Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1189: I will never let you have an accident (three shifts)

Mo Yishen tightened his arms, his phoenix eyes stared at Qin Tianyue closely, the bridge of his nose was aligned with Qin Tianyue's nose, his thin lips were aligned with Qin Tianyue's lips, and he slowly said, "I will never let you have an accident, and I won't win the battle. Same."

He knew what she wanted to say, if he was the Yingdi Yingshen a thousand years ago, then he should have committed suicide long ago!

Qin Tianyue looked at Mo Yishen's eyes and leaned forward to kiss Mo Yishen.

"I know, because you are Mo Yishen, the man I Qin Tianyue loves."

Mo raised his thin lips slightly, turning over and pressing Qin Tianyue under him. The temperature in the air became deeper and higher, and it didn't dissipate for a long time.

That night, he never let her rest, so that that night, she slept soundly, that dream no longer appeared in her dream.

On the campus of Beijing University, Qin Tianyue was listening carefully to the lectures of Professor Beijing University, and Shen Wenwen was also taking notes seriously. Not far from them, Qi Qing and Yu Jiao glanced at them indifferently.

After class, Shen Wenwen walked out of the class holding Qin Tianyue's hand, and glanced at the two Qi Qing who were walking in front, "I haven't seen Su Anxin recently. Is this person scared?"

It's been a while since He Lu's affairs, Su Anxin hasn't gone to school these days, and he doesn't know what's going on.

Are you still afraid of what happened that day, and have lingering fears, are you too courageous?

Qin Tianyue coldly aroused, "It seems to be sick!"

When Qi Qing and the two passed by them just now, she heard the two whispering words, it should be that Su An's heart has been sick recently, and she is quite sick.

She thought, Su Anxin should have been having nightmares recently, after all, He Lu and Kang Jiajia were indirectly killed by her.

"Sick? Do you have a lot of bad things, right?"

Shen Wenwen snorted, would Su Anxin also get sick?

At her banquet, she framed Tianyue and let Konkajia two partners to frame her. Konkajia was also killed by her.

This is self-inflicted, so I can't get out of bed because of the illness!

"Tianyue, we have no class in the afternoon, let's go shopping!"

Shen Wenwen took Qin Tianyue's hand and stopped mentioning Su Anxin's affairs, because she felt that when she mentioned Su Anxin, she felt nauseous.

"Also, can you bring a small fire, it is so cute."

Shen Wenwen shook Qin Tianyue's hand, wishing to see Xiao Huo right away, that little thing was really the cutest little thing she had ever seen.

Qin Tianyue smiled and shook his head, "Not today. I have to pick up my father's plane in the afternoon."

"Well then, let's go shopping another day!"

Shen Wenwen said with a smile, and Qin Tianyue nodded.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Tianyue drove to the airport with Bai Chuxia.

It is now November, and the weather here in the capital is already cold. For months, Qin Jianan and Luo Mengfang, who had not seen Qin Tianyue Bai Chuxia, called Qin Tianyue this morning and told her about their plane in the afternoon.

Knowing that they were coming, Qin Tianyue asked them to be careful on the way. After learning about Qin Jian'an's flight, Qin Tianyue took Bai Chuxia to the airport.

It didn't take long to see Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang walking out.

The two were very popular. Seeing Qin Tianyue and Bai Chuxia next to him, Qin Jianan and Luo Mengfang immediately showed a big smile on his face, and ran up briskly.

Seeing Qin Jian'an, Qin Tianyue's eyes were slightly moisturized, and he ran forward and hugged Qin Jian'an. Bai Chuxia on the side hugged Luo Mengfang.

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