Chapter 0091 With a turnover of 5.8 billion, the leaders of the three eastern provinces were collectively silent!!!!

Even the current economy is not as good as it will be two thousand years ago.

However, the country’s population base is simply too large.

There are over a billion people in the country, and there are always millions of people who can afford to travel.

Among these millions of people, even if one tenth comes to the ice and snow world, that is an extremely astonishing passenger flow.

What’s more, add Xiangjiang.

This passenger flow will be even greater.

In this era, Li Yilian’s promotion of Beast Man is actually a loss-making operation. This thing is not profitable at all, and it is difficult to see the cost recovery.

But, again, these are just dumplings sold by Li Yilian.

The core is culture and vinegar.

It is the Changbai Mountain culture that Li Yilian is gradually creating.

Wait until it becomes popular.

When can we reach such a standard – Changbai must come once in life, so that is a complete life!

Then, it is considered a success.

The IP of Beast Man still needs to be persisted.

Get some more stuff out.

At least one season a year and hundreds of episodes.

Then, we will develop new IP.

The main thing I studied was Disney.

The inflow of nearly 400,000 tourists has brought obvious economic benefits to the entire Heihe River. The first is the development of a huge catering industry.

Although it was freezing and snowy, the barbecue business was extremely hot.

The second one is the down jacket industry.

The vast majority of tourists obviously do not have a clear understanding of the cold in the Northeast. After arriving in the Northeast, they still need to buy additional down jackets.

The down jacket industry has also ushered in an amazing explosion.

Although there are still various uncivilized and unqualified phenomena, when faced with economic benefits, these problems are not very serious.

Never give up eating because of choking.

As for the entire three eastern provinces, just as Li Yilian expected, the entire three eastern provinces began to stir up excitement. This population flow was really too great.

Subsequently, Liaoning and Jilin also began to learn from the Ice and Snow World, hoping to attract more tourists next year.

This is a total population of 400,000.

What a high economic growth this must be.

It’s impossible not to be jealous.

Projects to build amusement parks in batches have also begun. I hope to compete with Heihe next year, or at least share the tourists from Heihe.

When Li Yiren reported the situation to him, Li Yilian couldn’t help but laugh:”This is really a lesson!”

“Aren’t you worried?”

Li Yiren looked at Li Yilian with some surprise.

“What do I have to worry about?”

Li Yilian was calm and calm at this moment, and said calmly:”Worrying has no effect, and, believe me, it has no effect!

Seeing that Li Yiren was still a little distrustful, Li Yilian smiled and said:”Brother, you just thought about it. Didn’t Jixi Meijiu want to learn from us back then?” Then what? What happened next? Do you really think my method is just advertising? Do you really think that my method is to simply create some amusement parks?”

Li Yilian still put a lot of thought into his ice and snow world.

It is the creation of IP and the shaping of the cultural industry.

This thing is not something that can compete with him by just making some amusement equipment. He made it This is a whole-day project.

Li Yiren shrugged and said:”It’s hard to say, everyone is still very jealous after seeing it. Jilin also uses Changbai Mountain as a gimmick. They want to compete with us!””

“Don’t rush! Li

Yilian said:”It’s a good thing to be jealous. It’s pretty good that they have launched these projects. At least, they can share some of our tourists and reduce our pressure!””

“That won’t work!”

Li Yiren spoke very decisively.

“Didn’t you say before that so many tourists increase your work pressure? Why doesn’t it work now? Li

Yilian asked with a smile.

“What happened to the stress? This is a kind of exercise for our leadership team. Can’t we serve the people well if we are under pressure? Besides, can we start to shrink from such a little pressure?”

Li Yiren spoke righteously.

Li Yilian’s eyes widened and he looked at Li Yiren for a long time, and then he said:”Stop talking to me like an official!”


Li Yiren laughed:”Third brother, you have to find a way!””

“We will continue to expand next year!”

Li Yilian smiled, and then continued:”We still have unique advantages. This cannot be compared with other regions. Don’t worry, I have a whole set of cultural industries. If other cities have to compare with us, they are still inferior. Far!”

“What is our turnover now?”

Li Yi said with some curiosity.

“Currently, we are still counting!”

