Chapter 0095 The ultimate bumper harvest in 1993, 20 billion!!!!!

At dawn, Li Yilian looked at the white snow outside the window, then at He Qing and Chen Hong, who were still sleeping soundly, and couldn’t help but smile.

I have to admit, it’s so cool.

This kind of power concentrated on oneself, this feeling of desperately trying to please oneself, can really satisfy a man’s vanity greatly.

He Qing and Chen Hong are the type that they don’t deal with very well.

When engaging in entertainment activities, it is also inevitable to run into each other and compete with each other.

Li Yilian liked their female-competitive relationship very much.

So cool!

Taking advantage of the clear weather, Li Yilian left the Changbai Renyi Group headquarters in his private helicopter. Now, Li Yilian’s major companies are also holding an internal summary meeting here.

Overall, Li Yilian’s profits this year are far less than last year.

After all, last year he was heavily shorting the pound, which brought huge profits. Going back to 1991, when the island nation collapsed, Li Yilian also ruthlessly plundered the island nation.

This year, the most profitable project is still the Changbaishan Group.

The group’s drinks have done enough advertising this year. In a short period of time, the annual turnover has exceeded 3 billion, and this is just a drink consumption.

There are also crispy noodles, spicy strips, and various snacks.

These snacks have basically become a must-have for primary and secondary schools, and dealers across the country are importing them like crazy.

In addition to several factories in Northeast China, there are also Henan and Shandong. These regions have begun to establish their own branch factories. There are more and more types of snacks. And, most importantly, many snacks are basically similar to The IP created by Li Yilian, who is linked to culture, is the endorsement of the Beastman Alliance.

These snacks had a huge impact on the original Wahaha and Robust, and now they are still taking the world by storm.

Wahaha, Robust, and other catering industries also began to fight back quickly. However, facing Li Yilian, who has abundant capital and stronger marketing capabilities, he obviously did not have many means to fight back.

They could only watch helplessly as Li Yilian encroached on their market bit by bit.

There is no way, Li Yilian can produce a cartoon, can they produce it?

Zong Qinghou had this idea, but it was difficult to guarantee that the cartoon would be as exquisite as Beast Man. After all, the script was provided by Li Yilian.

And it’s still 3D.

Next, we still need to strive for greater excellence.

Food and other miscellaneous items are put together, and Changbai mountain ginseng and wine are put together to generate a turnover of more than 6 billion.

Putting these things together, it can actually generate a turnover of tens of billions in a year.

Of course, the taxes paid are also high.

The real profit is around 3 billion.

However, even so, it is still at the top level among domestic companies. besides.

Even in Inner Mongolia, Li Yilian also began to actively prepare milk. He was not polite at all and directly incorporated brands such as Mengniu and Yili into his Changbai Mountain.

Although Hulunbuir, Xing’an League, Tongliao and Chifeng, and Xilingol League are in Inner Mongolia, they belong to Northeast China in terms of administrative division. Liu Xiaoliang was not polite at all and directly built a breeding factory.

“I have another suggestion here!

Li Yilian slowly said:”Can we acquire Laoshan Cola, Arctic Soda, No. 2 Soda, and Bingfeng Soda, and completely incorporate these eight major domestic factories into our ownership, reopen the production lines, and then enter the national market!””

Speaking of which, these domestic sodas are really impressive.

For example, Tianfu Cola, by 1988, actually accounted for 75% of the national cola market. Then

, Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola started to make moves.

The first step was to cut prices and carry out big promotions. With the capital of the parent company, we can forcefully crush these domestically produced colas.

“The second step was a joint venture. We found five of the eight major factories and said we were willing to” operate cooperatively” with them to communicate on technology and channels for mutual benefit.

Pepsi-Cola followed the same routine and found Tianfu Cola and Asian soft drinks.

The third step is to hide. In a few years, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, through various manipulations, cannibalized the equity of domestic soda factories, gained the right to speak, and then gradually hid their shares.

In the past few years, there are basically no domestic colas available.

Domestic beverage manufacturers are basically powerless to fight back. However, since they still have enough capital and strength, can they compete for it?

This is a huge market.

I didn’t see that the richest man in the country in 2022 is Zhong Sui, who is the president of Nongfu Spring.

Li Yilian’s meaning is also very simple, that is, to compete with Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola. His capital is strong enough, and it is possible to seize the market with the influence of these old brands.

