Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1201: I won't talk to you anymore (five watch)

"Stop talking to you."

Qin Tianyue quickly pushed away Mo Yishen and ran towards Qin Jian'an. Mo Yishen looked at her shy back running away with his hands in his pockets, his thin lips slightly raised, and his eyes soft and affectionate.

The eyes of many women around him fell on him, Mo instantly converged with a deep and affectionate expression, and glanced around with an indifferent look. The eyes of many men and women around him quickly retracted. This man's eyes were too scary, and he was so affectionate just now. Facing the beautiful girl, it's like this now, and the changes are too great.

After playing all morning, the five people found a famous snack restaurant in Beijing to dine and rest for a while. Qin Tianyue was about to take Qin Jian'an to another famous scenic spot. Mo Yishen's mobile phone rang, and he glanced at his side. Qin Tianyue nodded to a few people apologetically, picked up the phone and walked aside.

After a while, I saw Mo Yishen approaching with a dignified expression, "Uncle and Auntie, I need to leave first if I have something to do."

"Well, it's okay, if something happens you do your own thing."

Qin Jianan was taken aback and nodded quickly. Mo Yishen came to accompany them, which made him a little embarrassed. Even if it was his future son-in-law, he would feel that Mo Yishen’s business was delayed. Now that he has something to leave, of course he hastened to let him. Do your own thing.

Qin Tianyue got up from his position and grabbed Mo Yishen's hand, "What happened?"

She could feel that it must be a very important thing, otherwise she wouldn't let the always steady Mo's complexion be dark and solemn.

Mo Yishen looked at Qin Tianyue and grabbed her hand, "My mother is a little uncomfortable!"

Mrs. Mo has been in her sixties, and she has always been in good health. He suddenly received a call saying that she was unwell and he had to go and see.

"I'll accompany you to see!"


After hesitating for a moment, Mo Yishen nodded. No one can match Qin Tianyue's medical skills. She is more useful than anyone else.

"Dad, Aunt Fang, I may not be able to accompany you this afternoon."

Qin Tianyue let go of Mo Yishen's hand and looked back at Qin Jian'an.

Looking at her, Qin Jianan quickly got up from his position, "If something goes wrong, you can go and you don't need to accompany us."

"Yes, go quickly if you have something to do, don't accompany us."

Luo Mengfang stood up and said deeply towards Qin Tianyue Mo. The two nodded, took their own things, and walked outside.

Bai Chuxia looked at the back of the two leaving, accompanied Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang.

"It should be all right!"

Qin Jianan glanced at Luo Mengfang with some worry.

Luo Mengfang quickly comforted him, "Don't worry, it should be okay, Tianyue is very good, and it must be okay."

Qin Jian'an nodded, and after Qin Tianyue Mo Yishen left, the three of them did not stay any longer, and they checked out and left.

Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang did not go shopping in the early summer afternoon, but returned to the villa.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Jianan was worried and called Qin Tianyue. After learning that there was nothing wrong, he was finally relieved.

"I think there is still something to be added at home. Let's go to the supermarket."

"it is good!"

Qin Jianan nodded. After Bai Chuxia came back, he entered the room to read the doctor's book. Luo Mengfang did not ask her to go to the supermarket, but went out of the villa with Qin Jianan and walked towards the outside of Jinglin Community.

Although Qin Jian'an and Luo Mengfang haven't been married for long, they never quarrel and get along with each other in harmony and warmth like a loving couple for many years.

They have all been abandoned by the other half, so they cherish each other even more.

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