Li Yilian smiled, and then continued:”With the tourist population of 400,000, I think that even if one person spends 1,000 yuan, there will be a turnover of 400 million, but I think it must be more than that., it is impossible for them to come here and only spend a thousand yuan!”

“Accommodation, food, and other souvenirs are certainly not a small sum! Li

Yilian thought for a while, and then said:”We will make statistics then and see what happens!””

Li Yiren nodded:”Yes!”

During this period, he, the top leader of Heihe City, was very happy. Now he really feels more and more that his younger brother has the ability to turn stone into gold.

If he didn’t have his younger brother, he would probably have to worry about money as well. Maybe he would have to worry about money. You can make a lot of money with your family connections, but how to do it specifically is very difficult.

Now there is a food industry, a beverage industry, and an amusement park project.

This thing of industry has been figured out by Li Yilian..

A week later, at the end of December, Fang Heng came to Li Yilian’s office with a financial report.

“Boss, the project statistics are out! Fang

Heng said quickly:”This is the financial report, take a look!””


Li Yilian took the financial report from Fang Heng’s hands, with a shocked expression on his face,”So many?”

Previously, Li Yilian estimated that one person’s spending was about 1,000 yuan, so the overall consumption was about 400 million yuan.

However, the actual situation is not like this.

Once tourists come to the amusement park, they cannot just spend money. Basic project.

When faced with a large number of people, Li Yilian also promoted the fast track. In simple terms, this fast track is three words – you need to add money.

This extra money is 200 yuan.

In addition,, that is, eating in the amusement park. Although the price is still under control, a hundred yuan is always needed for a poor meal. If you want to eat more sumptuously, then you will have to pay for a meal. Four or five hundred yuan is always needed.

Sometimes, when you are consuming, you don’t even feel how much you have spent. You just know that in the current environment, you have spent the money without knowing it..Then there is the Beast Man Hotel around the amusement park. The cost of accommodation for one night is as high as four to five hundred yuan.

Of course, you can also choose not to stay there. There are also many relatively cheap hotels around, which is about One or two hundred yuan.

In addition, there are souvenirs.

The price of these souvenirs also ranges from 60 yuan to 300 yuan. In addition, there are larger souvenirs worth thousands of yuan.

There are also snacks, some large grilled sausages, asking you to pay a dollar a pop.

Of course, you can also choose not to buy it.

But how can a child endure it?

Li Yilian learned these things by following Disney.

Overall, it is quite successful. Yes.

If you really want to come and play, and play closely, and don’t spend money randomly, don’t take the fast track, and don’t buy souvenirs, then a thousand yuan is appropriate.

But, in fact, this is almost impossible.

It’s always There will be some additional consumption.

Looking at this 190 figure, Li Yilian couldn’t help laughing.

5.8 billion is just this month, and the revenue brought by the entire amusement park is as high as 5.8 billion. Speaking of Really, this number really surprised Li Yilian.

5.8 billion, which is 5.8 billion in the 1990s.

Of course, Li Yilian also knows very well that he still has a first-mover advantage, and now there are places in the country where he can play There are not many. People who can travel are basically not short of money and can spend money.

Secondly, my advertising efforts are really strong. During the forty days of winter vacation, from the opening of the park to now, Only then can we have such a high turnover.

The real profit comes from toys.

Next is catering.

Then fast-pass fees.

Finally, there is ticket money.

When he saw this data, Li Yiren was silent, and so was Tian Chengwen when he arrived in the province. Silent, and then, this data also fell into the hands of the three northeastern provinces.

The leaders of the three northeastern provinces also collectively fell silent.

5.8 billion!

This is a total of 5.8 billion.

How can you have such a high income?

This It’s just a fucking amusement park.

After tourists come, how much surrounding consumption will be driven?

Don’t be jealous, this is absolutely impossible. There are also businessmen who feel the opportunity. Since Heihe City can play like this, then we Is it possible to enjoy the amusement park projects in the same way? Hurry up, hurry up!

Li Yiren coughed and slowly said:”It’s not all amusement parks, there are down jackets. In addition to down jackets, it’s the catering industry, and also There are souvenirs, and some ginseng is also very good!”

The provincial leadership team looked at Li Yiren eagerly one by one.

Li Yiren smiled and said:”This year, the population inflow in Heihe City is very large. This year, we are all working hard, but the income is also considerable. of!”

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