Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1180: Didn't he recognize her (four more)

Even if a person looks similar, the breath and taste on her body will definitely not be the same as Qin Shiyue.

That man loves Qin Shiyue so much, she believes in him, just as she said to believe in Mo Yishen.

Yun Jingxing laughed lowly, not knowing whether it was a pleasant smile or a mocking smile.

Qin Tianyue looked at Yun Jingxing suspiciously. Was she funny? What does he mean by laughing like this?

Didn't that Yingshen admit his mistake?

"Didn't he recognize her?"

Qin Tianyue only felt that his throat seemed to be stuck by a fishbone, which was very uncomfortable.

If Yingshen did not recognize Qin Shiyue, would she feel uncomfortable if she knew?

"No... he recognized it!"

Yun Jingxing looked straight at Qin Tianyue and told the truth.

Qin Tianyue's heart moved, and the face that hadn't been much turbulent appeared in waves.

"He recognized it!"

She murmured, Yun Jingxing smiled lightly, with a slight self-deprecation, "Yes, he recognized it. He recognized it when everyone didn't recognize it."

"That woman came back pretending to be her. Yun Jinglan was the first to know, because at that time he happened to be out of town to do errands and met her."

"At that time, the whole country was boiling because of her disappearance. When I saw the posing woman, Yun Jinglan really thought it was her. She was the voice of her body and voice."

"Knowing that she is back, Yun Jinglan is very happy, and hastened someone to inform Yingshen."

"The speed of winning deep is very fast. He left all his subordinates and rode his horse out of the city."

Qin Tianyue quietly listened to Yun Jingxing's story about a thousand years, and suddenly such a picture appeared in his mind.

"Yingshen dismounted and approached her. The woman looked at him excitedly and walked in the direction of Yingshen. At this moment, Yingshen stopped, stretched out her hand to pinch the woman's neck, and questioned her. who is it?"

Having said this, Yun Jingxing laughed at himself again, "When Yingshen questioned, Yun Jinglan came forward and almost fought with Yingshen, because in Yun Jinglan's mind, the woman was Qin Shiyue, and he didn't recognize it. That woman is posing."

After saying this, Yun Jingxing was silent.

"What happened to that woman in the end?"

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes moved slightly, Yun Jingxing was silent again, and looked at Qin Tianyue, "Later... later that woman was rescued!"

Qin Tianyue's eyes sank, "I was rescued?"

"It's late, I'll let someone take you back!"

Yun Jingxing whispered, "This story should also end here. I just wanted to tell you a little bit, but I didn't expect to say so much."

"Whether my dream is true or false, it is a thousand years ago."

Yun Jingxing looked at Qin Tianyue, her eyes deepened, "Thousands of years ago, she was too tired to live. Even if she got the love of Yingshen, she ended up like that because of her victory."

"If you were her, would you still choose to win deep?"

Yun Jingxing stared at Qin Tianyue closely, as if he wanted to see something in her expression.

Qin Tianyue's face was slightly stiff, and he turned his head and whispered, "I'm not Qin Shiyue, I can't make decisions for her."

She got up from her position, turned and prepared to leave.

"Have you found the other half of your life now?"

Yun Jingxing's gentle and deep voice came from behind, and Qin Tianyue looked at a blooming flower not far away without looking back. He did not answer Yun Jingxing, and strode towards the front of the back garden.

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