Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1126: Hypocritical and greedy friends (pop 60 more)

The drunk man who had just entered the alley suddenly yelled, and then rushed out without mentioning his pants. A few people passing by caught him and asked him what happened. The drunk pointed to the alley in fear. Inside, "Dead, there are dead!"

Everyone looked surprised and looked into the alley. Someone boldly walked in. What they saw was the dying owner of the grilled fish shop, lying on the ground. The two had almost no breathing. No wonder they would be thought of as dead bodies.

Later, the police came and carried the man away. When the two woke up and asked what had happened, the two of them looked frightened and could not speak at all.

In a small rental room, an ordinary-looking woman in her twenties sits on a sofa, with her legs upright, nibbling on melon seeds in her hand, and spitting melon seeds on the ground at random, watching the TV show and laughing. Also happy.

Taking a look at the time, the woman's face was a little ugly, "Why don't you come back at this time?"

As soon as the words fell, she heard the sound of the key. The woman threw the melon seeds aside, then got up and picked up the broom to clean the melon seeds on the ground. Just after putting the broom down, she saw the familiar figure walking in.

The woman hurriedly smiled and stepped forward, "Weiwei, why did you come back so late? There are still food in the pot, I will heat it for you!"

Tang Wei looked at her friend Yang Yang who was smiling brightly in front of her, and suddenly remembered what Qin Tianyue said in her mind. She frowned slightly and threw her words out of her mind.

How could she not trust her friends? That's a good friend who has been with me for more than ten years!

"Well, thank you Yang Yang!"

Tang Wei felt warm. Every day she got home from get off work. No matter how late, Yang Yang would wait for her and keep vegetables for her. How could she suddenly listen to others saying bad things about Yang Yang? No one in this world is better than Yang Yang. Even better for her.

"Then wait, I'll heat it up for you, and you will eat it later."

Yang Yang smiled brilliantly, and walked towards the kitchen. They had rented here for many years, and the rented room was only more than 60 square meters. She had had enough of crowding in this small place.

Yang Yang, who entered the kitchen, slowly warmed the food, carefully took out a small package of things from his pocket, and suddenly the scene of the person looking for the door a few days ago suddenly sounded in his mind.

He told her that as long as she gave Tang Wei this thing, they would give her half a million.

Five hundred thousand, that's money that she can't make in her entire life. In the past few days, she has been hesitating. After all, Tang Wei has treated her very well these years, and Tang Wei is basically raising her.

But she was fed up with such days. She wanted to have more money and live in a better house instead of staying in such a simple house.

Yang Yang gritted his teeth, thought about putting things into his pockets, and carried out the hot food.

When she walked out of the kitchen, she saw Tang Wei sitting on the sofa with her mobile phone in her hand and didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing her walk out, she quickly put her mobile phone in her pocket and stood up.

"It's dinner, Weiwei."

Yang Yang put the food on the simple table, Tang Wei sat opposite her, and when she ate, the food was very simple, it was fried with cabbage, with less meat and more vegetables.

Tang Wei lowered his head to eat the food, Yang Yang looked at Tang Wei opposite, thought for a while and said, "Weiwei, I resigned again today, do you still have any money on you? We just paid the rent, utilities, and gas. Fei, I don’t have any money anymore, and I don’t even have money to buy vegetables."

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