Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1138: So courageous, who are you (pop 72 more)

Over the years, she has never known what tears are like. She only knows that she wants to strengthen herself. She works hard and wants to live a good life with her friend Yang Yang. She thinks Yang Yang cares for herself. Where did she know that the care in it is full of calculations. .

In fact, she has failed in her life in this life. No one loves herself anymore except for her dead grandma who loves herself.

She felt that she was a monster, so she concealed herself and huddled herself in a corner.

She only wanted to have one friend in her life, but she didn't expect everything to be empty in the end.

Now she found that there was someone who could make her cold heart beat slightly again.

This person had never known each other a day ago. She was obviously a stranger, but she was willing to take risks for her. She had lived for twenty years. She never knew what it was like to be protected. This was the first time.

Outside the laboratory, Professor Ming looked coldly at the closed door. He was preparing to leave with his men, but a word from a young female researcher made him vigilant.

She inadvertently said that the person who walked by just now was a bit weird. It was obviously that person but not that person.

He immediately became vigilant, thinking of the woman who had been hanging down in front of him just now, it was indeed a bit strange.

Without thinking about it, he quickly turned around, he must have more heart, even if it is a person who doubts himself.

"open the door!"

Professor Ming said coldly, staring at the closed laboratory door in front of him.

Behind him are a dozen security guards from the research institute, as well as a few researchers.

A security guard opened the door cautiously, looking into the laboratory, his complexion changed slightly.

Professor Ming followed the security gaze and looked inside, and his indifferent face instantly changed.

Everyone looked inside, their eyes changed.

In the laboratory, two young girls are standing upright, one of them is Tang Wei, a girl who was arrested just now, and the other is a girl posing as their research institute. She can’t see her face clearly while wearing a mask. , I just feel that she is extraordinary, and the coldness that radiates from her body can make many people take a few steps back.

"You dare to break into this place, are you brave enough?"

More than a dozen security guards quickly surrounded Qin Tianyue and Tang Wei, all holding weapons in their hands. What looked like guns in their hands was actually a very powerful anesthetic.

It was precisely because they knew that these security guards were not holding real guns, that Qin Tianyue dared to come here alone.

The anesthetic gun in their hands is to deal with those who are trying to escape, and of course it is equally powerful against outsiders, because the anesthetic here is carefully developed by this group of people. Once it is shot, no one can escape.

After security entered and surrounded Qin Tianyue, Professor Ming stepped into the laboratory, his eyes fell on Qin Tianyue's body coldly, and looked at a researcher who had passed out behind her.

The suspicious girl behind Professor Ming looked at Qin Tianyue carefully and exclaimed, "Professor Ming, she is not Pingxin at all, this woman is posing as Pingxin."

I didn't pay attention just now, but now the look in her eyes can clearly see that she is different from Ping Xin. Ping Xin's eyes are not as beautiful as this girl, and they are not as bright.

Professor Ming sank his face. He thought it was an internal staff irregularity, but now he actually got in with an outsider.

"Well, so bold, who are you?"

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