Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1080: That person looks good (14 more)

"Where did you go this day?"

Qin Tianyue picked up the small fire and let its eyes meet his own.

During this time, Xiao Huo often likes to fly outside to play, knowing that it is boring to stay in the space, so Qin Tianyue also agreed to go out to play.

A few days ago, it was okay, and she would be back very early. During this period of time, it was almost dark until she came back. If she didn't know it was okay, she would have been worried to death.

"No, Xiao Huo is playing nearby."

Xiao Huo's eyes flickered. Qin Tianyue couldn't tell that Xiao Huo had lied. He hugged him and put it on the bed, with a chill on his delicate face.

Xiao Huo knew that Qin Tianyue was angry, and hurriedly flew into Qin Tianyue's arms to play coquettishly, "Xiao Huo didn't lie to Tianyue, Xiao Huo was really just playing nearby, it's just... it's just that I ran to someone else's house."

Qin Tianyue looked at Xiao Huo's pitiful appearance, and after knowing that he had not lied, he sighed and said, "Where have you been?"

"I don't know where it is, I only know that it is beautiful, and there is a strange and weird person in the house."

Xiao Huo thought for a while and said in a childish voice, "That person is so poor. He kept shutting himself in the room and didn't know what he was thinking, so Xiao Huo flew there to accompany him."

Qin Tianyue shook his head and laughed, touching Xiao Huo's head, "There are even poorer people in this world."

"Little Huo knows, but that person is really good-looking."

Xiao Huo seemed a little shy, and Qin Tianyue looked at Xiao Huo curiously, "When do you know if it looks good?"

Xiao Huo has always been a phoenix, but he still knows whether it looks good or not?

Hearing Qin Tianyue's ridicule, Xiao Huo curled his mouth, "Xiao Huo understands, Xiao Huo knows it, isn't that Mo Yishen's good-looking, that makes Tian Yue like it?"


Suddenly pulling on himself, Qin Tianyue couldn't help coughing, "I am not because he looks good, am I such a superficial person? I am because of his connotation, do you understand?"

When Qin Tianyue spoke, he felt that he was speaking without conscience.

You know, the first time she saw Mo Yishen, she was almost in a daze.

Xiao Huo looked at Qin Tianyue contemptuously, "Tianyue, you have a guilty conscience!"

"Wh... no one!"

Qin Tianyue resolutely refused to admit it, Xiao Huo rolled his eyes, "We are still telepathic."


Damn, forgot to turn off the telepathy between the two.

"Okay, it's late. I'm not allowed to go home this late in the future. I'll take a shower first."

Qin Tianyue put down the small fire and quickly walked towards the bathroom with his pajamas. The small fire flew to Qin Tianyue quickly, "I want to take a bath too."

It also likes bathing, very much.

Inside the bathtub, Qin Tianyue leaned on the bathtub, his flawless back exposed, and his delicate and smooth skin blew and bounced.

Xiao Huo was swimming in the bathtub, Qin Tianyue smiled and watched. If people see a bird that can still swim, I don't know if it will startle others' big teeth.

A small fire floated on the water, looking at Qin Tianyue's charming and exquisite body, "Tianyue, are all people like you?"

Xiao Huo was puzzled and curious. Its owner was really good-looking, his skin was fair and tender, and his appearance was exquisite. He was even more beautiful than many and many women he had seen. The most important thing was that its owner was really good.

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