Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1193: Me and Mo Yishen are together (seven more)

Bai Chuxia took a sip of tea without speaking, and just watched silently.

As long as Mo Yishen treats Qin Tianyue well, she can really like him, but if he dares to treat Qin Tianyue badly, she will not let him go.

"No need to pay back, what Tianyue said is what I said, that gift is my and her heart."

Mo Yishen raised his lips and smiled, and dropped a big bomb at Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang, shocking the two of them in place.

Qin Tianyue was drinking tea, and was almost not scared by Mo Yishen's words to spit out the tea in his mouth.

She thought he would have to wait a while, even if he had to say it, he would say it implicitly, but what is the situation now, why he said it so suddenly, it is the ghost that knows the meaning of his words.

Qin Tianyue raised his head and glanced at Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang, who was opposite, and saw the dull look of the two of them.

Luo Mengfang first returned to his senses, glanced at Qin Tianyue and then at Mo Yishen, bowing his head slightly.

In fact, she should have guessed something, Mo Yishen's eyes on Qin Tianyue were obviously different.

Qin Jian'an was shocked so much that he couldn't come back to his senses for a while, and he didn't recover until Luo Mengfang pushed him.

"What...what do you mean by this sentence?"

Qin Jian'an thought he was dreaming, so why did he come to the capital city of Mo Yishen to give him such a word.

Qin Tianyue pulled Mo Yishen down on the table, asking him not to talk nonsense, but Mo Yishen grabbed his hand and placed it on the table. Qin Jianan's gaze had been staring at the hands held by the two in disbelief.

Qin Tianyue wanted to cover her forehead very much.

"Uncle Qin, Yue'er and I have been together for a while. This time you come here to tell you that you can give her to me with confidence."

Mo Yishen's voice is deep and sexy, with a firm tone, with tenderness in his phoenix eyes.

Qin Jianan tilted his head to look at Qin Tianyue, as if Mo Yishen's words were not enough to convince him.

"Yueyue, are you telling Dad that this is true?"

His daughter has been in love since he came to the capital. Although he had a good impression of Mo Yishen and thought he was a reliable man, it did not mean that he recognized Mo Yishen as the boyfriend of his daughter Qin Tianyue, and even worse, he would still be Qin Tianyue's husband in the future.

"Dad, it's true, I'm with Mo Yishen."

Someone beside her kept staring at her, Qin Tianyue bit her scalp and said, "Dad, he's fine!"

Qin Jianan looked at the hands held by the two, watching Mo Yishen staring at his daughter Qin Tianyue's soft gaze, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, "When did you...when were you together?"

Back then, Mo Yishen told him that he would take good care of Qin Tianyue, shouldn't he be together at that time?

"It's been a while since I didn't tell my uncle that it was my fault. I hope you can forgive me for concealing it."

Mo Yishen said sincerely.

Looking at Mo Yishen, Qin Jianan couldn't say anything to criticize for a while. In fact, in his heart, he also hoped that a man would love his daughter in place of him. Since the two were together, he couldn't make the two separate.

He could see that Mo Yishen liked his daughter Qin Tianyue, and her daughter seemed to treat him the same way, her eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

The only thing he has to do now is to see if Mo Yishen can really protect his daughter, and if he can really treat her well, if he can, he is willing to entrust his daughter to him.

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