Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1164: Why don't you tell me (explosive 18 more)

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Tianyue grabbed Mo Yishen's hand and looked at him quietly.

Mo Yishen stopped and looked at her with long and narrow phoenix eyes, his eyes moved slightly, his hand slowly raised, as if he couldn't believe it.


His throat tightened, his eyes darkened, and his voice was hoarse and sexy.

With a smile at the corner of Qin Tianyue’s lips, he took the initiative to grab his raised hand and placed it on the corner of his eye. His crystal clear eyes looked straight at Mo Yishen, "I can see it, I can see your eyebrows, and see you. Concerns, see your worries, see everything about you."

Qin Tianyue moved Mo's deep hand to her cheek and touched it slightly with her white and tender cheek.

Mo Yishen held Qin Tianyue's cheek in his hands and asked her to look at him. He couldn't help but hung his head and covered her delicate lips with thin lips, and kissed.

"When is it all right? Why don't you tell me?"

A few minutes later, Mo Yishen released Qin Tianyue, his thin lips raised slightly, and his slender fingers moved lovingly at the corner of Qin Tianyue's eyes.

"It just got better!"

Qin Tianyue raised a smile, stretched out his hand to touch the ink-deep cheek, and slowly stroked it. For the past three days, when nothing happened, he would use his fingertips to slowly move his outline.

In the past two or three days, she liked this behavior. When she stayed quietly with him, she would do it, and he would quietly let her slowly wander on his face.

When she couldn't bear it, she would be pressed under her body and do whatever she wanted.


Seeing that it was not early, Mo Yishen took Qin Tianyue's hand and walked towards the villa.

On the fourth day, they returned to the capital.

Mo Yishen personally sent Qin Tianyue back to the mysterious doctor's shop. On the fourth day, Qin Tianyue's eyes had recovered a lot, almost no difference from normal people, but it would take more time to really recover.

As soon as they returned to the Xuanyi shop, Hua Zhenzhu and the others gathered around, especially when Bai Chuxia knew that Qin Tianyue was back, and hurriedly stepped forward with excitement. When his gaze fell on the Mo Yi Shen beside Qin Tianyue, his eyes flashed slightly towards the ink. After nodding deeply, he pulled Qin Tianyue to sit down.

"Sister Yue, where have you been these few days, it makes us so worried!"

Bai Chuxia whispered, his eyes full of worries.

"I went to do some things, so I delayed some time."

Qin Tianyue smiled softly, "I make you worried, sorry."

Bai Chuxia shook her head and said nothing.

Hua Zhenzhu smiled softly, "It's almost noon, Hualian has already prepared lunch, and everyone has to eat quickly. Tianyue just came back from J City, so it's time to go back and rest for a while."

"it is good!"

Qin Tianyue nodded, and looked back at Mo Yishen beside him, "If you have something to do for a while, let's have a meal before leaving."


Mo Yishen nodded. He does still have very important things. The company has accumulated a lot of important things in the past few days, and he needs to return to the company to solve them.

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, and a group of people walked towards the backyard happily.

After the meal, Mo Yishen sent Qin Tianyue back to the villa, "Get a good rest, do you know if you have anything to call me?"

His thin lips were printed on her forehead and said softly.

Qin Tianyue nodded, "I see, drive carefully, don't work too hard."

"it is good!"

Mo Yishen nodded, his slender body turned and left.

After watching him leave, Qin Tianyue raised his lips and smiled.

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