Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1207: Did she recognize you (one more)

It was seven o'clock in the evening when Qin Tianyue returned to the villa, and the night had fallen.

After going to Mo's house in the afternoon to treat Mo Yishen's mother, she stayed at Mo's house and chatted with her.

After dinner, they returned to Jinglin Community with Mo Yishen.

After making Mo Yishen hurriedly return to her villa, she also walked back to the villa by night.

"Tian Yue, are you back?"

Luo Mengfang was carrying the fruit, and when he saw Qin Tianyue coming home, he smiled, "Aunt Fang just washed the fruit, you can eat some."


Qin Tianyue smiled and nodded, and glanced at the living room. Only Bai Chuxia did not see Qin Jian'an. "Aunt Fang, how about my dad, why didn't I see him?"

Luo Mengfang thought for a while and sighed and said, "Go to the terrace on the second floor and have a look. Your dad met today... met your mother."

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes were slightly cold, and he smiled at Luo Mengfang, "I know, I'll go take a look."

As he walked to the second floor terrace, Qin Tianyue's eyes were deep.

She didn't expect that her father would meet Sang Qiu when he came to the capital, and she didn't know if it was Nie Yuan, such a big capital would allow them to meet him.

She never thought of using the eyes of the sky to see what will happen in the future, because she felt that life cannot be predicted by the eyes of the sky alone, and some things that should happen still have to happen.

Of course, she will look at some bad things, and change if possible, because she doesn't want to see people around her get hurt.

Qin Jian stood quietly in front of the terrace, looking at the night view not far away. He had been standing here for a long time, in a daze, thinking about many things.


Qin Tianyue walked to Qin Jian'an and said softly, "It's cold here, let's go in."

Qin Jianan heard Qin Tianyue's voice calling him, and quickly lowered his head to wipe the wetness in his eyes.

He thought of these years, of the suffering their father and daughter have endured over the years.

If he hadn't met Sang Qiu today, he might have almost forgotten.

He couldn't think that Sang Qiu had actually come to the capital, and he had a good time.

What qualifications does a person like her have to live so well?

Abandon their father and daughter, without a trace of pity, not a trace of miss.

"Yueyue, dad met you today...mother!"

Qin Jianan said in a deep voice that he wanted to hide Qin Tianyue, but he felt that it was wrong to hide Qin Tianyue. He knew that Qin Tianyue was very sensitive, and he couldn't hide it from her at all.

"Dad, she is not my mother, if you really want to say mother... Aunt Fang is, she is your wife, my mother!"

Although she didn't call Luo Mengfang her mother, she already regarded her as her own mother in her heart.

A woman like Sangqiu doesn't deserve to be her mother!

Qin Jianan's eyes moistened again, "Have you ever met her?"

Qin Jianan could feel that Qin Tianyue said that Sang Qiushi was very calm and did not feel shocked. It is very possible that she had met her a long time ago, otherwise she would not be so peaceful.


Qin Tianyue did not deny it either, and nodded.

"Then she... did she recognize you?"

Qin Jian's heart tightened, and he asked a little hesitantly. He wanted to know whether Sang Qiu recognized his daughter, what he thought in his heart, and did he have the slightest guilt for his daughter?

"Dad, she already has a daughter, to her, I am not her daughter at all!"

Qin Tianyue sneered coldly, she still said that lightly, in order not to worry Qin Jian'an.

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