Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1124: There is something I must tell you (explosive 58 more)

Fortunately, she is not their enemy. If so, she believes she must have died without knowing how.

"Don't be shocked!"

Qin Tianyue couldn't help but smile, Tang Wei nodded uncomfortably, it was the first time that she was so out of control in front of a stranger.

I don't know why, this girl really feels good to her, but for the first time, she put down her defenses in front of her, which has never existed before.

Because of her childhood experience, she has always repelled strangers. Even at work, she is looking for jobs that don't touch strangers much. It is precisely because of this that she has always changed jobs repeatedly over the years.

"My name is Qin Tianyue, you can call me Tianyue in the future!"

Qin Tianyue proactively stretched out his right hand, raising her soft white and rosy hand in the air. Tang Wei looked at Qin Tianyue's hand, but she didn't even dare to reach out and hold it for a while.

Knowing Tang Wei's character, Qin Tianyue took the initiative to reach out and grab Tang Wei's hand, "Can we be friends?"

This is the first time since her rebirth that she actively wants to be friends with someone.

Tang Wei's expression was a little strange. She kept looking at Qin Tianyue in the dark. She could still see Qin Tianyue's soft and brilliant expression in the dark, which was very beautiful and very moving.

"Heaven... Tianyue!"

Tang Wei cried out hesitantly, Qin Tianyue heard her very small voice and hummed, "Are we friends from now on?"

Tang Wei was a little at a loss. This was the first time anyone wanted to be friends with her. For so many years, no one wanted to be friends with her except for a girlfriend with her. Suddenly someone said that she wanted to be friends with her. Don’t know what to do?

Knowing that Tang Wei may still be at a loss, Qin Tianyue did not persecute her, but said softly, "My phone number is 18XXXXXXX. If you have anything to do in the future, you can call me. Of course, it's okay."

She knows that Tang Wei has a good memory. As long as she tells it, she will remember it. Don't worry, Tang Wei will forget her phone number.

Tang Wei thought for a while, nodded hesitantly, maybe she won't call Qin Tianyue.

"It's late, let's go!"

Qin Tianyue smiled softly at Tang Wei, his face changed slightly after thinking of something.

When she first met Tang Wei, she seemed to have heard her say when she was arrested, probably during this time, which means that Tang Wei is likely to be arrested during this time, and she was arrested. It's because of friends.

Her best friend sold her, just like those of Sang Qiu, sold her.


Tang Wei nodded, then glanced back at the unconscious owner of the grilled fish shop owner who was lying on the ground with a sneer.

After walking out of the alley, Tang Wei looked at Qin Tianyue and Mo Yishen, "Then I will go first."


Qin Tianyue nodded, Tang Wei retracted her gaze and turned away.

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Tianyue gritted his teeth, stepped forward to stand in front of Tang Wei, and met Tang Wei's suspicious look.

"Anything else?"

Tang Wei looked at Qin Tianyue in a puzzled way, wasn't she about to part with it? Why stop her?

"There is one thing, I must tell you."

Qin Tianyue said in a deep voice, his eyes fell on Tang Wei's forehead, and the evil spirit slowly condensed. She didn't see the evil spirit in the dark just now. Now she was out of the alley, under the faint street lamp, she saw Tang Wei. The evil spirit on the forehead.

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