Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1185: I just want to protect her in this life (nine more)

When Yun Jingxing woke up from a coma, he found Mo Yishen and told him something similar to Qin Tianyue's.

Asked him whether he believed in his past and present life, Mo Yishen didn't speak at that time, but just asked Yun Jing's behavior in a faint question.

At this time, Mo Yishen had already been to the tomb of Emperor Ying with Qin Tianyue, so he knew that he was likely to have a relationship with Qin Tianyue in the last life, but Qin Tianyue did not believe that at that time, so the story turned around.

Now Yun Jingxing mentioned it suddenly, even though Mo Yishen didn't say anything in his mouth, he was very curious about what Yun Jing's behavior said.

At that time, Yun Jingxing, who had just woke up, had pale cheeks and no blood. He looked at the distant scenery and told Mo Yishen with a faint smile that he seemed to have gone to a place called Sheng Chao a long time ago.

Hearing the words "Sheng Chao", Mo Yi's phoenix eyes shrank slightly, apparently thinking of the things about Sheng Chao he had seen in the tomb of Emperor Ying.

He listened silently until Yun Jingxing told him the journey of the millennium as a story.

He said that a thousand years ago, they were also brothers, a thousand years later, maybe this is the fate of God.

He said that thousands of years ago, he saw that Mo Yishen was an emperor and had a deeply loved woman. Later that woman died and he turned into a demon, slaughtered the people who hurt her, and disappeared into that dynasty with her.

Yun Jingxing said these words jokingly. The reason why he did this is because he knew that Mo Yishen didn’t believe it. Just like Qin Tianyue, he probably just treated this matter as a joke. After he finished speaking, they It's always a joke.

"You won't be alone for a lifetime if you find her."

Yun Jingxing raised a faint smile, that clear and handsome face was sincere, and now that Qin Tianyue appeared, Mo Yishen should go to her, stay with her, and continue his past life.

He hoped that the person who owed him in the previous life would be happy, so that maybe he could be at ease.

"Why are you so concerned about this matter?"

Mo Yishen looked at Yun Jingxing indifferently, and said in a deep voice.

Yun Jingxing looked at Mo Yishen with a wry smile, "We are friends, aren't we? You...just as I owe you in my last life."

Mo Yishen glanced at Yun Jingxing silently, his phoenix eyes were slightly cold, and the aura exuding from his body was terrifying, "Do you have feelings for her?"

Yun Jingxing's hand on the wheelchair was slightly tight, and he looked at Mo Yishen with a deep sullen look. It seems that if there was a seemingly unrelenting affection in his words, he still did not hide it from Mo Yishen.

"If there is a past life, it is also the love of the past life. I just want to protect her in this life."

He owes too much, in this life, just treat it as he wants to make up for his mistakes.

"No, it's okay for her to be guarded by me, stay away from her."

The cold and deep voice rang in front of Yun Jingxing.

Yun Jingxing diminished his pupils in surprise, "You... already knew her?"

If it wasn't for someone in Mo Yishen's heart, he would never say that. He had already had a sweetheart at any time, but he had never told him.

Whether the person in Mo Yishen's heart is Qin Tianyue, no, it must be, they have a life-for-life vow, and if they are not each other, they will never be together, even if they are others, they will eventually separate.

"Stop worrying about me, it's yourself that you should worry about."

Mo Yishen glanced at Yun Jingxing's legs indifferently, Yun Jingxing's thin lips twitched slightly, his heart tightened and loosened contradictory.

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