Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1248: How could this man appear here (three shifts)

Xiao Huo stayed on Qin Tianyue's shoulder. Seeing not far away, he shrank his neck and stayed quietly on Qin Tianyue's shoulder.

Oh, it seems to have been discovered!

How could this man appear here, shouldn't he sleep?

"small fire!"

Qin Tianyue took a quiet look. In the darkness, the person slowly walked in her direction.

Qin Tianyue glanced at the small fire on his shoulder, and said quietly, "Am I wrong?"

Xiao Huo shook his head, looking self-seeking, "Tian Yue, you are not mistaken!"

Qin Tianyue wanted to scream at Tian Chang annoyed, "How could this be?"

Why didn't he sleep? How could he catch her when she left the villa?

"I blame you, I said I was going to be a thief, now it's all right!"

Qin Tianyue hugged Xiao Huo and said quietly, she was like this, Xiao Huo still looked at her with that kind of eyes, in case of a **** incident, could she lay all the responsibility on Xiao Huo.

Xiao Huo stayed in Qin Tianyue's arms obediently, and drew his little head into Qin Tianyue's arms, not daring to look there at all.

Hearing the footsteps approaching in their direction, he was also very scared, okay? I just saw it inadvertently. The man's eyes are so scary, and the aura that he exudes is so scary. How can he dare to look more.

"Then we go back now, is it okay?"

Xiao Huo whispered, and Qin Tianyue rolled his eyes, "What are you talking about?"

The steady footsteps were getting closer and closer, and she didn't dare to look behind her at all. She was afraid of being caught by someone, and wished she would disappear in place now.

The head keeps turning, hoping to find a good excuse.


A low, cold voice sounded behind Qin Tianyue and the two.

Qin Tianyue turned around with a wry smile, looked at Mo Yishen who was standing two or three meters away, and smiled slyly, "Mo Yishen, you haven't slept so late?"

She ran forward with a coquettish smile and stood in front of him. Qin Tianyue quietly shrank her head when she felt the cold breath he exudes.

Why is it so scary? !

Mo Yishen's tall and slender figure grew taller and straighter in the dark, with a fiercely oppressive aura, his phoenix eyes were cold and deep, "Aren't you still asleep at this late? Where are you going?"

If she hadn't noticed that the light in her room was not turned off, she probably wouldn't know where she was going at this time.

"Um, I didn't go anywhere, I didn't go anywhere, the small fire ate too much, let me take it out to digest."

Qin Tianyue raised Xiao Huo and poked his butt.


Xiao Huo looked back at Qin Tianyue, a little bit lamented, why did he get involved with it, it didn't eat too much?

Qin Tianyue stared at the small fire: The matter you provoke is solved by yourself!

Xiao Huo shrank his head, "Yes, I have eaten too much, come out to eliminate food!"

Mo Yishen's phoenix eyes became deeper, and his breath became colder and colder, "Don't tell the truth?"

"Actually...we are actually going to be thieves!"

Qin Tianyue closed her eyes and said in a low voice, she was really afraid that Mo Yishen would punish her, and his punishment was the kind of unspeakable, she was terrible.

"Being a thief?!"

The deep and **** voice carries a slight danger.

Qin Tianyue could feel that he didn't seem to want to punish her, and quickly opened his eyes and approached him, put a small fire on his shoulder, and stretched out his hand to wrap Mo Yishen's strong arm, "That's it..."

She explained that Xiao Huo stayed quietly on her shoulder and did not dare to say a word. She was afraid that Mo Yishen would be angry with it because it was his idea. Who knew he would always pay attention to them, and now he was caught on the scene.

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