Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1104: Tomorrow I will take you around (explosion 38 more)

"Get out, get out of here, get out!"

Xu Xiao picked up the things on the coffee table and threw them towards Steward Liu. Steward Liu was hit with a blood hole on her forehead. She covered her forehead in fear and trembled all over.

Xu Xiao looked sharply at Steward Liu, knelt on the ground in pain, hiding his face and burst into tears.

Because of her domineering, because of her arrogance, because of her arrogance, let her become like this.

She regretted it, but it was too late!

Qin Tianyue didn't know the farce of the Guo family, nor did they know what Mo Yan said to the Guo family after they left.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the night view of J City appeared in front of Qin Tianyue's eyes, and the roads were full of beautiful neon lights, and pedestrians came and went on the road.

Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue intertwined their fingers and shuttled among the crowd, looking at the scenery of J City along the way.

"Unexpectedly, the scenery in City J is pretty good!"

Qin Tianyue said with emotion, Mo Yishen tilted his head to look at her dozingly, and echoed her with a hum, "Do you like it?"

"not bad!"

"Then we will stay one night tonight, and tomorrow I will take you around J City."

Mo Yishen said in a deep and **** voice, Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen and raised her lips slightly, "Take me around J City?"


"Then I think about it!"

Qin Tianyue said with a smile, his eyes are crystal clear, like the most beautiful stars in the dark, always beckoning his gaze.

"I heard that there is a lively snack street nearby, I want to go!"

Zhou Yue told her just now that there is a famous snack street nearby, which has food from the south, east, north and west. If she likes it, he can take her there.

Originally, she didn't have any interest in going shopping, but now with Mo Yishen, she wants to hang out with him, she wants to go on a date with him, only the two of them.

"it is good!"

Mo Yishen nodded, he would accompany her where she wanted to go, even if it was the end of the world, he would accompany her as long as she wanted to.

Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to hold the deep ink hand, her eyes were soft and beautiful, just like the girl in the painting.

"Mo Yishen..."

As soon as Qin Tianyue called Mo Yishen's name, she heard the angry voices of the crowd not far ahead, her eyes flashed slightly.

Mo Yishen followed Qin Tianyue's gaze, and her phoenix eyes flashed coldly.

At a distance of more than ten meters between the two of them, in front of a shop, an old man in his early sixties was kicked to the ground by a fat middle-aged man, still whispering, "It's useless, let you take a plate." , You can also smash the plate to the ground."

"Son, I'm sorry, I'm not good, I'll pick it up right away."

The old man wanted to struggle to get up from the ground in pain, but was glared by the fat middle-aged man.

The old man was wiping tears, and was uncomfortably afraid to look at his own son. This is her own son, but he was so depressed to her. Her son, who had worked so hard to raise, originally thought that he could enjoy the blessings, but he did not expect to be in old age. Will be treated like this.

The son originally treated her as a filial piety. Over the years, she has grown older and often gets sick. Her son and daughter-in-law see her as a disgusting face. Recently, the store business is very busy. She was called to the store by her son-in-law to help. , But she didn't dare to complain, she could only work hard.

Today, I was really tired. I accidentally broke a plate. After my son knew about it, he beat and scolded her repeatedly. Her heart was very painful, sore and uncomfortable. She didn't dare to refute, and could only silently endure his insults.

"How can there be such a son?"

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