Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1149: Mo Yishen hug me, OK? (3 more)

The deputy dean, Professor Ming, were lifted into the air out of thin air, as if they were pinched by one hand in the air.

The two struggled in horror, looking at Mo Yishen and Qin Tianyue in disbelief.

This man also has this kind of ability, and his power is more than a little bit stronger than the woman just now. How could they provoke this kind of evil star? They were wrong, they were really wrong, but it was too late.


The deputy dean kicked his legs in mid-air, clasped his neck with his hands, and slightly moved the corners of his mouth. His cheeks were originally pale and bloodless, but because of being lifted in mid-air, the whole cheeks suddenly became red and breathing quickly.

Professor Ming next to him was in the same situation as the deputy dean. He was dying and suddenly looked at himself not far away in horror.

Under the shining of the light outside, he watched dozens of knives and needles hanging in the air, ""

That woman is the devil, this man is even more so, what is he going to do?

The deputy dean opened his mouth wide, and was as frightened as Professor Ming. After the two blurted out, the sharp knives and needles hanging in the air flew towards the two of them, staring directly at the two on the wall. His eyes widened unceasingly, fear and fear remained in his eyes.

A drop of blood dripped from mid-air, and many researchers hiding in the corner screamed in fear, Mo Yi looked at it indifferently, without the slightest expression in his eyes, his phoenix eyes condensed, and an invisible mental force spread again. , Several researchers squatting in the corner covered their heads and rolled on the ground wailing in pain.

Qin Tianyue opened her eyes and looked vaguely. At this time, she could only vaguely see what had happened, knowing that Mo Yishen had nailed the two people in the air and died instantly. As for these helpers and abusers under Mo Yishen's powerful spiritual power. , It is estimated that a sober person will not be a normal person.

Is it all over? Has the nightmare in her heart gone?

At this moment, Qin Tianyue no longer had any strength to soften his body, and Mo Yishen hugged Qin Tianyue.

Qin Tianyue raised his head and smiled softly at him, "Mo Yishen, can you hold me?"

For the first time, she actively wanted him to pick her up. She must not let him know that she has no strength to walk at this time, and she must not let him know that her eyes are so blurred that she can't see clearly. This is the overuse of the sky eye. The sequelae of mental power and spiritual power.

She did not expect this sequelae to be so severe, even she did not expect it to be so severe.

"it is good!"

Mo Yishen hit and hugged Qin Tianyue, preparing to walk outside.

"Wait a moment!"

Tang Wei's low voice sounded. The mental energy just now almost prevented her from vomiting blood. Fortunately, the mental energy was not directed at her, so she only felt uncomfortable, but she had no other feelings and would not fall to the ground like others. struggle.

She glanced at the two people nailed to the wall, and then at the few people who fell on the ground and covered their heads and howled in pain. There was no sympathy in her eyes. These people should have such a fate, for their so-called research. , Don't take human life seriously.

Mo Yishen stopped and looked back at Tang Wei indifferently. He didn't have any favor with Tang Wei, because in his heart, Qin Tianyue would be so dangerous, partly because of her, as for the other part, he Knowing that it must have something to do with Qin Tianyue's secret, otherwise she would never make her crazy like this.

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