Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1147: You should pay the price, Yueer, I'm here (Blast 1 more)

During the hurricane, Qin Tianyue's eyes were as red as blood, and his body exuded a bloodthirsty breath. Seeing the vice president dying and struggling to beg for mercy, Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, "Pray for mercy? You are like this, have you ever paid attention to others' begging for mercy?"

Qin Tianyue's thoughts were still in her previous life, and she had also begged for mercy, hoping that they could let her father go, but about them, they had never relented.

This man, the man begging for mercy in front of him, mercilessly pushed his father to the ground, the piece of glass pierced his body, and it was in front of her, allowing her to see her father's death with her own eyes.

The hurricane grew stronger and harder to open your eyes. Almost all the associate dean, Professor Ming and others could not see Qin Tianyue in front of them. Numerous things around were spinning in mid-air, as if they were about to fly towards them in the next moment. Shot from here.

The breath of death permeated the entire laboratory, and the lights above their heads couldn't bear all the smashing, glass **** fell on them, and many people screamed in disintegration.

The bright laboratory dimmed due to the broken lamp. Professor Ming and others opened their eyes with difficulty. They watched her slowly squat down. Suddenly, Professor Ming and the deputy dean felt that their necks were severely pinched. , The two were lifted from the ground by Qin Tianyue, but their struggles were useless.

"Damn you guys! Damn! Damn!"

The cold voice of the yin bird rang in the dim, and Professor Ming and the deputy dean breathed hard in the dim. They wanted to ask for mercy but couldn't speak at all. They looked at the person who grabbed them with difficulty.

In the dimness, they could only see the faint outline and the pair of eyes that they would never forget in their lifetime.

Tang Wei fell in a corner, she didn't know what happened to Qin Tianyue, she felt that something was wrong with her from just now.

Now the entire laboratory has been destroyed and cannot be destroyed anymore. Basically everything is good. She wants to step forward, but because it is too dark to walk at all, she can only stand in place and call Qin Tianyue’s name and hope she can be sober. a little.

The door of the laboratory was opened from the outside. Tang Wei looked at it with difficulty during the hurricane. Vaguely, she seemed to see a slender figure walking in.

who is it? Is it someone from this institute?

"You should pay the price, and you should not live in this world and harm others."

Qin Tianyue's eyes were scarlet, and he clasped the neck of the Deputy Dean and Professor Ming firmly, and many people made painful and scared voices in the dimness.

She slowly tightened her hands, as if the deputy chief would die in her hands in the next moment.

A slender hand grabbed Qin Tianyue's hand at this moment, Qin Tianyue's scarlet eyes flashed with gloomy coldness, throwing away Professor Ming in his hand, and attacking the incoming person with one hand.

She thought it was people from the research institute, and thought they were coming to save these people.

"Yue'er, it's me!"

In the dim, familiar and **** voice slowly sounded, Qin Tianyue's scarlet eyes flashed slightly, and the bottom of his eyes flashed blankly.

who is it? Why is the sound so familiar? Why make her cold heart move slightly.

Her attacking motion stopped in the air, Mo Yi's deep phoenix eyes tightly locked Qin Tianyue, in the dim, he still clearly saw her appearance at this time, his eyes were scarlet as blood, and his cheeks were cold and bloodthirsty, which was very different from her usual. In and out.

How could his Yue'er become like this?

Seeing her hand clinging to the vice president, Mo Yishen stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, "Yue'er, here I am!"

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