

Fu Yongren's face is fierce, staring closely at Shi Zhijian, like I'll eat you tonight!

Shi Zhijian looked at the third young master of the Fu family coldly, his expression did not fluctuate at all.

Seeing that Shi Zhijian didn't react under his rage, Fu Yongren shrugged boredly: "Sure enough, Shi Zhijian is Shi Zhijian! No wonder my father and my fourth brother are planted in your hands! Sharp!"

Fu Yongren gave Shi Zhijian a thumbs up, with a weird smile on his face: "To tell the truth, I am a gentleman and a scholar! I have always liked to reason with others in my work, and today I will reason with you!"

Gu Huan

After a pause, he pointed at Shi Zhijian's nose: "You **** my fourth brother, **** my dad, and now you **** my casino, what do you mean?"

Shi Zhijian smiled, walked over, and looked at Fu Yongren: "For your fourth brother, you should thank me, one less person to split the family property with you! For your father, you should thank me, you have a better chance to be in power! For your casino! , you also have to thank me, otherwise you won't have the chance to see me, and where will you get the chance to rage in front of me and shake your prestige?"

"Clap clap!" Fu Yongren clapped and laughed, "That's a good story! I like you more and more, but I didn't expect you to see me all through!"

After a pause, Fu Yongren said solemnly again: "As a person, I have always been fair in doing things! Joy, get out of here!"

"Come on, Ren Shao!"

Brother Huanxi, with plaster on his head, came in from the outside in a wretched manner, looking like a pug.

"Look clearly, is it him who beat you?"

Brother Huanxi looked at Shi Zhijian and shouted, "Although it wasn't him, he gave instructions!" Then he pointed at Chen Huimin behind Shi Zhijian, "The one who really hit me was the street basher!"

"Very good!" Fu Yongren smiled, stretched out his hand and picked up the clip used for crushing walnuts on the table, picked up another walnut, smashed it, and threw a walnut into his mouth, and then said proudly: "Shi Zhijian, I'll settle the account with you, your man beat my man, and now I let my man fight back, don't you mind?"

Shi Zhijian stepped forward and looked directly at Fu Yongren: "This guy named Huanxi has just said that he was beaten by me. What do you mean by not looking for me, but looking for revenge on my subordinates?"

Fu Yongren was stunned for a moment, "Oh, you mean you want to take a bottle on your head instead of your subordinates?"

Shi Zhijian: "The problem is that I promise, do you dare?"

The tone is flat, but domineering!

Fu Yongren's eyelids couldn't help jumping, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

It was the first time that Yizhanghong and the others who followed Fu Yongren saw their third young master's aura could be suppressed!

Seeing that Fu Yongren didn't speak, Shi Zhijian contemptuously stretched out his hand to take the walnut clip in his hand, also picked up a walnut and smashed it, then squeezed one into his mouth and looked directly at Fu Yongren: "Now I'll give you a chance, do you dare not? dare?"

Fu Yongren's stimulated facial muscles twitched, he gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "Are you forcing me?"

"What about forcing you? You invited me here, didn't you just want to be pretentious? Let's start! Do you want me to eat walnuts?" Walnut, so please, help me crush it!" His eyes were aggressive!

Seeing that Fu Yongren was forced to turn blue by Shi Zhijian, Brother Huanxi didn't know whether to live or die: "Young Master Ren, don't be afraid of him! Blast him! This is your territory, this is Macau!"

"Explode your mother!" Fu Yongren suddenly smashed his walnut clip and smashed it on Brother Huanxi's head!

"Ouch!" Poor brother Huanxi's old wound on his head has not yet healed and a new one has been added!

Yizhanghong and others were startled, but they didn't expect that Fu Yongren would suddenly attack Brother Huanxi.

"Shi Zhijian, you're forcing me!" Fu Yongren laughed a little madly, turning his head and looking fierce, "Although this street talk is not a brain, he is right about one thing! This is Macau, not Hong Kong! It's not you. Your territory, your world! I want to play with you, who can stop me?"

