Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1156: Yueer, I'm very angry (10 more)

Mo Yishen stretched out his hand to touch Qin Tianyue's eyes, and saw that her crystal-clear beautiful eyes lost their previous look, and he was heartbroken.

"Yue'er, I am very angry, really angry."

"I'm very angry when you go into danger. I regret what you promised me. I'm very angry if you don't tell me if you are weak. You have a problem with your eyes...I am also angry."

Mo Yishen's voice became colder and colder, and Qin Tianyue's heart trembled every time he said that he was very angry.

She gritted her teeth, her eyes were slightly moisturized, she raised her head and slowly stretched out her hand, wanting to touch the hand that was deep in ink, but because she couldn't see it, she could only fumble forward slowly.

Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue's hands and placed them on his cheeks.

Touching his cheek, Qin Tianyue said timidly, "Then... then you hit me!"

He had said that if she committed a risk in the future, he would definitely beat her.

It seems that he can't escape today, he is so angry, he will definitely teach her a good lesson.

"Mo Yishen, whether it can be lighter, my body is still uncomfortable."

Qin Tianyue begged for mercy in a low voice, her body now barely able to walk, if he really tried too hard, she was afraid she would have to lie on the bed and rest.

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes looked at Qin Tianyue's pitiful appearance, that delicate face looked lovely at this moment, how could he be willing to beat her with her appearance.

Mo Yishen sighed deeply in his heart, stretched out his hand and hugged Qin Tianyue horizontally, placed her softly on the bed, kneeled in front of her on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "Remember, one day you will be doubled."

Qin Tianyue fumbled slightly, and slowly fumbled and grabbed Mo Yishen's hand, "I was wrong, I was really wrong."

"Every time I admit my mistake, I never change it!"

Mo Yishen's voice was cold, and Qin Tianyue lowered his head and let Mo Yishen teach himself, "I know, change it, and I will change it in the future."

"You don't have to worry about it, my eyes and my body know how to do it, and it will heal soon."

Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to wrap around Mo Yishen's neck and acted a little bit coquettishly. She knew that Mo Yishen had eaten this set. Now when should he not act coquettishly at this time.

Mo deepened his phoenix eyes, if it wasn't for the time, he would have taught her a long time ago.

"Now that I know, hurry up and treat your eyes well."

Mo Yishen said in a deep voice, and Qin Tianyue nodded inside, "I know, I will enter the space immediately."

After that, she was going to disappear where she was, but Mo Yishen suddenly grabbed her hand, "I will also go in."

"……it is good!"

Qin Tianyue nodded and grabbed Mo Yishen's hand, and the two quickly disappeared where they were.

In the space, the air is fresh and elegant, with a faint fragrance of flowers permeating the air, and many butterflies and bees are flying in the space.

Xiao Huo knew that Qin Tianyue had come in, and quickly flew over from a distance. He was slightly taken aback when he saw Mo Yishen standing next to Qin Tianyue.


Xiao Huo flew over quickly, Qin Tianyue opened his arms subconsciously, and Xiao Huo flew into her arms, "It's great that you came in, so I don't have to worry so much."

"Sorry Xiaohuo, I was the one who worried you."

Qin Tianyue touched Xiaohuo's soft feathers, Xiaohuo shook his head, glanced at Mo Yishen who was standing next to Qin Tianyue, and flew out of Qin Tianyue's arms, "I won't delay you, you go quickly."

It knows what it means for Qin Tianyue to enter the space, and now that Mo Yishen is also following in, he must know Qin Tianyue's situation.

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