Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1246: Why is that old woman so annoying (one more)

Touching Bai Chuxia's hair, Qin Tianyue smiled softly, "Nothing, it's all over!"

There is no need to let Bai Chuxia know about these things, letting her know is also worrying, she and her father know.

Bai Chuxia nodded dullly. She knew Qin Tianyue was hiding from her. Maybe it was because she was still young, maybe because she couldn't help her.

She must work hard to help Qin Tianyue in the future.

After eating the noodles, Qin Tianyue washed well, and after changing into pajamas, he heard the movement outside.

Walking out of the room, he found Qin Jian'an sitting on the sofa, holding a cigarette in his hand as if he was about to smoke.

She had never seen her father smoke. This was the first time. It must be because of Sangqiu.

"Dad, don't smoke, it's not good for your health!"

Qin Tianyue stepped forward and took out the cigarette **** in Qin Jian'an's hand and threw it into the trash can.

Qin Jianan sighed, "I know, I am..."

Qin Tianyue sat next to Qin Jian'an and grabbed his hand, "Dad, the matter is over, don't think about it anymore."

How could she not know what he was thinking, there was no one else except Sang Qiu.

"Yueyue, Dad is not good. If Dad didn't go to that club today, you wouldn't have almost had an accident."

Qin Jian'an was full of self-blame. He couldn't forgive himself. It was because he suddenly felt soft. He believed Sang Qiu's nonsense and thought that she really wanted to talk to herself about Qin Tianyue. He knew that everything was a lie. Yes, she simply wants to calculate her daughter.

"Dad, how can you blame you?"

Qin Tianyue tightened Qin Jian'an's hand, "You are not wrong, nothing is wrong! I can tell the fortune, I know what Sang Qiu is going to calculate me, so nothing will happen!"

Qin Jianan raised his head and looked at Qin Tianyue. Yes, he almost forgot about his daughter's fortune-telling in addition to medical skills. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that his daughter could be so powerful.

"You can rest assured, Sang Qiu can't hurt me, and her good life won't last long."

Qin Tianyue's eyes moved slightly, and the bottom of his eyes was deep and cold.

This time, Sang Qiu must have resented her and her father. Father and Aunt Fang were not suitable to stay in the capital anymore.

"Do you have to be careful to know? She is not a good person!"

Qin Jianan clenched Qin Tianyue's hands with both hands, and kept telling, "Tomorrow, I will return to City A with your Aunt Fang. We will take good care of ourselves, and you must take good care of yourself."

Qin Jian'an felt that staying in the capital would be a burden, and he might also afflict Qin Tianyue next time, so he decided to return to City A tomorrow to prevent such things from happening again.

Qin Tianyue did not stop Qin Jian'an, and nodded, "I will book you tickets tomorrow and call me when I get home."

"Well, don't worry, it's late, take a break earlier."

Qin Jianan said lovingly, and Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to hug him, "I know, Dad, you should rest earlier."

"it is good!"

Qin Jianan patted Qin Tianyue on the shoulder, and the two father and daughter entered their own room.

Qin Tianyue returned to the room, a small fire flew out of the space, and angrily stood by the bed, "Tianyue, why is that old woman so annoying?"

Its immature voice was full of anger, and Qin Tianyue couldn't help laughing because of its cuteness.

"Old woman? What old woman?"

Qin Tianyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and for a while, he didn't realize what the old woman Xiao Huo was talking about.

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