Just when Fu Yongren went insane—

"Presumptuous! Can't even I stop you?"

"Father, why are you?"

The sudden appearance of Fu Yunzhao made Fu Yongren wake up immediately.

"Why can't it be me? If it weren't for me, I really don't know what you can do with this renegade son!" Fu Yunzhao yelled loudly, but looked at Shi Zhijian, clasped his fist at Shi Zhijian and said, "Mr. Shi, I'm sorry! Come on! Macau was not able to welcome it in person!"

What's the meaning?

Why is Dad being so polite to this flutter? Fu Yongren was stunned.

Yizhanghong, Brother Huanxi and the others even dropped their jaws!

Facing Fu Yunzhao's "extremely courteous" and "extremely polite", Shi Zhijian just casually clasped his fists: "Although you failed to meet him, the third young master of your family welcomed me very well! He invited me all the way. Also invite me to eat walnuts!"

Fu Yunzhao hurriedly squeezed a smile on his face: "It was me who taught Wu Fang! The dog offended you, please forgive me!"

"Really? Why can't I see your sincerity?"

"How could it be? I'm so sincere!"

Shi Zhijian smiled, took a few steps towards Fu Yunzhao, and leaned into his ear: "Then do you know there is a saying in this world that 'it's easy to ask God to send him off'? I originally wanted to go back to Hong Kong tonight, but now, I've changed my mind! I'm staying in Macau for one night, and I hope to see your so-called sincerity tomorrow!"

Fu Yunzhao's eyes twitched a few times.

Shi Zhijian stopped looking at him, walked to Fu Yongren again, and looked at Fu Yongren with his eyes.

Fu Yongren: "What do you think?"

"You look like a scumbag!" Shi Zhijian shook his head, "The same stupid!" After speaking, he turned and left.

"What are you talking about? Have the guts to talk about it one more time!" Fu Yongren said angrily behind.

Slap the slap!

Fu Yunzhao slapped him in the face, "Do you think things are not enough? Are you trying to **** me off?" As he spoke, he clutched his chest, and his body was shaky.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Fu Yongren couldn't care less, and hurriedly reached out to support his father.

Fu Yunzhao tried hard to control his emotions, watched Shi Zhijian leave his back, took a deep breath and said, "He is a god! He is a famous ghost! Why do you want to offend him?!"

Fu Yongren was a little confused, "Father, why are you afraid of Shi Zhijian? This is Macau! It's our Fu family's territory! Everything I do is to vent your anger!"

Fu Yunzhao glared fiercely, with a serious look on his face: "Silence! He said that it is easy for me to ask a **** to send a god, but no matter what, I will send this **** of plague back! If you go to Sir He's family overnight, I will personally do it tomorrow. Bring a gift to visit!"

Sir Ho is the "King of Macau" He Dong. Although Sir Ho has passed away, no one dares to challenge the Ho family in Macau! It is still the largest family in Hong Kong and Macau!

"Also----" Fu Yunzhao glanced at his The surnamed Shi is right, you are as stupid as you are! "


Fu Yunzhao was extremely disappointed with this third son.

I thought that among the four sons, the third son, who has always been attentive and insightful, could argue, but he did not expect that the result would be the same.

It seems that I made the right choice before. According to the order of succession, let the eldest Fu Yongzhong inherit the foundation of the Fu family, and let the second child Fu Yongyi help by the side. The boss competes for the family property.

After berating Fu Yongren, Fu Yunzhao took people away.

After his father left, Fu Yongren waved his hand with a sullen face, letting everyone except Yizhanghong leave, and said, "I'm tired!"

After his men bowed and left, Fu Yongren sat down on the sofa, rubbed his brows with his fingers and said, "You also heard that the old man said I was stupid, just like me!"

A pair of plain hands stretched out from behind the sofa he was sitting on to massage his shoulders: "This time it's all for me, thank you, San Shao!"

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