What’s the point of competing with these domestic companies, whether it’s Wahaha or Robust, they were completely beaten by Li Yilian and had no power to fight back.

After Li Yichang went to Hangzhou, Li Yilian drove from Changbai Mountain to Hangzhou, Wahaha’s base camp.

Basically, domestic manufacturers do not have much competitiveness.

If you want to win, you still have to compete with these foreign brands.

Liu Xiaoliang nodded and said:”No problem, boss, just don’t worry, I will go to negotiate!”

Except for food.

The biggest source of profit is the Changbai Mountain Ice and Snow World.

There were 400,000 tourists during the winter vacation two years ago, and nearly one million during the Spring Festival later this year, which directly brought incomparable astonishing profits.

Direct and indirect turnover reached a height of 16.2 billion.

This is even higher than the combined profits of drinks and food.

When Liu Xiaoliang said this number, he felt bad. He was still trying his best to advertise and expand here. Who would have thought that this theme park could be so profitable.

Of course, there is another main reason for this.

That is, there are not many places to play in China. The scenery is just scenery. The playground is just a playground, and there is no publicity.

However, Changbai Mountain Ice and Snow World is a theme park directly integrated with Changbai Mountain.

In addition, it is the union between the IPs of Beast Man.

Attract young people and attract the attention of people across the country.

While looking at the scenery and playing around, there is also a certain sense of curiosity.

All the elements combined together make Changbai Mountain Ice and Snow World an instant hit.

However, even so, this data still shocked Li Yilian. Didn’t it mean that there was basically no money in the 1990s?

How come the turnover is so terrifying?

When Liu Xiaoliang finished his report, Li Yilian laughed and said slowly:”Not bad, not bad, very good. As of now, our strategy is still very stable!”

“Our core is culture! Li

Yilian smiled and said:”Everyone, I think our next goal is to continue to create a classic culture to attract more tourists!””

Liu Xiaoliang nodded:”Don’t worry, boss, I will definitely not let you down this year. If nothing else, Liu Xiaoliang’s own dividends are estimated to be hundreds of millions. As a boss, he has no other skills, but he is particularly generous with money..”

You will definitely not suffer if you follow Li Yilian.

Next is Piqihar Automobile Company.

The guy in charge of reporting is Qin Zheren.

Li Yilian recruited Kazuo Kawakami, but he was mainly responsible for technology, while Jiang Zheren was responsible for marketing.

Last year in the automotive sector, A total turnover of more than 3 billion was achieved.

A total of 170,000 vehicles were sold.

Basically, this sales volume completely beat the four major car companies. Even if all the models of the four major car companies were added together, I just managed to buy this figure.

There is no way, the price here at Li Yilian is too cheap. Even if the four major car companies want to compete, they must carefully consider their own cost issues. They can’t lower the price to sell it.?

Relying on these cars obtained from Damao’s family, many Chinese people got their first car in life.

Mainly because the price was too cheap.

Twenty to thirty thousand, gritted their teeth, and got it.

Report from overseas and investment.

“Jurassic Park” shot by James Cameron has been released, and the first part of”Spider-Man” and”X-Men” have also been filmed, which naturally caused a global craze.

Pure movie dividends, It has already grown to 250 million U.S. dollars.

If converted in China, it is close to 2 billion software coins.

The next step is to continue to invest.

At present, Kingsoft has 2.7 pieces, and some other projects and industries are still burning money. At this stage, Qiu Baijun was also here. Although he didn’t make any money, he still had some reassurance.

At this level, Li Yilian’s investment is definitely indispensable. What Changbai Mountain Group needs to do is to increase the number of theme parks in Sanya and Shandong. The Water Margin theme park.

If this is possible, Li Yilian would like to build another Shaolin theme park, but he doesn’t know if the local people are willing.

However, they must be willing. After all, everyone can see the profits brought by the Changbai Mountain Theme Park this year. Come on, who doesn’t want to have a God of Wealth like Li Yilian?

Investment in the coming year.

We still need to continue to expand.

Changbai Mountain will continue to enter the beverage industry, create the Tomb Raiders IP, and then other theme parks.

Naturally, there is no need for cars. What nonsense, continue to increase investment. At this stage, it is automotive electronic technology, and then new energy. After a rough calculation,

Li Yilian’s overall profit this year directly exceeded more than 20 billion.

Of course, it is still incomparable with last year. After all, it directly gave the pound a hard job. It is already quite good to have more than 20 billion this year…

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