Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1060: Don’t be afraid of me, I’m not nervous (six more)

The girl in the hands of the second young master is so beautiful, even more beautiful than that Miss Yun Zhixi.

In their hearts, Mo Yishen has always been cold and noble. I heard that Master Xiao once approved him to be single for a lifetime. How could he have seen him bring back a girl, and that’s fine if he brought back a girl. Now their second master will also bring this girl back. The girl held her tightly and kept protecting her.

Mo Yishen looked at Mo Hong with deep phoenix eyes, and when he looked at Qin Tianyue, his thin lips gently twitched, "She is Qin Tianyue, my future wife of Mo Yishen."

Since coming to the Mo House, Qin Tianyue hasn't said a word, saying that he is not nervous and that is false.

When she heard the old housekeeper questioning Mo Yishen, she said to her heart that she didn't know how Mo Yishen would answer.

Hearing Mo Yi's deep and low voice, Qin Tianyue almost didn't want to find a place to bury herself, shyly.

Mo Yishen, can't you be more serious?

Qin Tianyue's delicate cheeks smiled softly at Mo Hong, "Hello!"

Mo Hong's wrinkled face was full of smiles, "Hello, Miss Qin welcomes you."

Mo Hong didn’t dare to believe it. Now that Mo Yishen said this, the surprise in his heart could no longer be concealed. He wished to tell the old man and the old lady right away that they don’t have to worry anymore. The second young master brought his life back. Goddess.

More than a dozen servants couldn't help but gasp when they said that. The second young master actually said that this girl is his future wife. Isn't that the second young wife of them, my God!

"Uncle Hong, where are my parents?"

Mo Yishen spoke in a low voice, and Mo Hong quickly replied, "The old man and the old lady are in the back garden, and the old and young ladies are also back."

The young master and the young lady are high-ranking officials in China, and they often don't stay home due to work reasons. This time they finally took the little Miss Cher to go back to Mozhai to visit the old lady.

"Ok, I know!"

Mo Yishen nodded lightly. He knew that his eldest brother and sister-in-law had finally returned home, and it was precisely because of this that he wanted to take Qin Tianyue home.

Mo Yishen was born when Mrs. Mo was middle-aged, and he was more than ten years old from his elder brother Mo Yiyuan.

Although the two brothers are quite different in age, the eldest brother Mo Yiyuan treats his younger brother Mo Yishen, who is more than ten years old, very well. Because Mo Yishen has always been cold, he is very indifferent to everything, and Mo Yiyuan is often very helpless. .

Later, Mo Yiyuan became an official of the Chinese nation, and Mo Yishen entered the army again. The two brothers had less and less contact, and often they didn't see one face all year round.

Mo Yishen took the gift in Qin Tianyue's hand with one hand, and walked towards the backyard of Mo House with the other hand holding Qin Tianyue's hand.

The Mo House is very large, but the magnificent room is elegant and noble, and there are flowers in full bloom. Listening to Mo Yi Shen explained that these are all planted by his father, Mr. Mo, for his mother.

The closer Qin Tianyue got to the back garden of the Mo House, the more nervous he was, and slight sweat came out of his hand holding Mo Yishen.

Mo Yishen tightened Qin Tianyue's hand and smiled softly, "Don't be afraid, with me, my parents, eldest brother and sister-in-law are all very easy to get along with."

"Well, I'm not nervous!"

Qin Tianyue tilted his head to look at Mo Yishen beside him, and stared at him. It seemed that Mo Yishen had given her a lot of encouragement, and Qin Tianyue's heart instantly relaxed a lot.

From a distance, Qin Tianyue heard a few happy laughs, some old and young, and the laughter was full of happiness and satisfaction.

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