Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1182: May allow you to eat me (six more)

"Do you know who that man is?"

Yun Jingxing asked in a deep voice, Yun Yao shook his head, "I don't know, that man is a bit mysterious, I have never seen him appear next to Tianyue, and I don't know who he is."


Yun Jingxing's eyes were faint, and he stopped talking.

Yun Yao stopped talking when Yun Jingxing saw that he didn't speak any more.

Shen Wenwen followed Qin Tianyue's footsteps and left. She tilted her head to look at the small fire that was dozing on Qin Tianyue's shoulder, and finally fell on Qin Tianyue's eyes. She could feel Qin Tianyue's absence, and she seemed to be thinking something.

"Tian Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Wenwen asked curiously, Qin Tianyue looked back at Shen Wenwen, smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, just thinking of something."


Shen Wenwen nodded, and each got into their own car, "Then I'll go first, you should be careful on the road."

"Well, you too, call me when you get home."

"it is good!"

Shen Wenwen's car slowly drove away. After Qin Tianyue started the car, he glanced at the direction of the Yun family.

She knew that Yun Jingxing still had many things to hide from herself. He would definitely have his decision if he didn't say it, and she wouldn't force him to say something because of unrelated things.

That was only a matter of a thousand years, Qin Shiyue's matter, not her Qin Tianyue's matter.

Even though she was Qin Shiyue a thousand years ago, it has already been a thousand years. She doesn't have to worry about so much. Her current energy only allows herself to remember the things of the previous life and only allow herself to solve the things of the previous life.

When he got home, Qin Tianyue criticized Xiao Huo and planned to punish her to think about it for a few days in the space. After Xiao Huo begged for mercy, he obediently entered the space.

In the evening, Bai Chuxia did not go home. She called her a while ago and told her that she would follow Hua Zhenzhu to another city for treatment. During this time, Bai Chuxia has made great progress and can almost help people see a doctor. From time to time, they will follow Hua Zhenzhu to the patients' homes for treatment and help.

When Bai Chuxia didn't return, Qin Tianyue sat on the sofa in a daze. If it weren't for Mo Yishen's call, she might still be in a daze.

Obviously telling myself not to think about it, I can't help but think about what Yun Jingxing said.


"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Yi's deep and low voice came from the other end of the phone, and Qin Tianyue quickly replied, "Nothing, just thinking about what to eat at night."

"What to eat at night... you can allow you to eat me!"

A deep and **** voice sounded, and Qin Tianyue's cheeks were slightly red, "Mo Yishen, do you still have a face? Who is going to eat you."

This man is getting better and better!

"I'm almost home, what do you want to eat, I'll come back and make it."

Mo came with a deep **** laugh, followed by his gentle voice.

"You can eat anything!"

Qin Tianyue whispered, spoke a few words with Mo Yishen, and hung up the phone.

Knowing that he would be coming soon, Qin Tianyue quickly got up from the sofa and walked to the kitchen.

When Mo Yishen entered the villa, he could already smell the scent of the food. Gentleness flashed across his handsome face. After changing his shoes, he walked into the villa.

Looking at Qin Tianyue who was cooking in the kitchen, Mo Yishen grabbed Qin Tianyue from behind and took the shovel in her hand. "Didn't you say I'll come back and do it?"

"Get out quickly. There is soot in the kitchen. You have a hard day. I will do it. It will be done soon."

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