Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1001: Whether you are going or not, you really have no reluctance (four more)

As long as she takes one, she can hangover, and she doesn't have to worry about getting drunk again. Even so, a man does not let her drink in the public, and insists on her to drink.

Qin Tianyue held the drink cup in the air, and looked around at everyone who was looking at her, "I am grateful to meet you!"

"We are grateful to meet you!"

Hua Zhenzhu Luoxi and the others raised their smiles, and everyone clinked glasses with Qin Tianyue, drank the fruit wine in their hands.

Qin Tianyue's lips raised slightly, and his eyes met with the deep phoenix eyes beside him.

After the meal, Qin Tianyue sent everyone away, Mo Yishen stood behind her all the time, holding her hand after everyone left.

"I am leaving?!"

His deep and **** voice rang in her ears.

Qin Tianyue nodded, "Well, let's go back!"

"I am leaving?!"

"Ok, I know!"

"I am leaving?!"

"...Mo Yishen, are you going to leave?"

Qin Tianyue couldn't help but stare at Mo Yideep with her beautiful eyes in the dim light.

"You are not reluctant?"

Mo Yishen squinted her phoenix eyes slightly, and slowly approached Qin Tianyue. Qin Tianyue reached out his hand against Mo Yishen’s chest, Mo Yishen grabbed her hand, and directly stopped her slender waist with one hand, facing her whole person. Pull yourself into your arms.

Qin Tianyue screamed, and the whole person lay in Mo Yishen's arms, facing the deep and narrow phoenix eyes of Shang Mo.

"What...what are you doing?"

In the dark, facing his deep phoenix eyes, she was a little nervous and stuttered, always feeling that there was a deep feeling in it that made people unable to extricate herself.

"Really not reluctant?"

He slowly lowered his head, his thin lips approached her ears, and suddenly he gave her a light bite.

Qin Tianyue quickly stretched out his hand to cover his ears, raised his head and looked at Mo Yishen, "Don't bite me."

He knew that there was a sensitive place in her ear, and he deliberately bit her ear.

"Not willing?"

"Reluctant, reluctant, is this all right?"

Qin Tianyue followed Mo Yishen's words. She was afraid that if she didn't follow him, she would have even more terrifying torture today, so the person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant.

Mo Yishen couldn't hear the meaning of her words, his thin lips hooked slightly, and a kiss was printed on her delicate lips.

"Yue'er, good night!"

Qin Tianyue raised his head and looked at Mo Yishen, looking at his increasingly beautiful facial features in the dark, couldn't help but step on his tiptoes and step on the back of his insteps, his delicate lips were printed on his lips, and he gave him a shallow kiss. "Mo Yishen, I actually want to tell you that sentence too, thank God for letting me meet you!"

When she said that to Hua Zhenzhu and the others, she also wanted to say this to Mo Yishen. After the pain of the last life, she was very grateful that God did not let her fall to the bottom, but instead let her meet a lot of things to her. Good people, especially him, this man she will love for life.

Mo Yishen's hands that hugged Qin Tianyue suddenly tightened, his phoenix eyes deepened, and a more magnetic voice sounded than usual, "Well, I am not grateful to God, but grateful for your presence by my side, letting me know that I can still love someone. "

The first encounter between the two appeared in Mo Yishen's mind. She stood in front of the simple house, looking at him in the distance, his eyes met her crystal clear eyes, that moment will always be remembered in the deepest part of her heart, and will never be forgotten. .

Qin Tianyue's eyes moved slightly, stretched out his hand to wrap around Mo Yishen's waist, and raised a shallow and gentle smile.

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