Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1072: This should be yours, he is fine, I know (6 more)

A minute later, Mrs. Mo came over with a brocade box in her hand, sat next to Qin Tianyue, and opened the brocade box in her hand. "This was given to me as a deep grandmother. Now I will give it to you."

Mrs. Mo took out a delicate and transparent emperor green bracelet from the brocade box.

There was originally a pair of bracelets. One was given to the eldest wife Wei Yingxue. She kept this one. She thought she had no chance to give it out. Now she can finally give it out. Mo Yishen believes that the person is her daughter-in-law. This bracelet should be give her.

Qin Tianyue's crystal clear eyes moved slightly, "Auntie, I can't do it!"

This bracelet is obviously very valuable, how can she accept it?

Mrs. Mo smiled slightly, grabbed Qin Tianyue's delicate hand, and couldn't help putting it on Qin Tianyue's right wrist, "So, this should be yours."

Mrs. Mo had tenderness and love in her eyes. She didn't give birth to Mo Yishen until her middle age, and she always spoiled him, but it was a pity that Mo was more independent since she was a child, and her love seemed to be nowhere to be found.

Now that she has a daughter-in-law, she can double this love to her daughter-in-law, hoping that the relationship between the two of them will be even better.

"So lovely!"

Mrs. Mo looked at Qin Tianyue's bracelet hand. Qin Tianyue's hand was white and delicate, like a shelled egg, wearing this emperor green bracelet was very beautiful.

Looking at the bracelet in his hand, Qin Tianyue felt that his right wrist was heavy for a moment.

She couldn't refuse Mo Yishen's mother. She knew that they really liked her and hoped that she could be with Mo Yishen.

Madam Mo squeezed Qin Tianyue's hand, her eyes suddenly solemn, "Tianyue, Yishen is a very good child, you and him must be good."

Qin Tianyue looked at Mrs. Mo and smiled softly, "Well, yes, he is fine, I know, we will be fine."

She could understand Mrs. Mo's worries. Knowing her worries, after experiencing so much with Mo Yishen, she never thought of leaving him. As long as he stayed, she would definitely not give up.

Hearing Qin Tianyue's answer, Mrs. Mo was finally relieved, "I thought I would never see him marrying a wife in this life. Now that we can see him bring you here, we are all very pleased."

"Presumably you don’t know. There was once a fortune teller who calculated that Yishen would have to meet him in his life to get married. The master said that Yishen is very likely to live alone for a lifetime. At that time, I was scared. Both your uncle and you are afraid that this will happen, but fortunately you are here."

Mrs. Mo recalled with emotion and said.

Fortune teller?

"Did Master Xiao make the fortune-telling for Mo Yishen?"

She seemed to have heard Master Xiao mention this before, but she didn't care too much, she didn't expect this layer to exist.

"Do you also know Master Xiao?"

Mrs. Mo looked at Qin Tianyue in surprise, and Qin Tianyue nodded, "There have been several fate."

Mrs. Mo smiled, "It seems that it is really fate."

Qin Tianyue raised his lips with a smile.

Mrs. Mo pulled her and said a lot, many of which were to make her get along well with Mo Yishen.

"It's not too early, and I guess it's been a long time. Let's go down, lest he is upset that I took you so long."

Mrs. Mo's wrinkled face was full of smiles.

Qin Tianyue's cheeks are slightly red, "He won't."

"Haha, others may not, my kid will definitely."

Mrs. Mo intimately pulled Qin Tianyue downstairs.

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