Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1075: There has never been a woman by his side (9 more)

Qin Tianyue withdrew from Mo Yishen's embrace, walked towards the inside of the villa, stood in a hidden corner and watched the scene outside.

After Qin Tianyue left, Mo became cold with a deep and soft expression, and his whole body was domineering, exuding the aura of staying away from strangers.

After Yun Zhixi stopped the car, she got out of the car a little nervously. She had just met with friends and was going to go home. When the car turned and waited for the red light, she suddenly saw a familiar luxury car going straight. At that moment, her heart beat fiercely. , She knew that there was Mo Yishen inside the car, and the passing of the car made her seem to see a woman sitting in the passenger seat.

She couldn't believe it. After waiting for the green light to turn on, she quickly turned left and drove to catch up with Mo Yishen's car.

She must be wrong, how could there be a woman? For so many years, there has never been a woman by his side, even if it is her, he has never looked at him again, how could there be a woman by his side?

Along the way, her heart was beating fiercely, both excited and uncomfortable, and what reverberated in her mind was the picture that had just disappeared.

After stepping on the gas pedal, he finally failed to catch up with the car.

When she arrived outside the villa, looking at the brightly lit villa, she hesitated for a while before getting out of the car. She wanted to see him but did not dare to see him, for fear that he would be angry.

For so many years, she has paid a lot for him, but he only asks him to look at himself more.

She knew that he was the sun in the sky, far away.

She worked hard, only hoping that his light could shine on her body, even a little bit was enough.

After getting out of the car, Yun Zhixi stepped on high heels and walked towards the villa. Seeing that the door of the villa was not closed, Yun Zhixi quickly checked her makeup to see if she had spent anything. In front of him, she hoped that she was the best The perfect one.

After finishing himself, Yun Zhixi took a breath and walked into the villa cautiously.

As soon as he entered the villa, Yun Zhixi paused, with a pair of apricot eyes looking at the slender figure standing in front of the car not far away.

"Mo...Master Mo!"

Mo Yishen's handsome and beautiful silhouette became more **** in the dark, and his slender figure slowly walked towards Yun Zhixi.

Yun Zhixi's apricot eyes opened slightly, and his heartbeat was fierce, Mo Yishen actually walked towards her.

Yun Zhixi tightly grasped the skirts on both sides, showing a delicate and gentle smile.

Qin Tianyue hid behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, her gaze fell on Mo Yishen, she was a little confused about what Mo Yishen was doing when he walked toward Yun Zhixi?

Does he have something to say to Yun Zhixi? Still suddenly feel that they are beautiful?

"Master Mo!"

To cover up the tension, Yun Zhixi called out softly, Mo Yishenxin's tall and tall body stood in front of Yun Zhixi, with no expression in the narrow phoenix eyes, cold and noble.

Yun Zhixi has long been accustomed to Mo Yi's indifferent appearance, if one day he suddenly smiles at someone, she will still find it strange, and she will doubt that this is definitely not the person she knows!

If Yun Zhixi saw Mo Yishen's petting Qin Tianyue, he would not think so.

"What are you doing here?"

Mo Yi Shen's icy voice sounded without any ups and downs, Yun Zhixi heard his voice, his breathing was slightly stagnant, and his expression was a little nervous, not at all elegant and gentle.

She only knew that when facing him, she could abandon her sanity and her own possessions.

In the eyes of others, she is the lofty Miss Yun family. In front of him, she only wants to be Yun Zhixi, and only wants to be the person he likes.

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