Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1119: Do you think you guys are **** (pop 53 more)

Listening to the voice, the girl is about in her early twenties.

The originally flawed cooperation plan was ignored by the two people at the grilled fish shop. It was also because the young girl was talking to them, and they were not guarded against her. In addition, both of them are fat people. How could one think of one? The thin girl dared to do something to them.

"You said you are rubbish?"

The girl squatted in front of them, her voice wearing masks was very cold, and the cold two wanted to tremble.

The proprietress of the grilled fish shop shook her head, she was arrogant and vicious just now, and only fear and fear were left at this time.

Obviously, I didn't seem to be afraid just now, and now I am treated like this when I am in the dark, even the most powerful people will feel scared.

"You garbage deserves to live in the garbage dump."

The girl sneered coldly, but she carefully prepared this place for them, even if she died, she wanted them to stay in this place, but death was so easy, she wanted them to live like dogs.

What she hates most is such people. The scum in society will not bully people who are stronger than them, but will only bully people who are weaker than them. That old man is their mother. How can they get it right?

She was already angry enough to see them bullying her for the first time, but when she came to their shop again, she found that the stinky man was still bullying the old man, and pushed her to the ground, kicking her.

She will never let go of bullying the elderly like this, absolutely not!

The girl stretched out her hand to clasp the fat chin of the grilled fish shop owner, and looked at him sullenly, "That's your mother, the mother who raised you, how can you do it?"

"And you, as a daughter-in-law, you don't treat your in-laws well, but you insult your mother-in-law with him, you are also damned."

The girl clasped their chins with both hands, and her nails plunged deep into their chins, and a lot of blood came out of their chins.

The pain made them wailing, their eyes full of fear and fear.

This girl is a devil, can't they be wrong?

Seeing the disgusting and fat appearance of the two, the girl threw away the two in disgust, thinking that the two were so fat, the old man was so thin and weak, the girl's heart was more anger and hatred.

That year, she was about five or six years old. Both her parents died and her grandmother worked hard to raise her. Later, her so-called second uncle and aunt abused her grandmother and killed her dearest grandmother. The two received no retribution. , And she was sent to an orphanage for more than ten years.

The first thing she did when she grew up and left the orphanage was to take revenge. She didn't know where to move to, but she didn't know where to move. No matter how she searched, she couldn't find anyone.

The hatred in her heart has continued to the present, and she can't bear this kind of disgusting thing again today.

"I will not kill you!"

The ethereal voice slowly sounded in the dark, and the owner and the proprietress of the grilled fish shop seemed to be relieved to hear that they would not die.

Seeing the two men seemed to be relieved, the girl smiled lowly, "I really won't kill you, but I want you to live better than to die, just like the old man, you made her live better than to die, and now I also let her You try it."

These two scumbags are not worthy to live in this world. Killing them is too cheap for them. She wants them to live better than to die and make them like the old man.

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