Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1269: Qin Tianyue, how dare you (eight shifts)

Shen Wenwen didn't expect Yu Jiao to be like this, and said anxiously, "Tianyue be careful!"

Qi Qing stood up and looked at this scene with a smile. When Yu Jiao picked up the milk tea in front of her, she knew what Yu Jiao was going to do. It was nothing more than pouring warmth with milk tea or Qin Tianyue. She was looking forward to one of the two. She was so embarrassed that she felt very happy no matter who it was.

When she saw Yu Jiao walking towards Qin Tianyue, Qi Qing gritted her teeth excitedly. As expected, it was Qin Tianyue that Yu Jiao hated the most.

She enlarged her eyes, looking forward to it.

At that moment, Qin Tianyue’s hand suddenly grabbed Yu Jiao’s hand that was holding the milk tea, and with a backhand push, the milk tea in Yu Jiao’s hand poured onto her clothes instead. Today, she wore an expensive Chanel costume, light-colored. , The color splashed by milk tea immediately looks a bit weird.


Yu Jiao’s harsh screams sounded. She did not expect this situation at all. Originally, she wanted to splash warmth. Shen warmth is always the Shen family that she can not offend, at most it is a bit of offense on the lips, how dare you? It's really lively and warm.

To vent her anger, of course she would pour milk tea on Qin Tianyue who was nothing.

Seeing that the milk tea was pouring directly on Qin Tianyue's body, she didn't know that her hand was suddenly grasped by Qin Tianyue, and the milk tea was poured on her instead.

"Qin Tianyue! How dare you?"

Yu Jiao stared at Qin Tianyue fiercely, Qi Qing did not step forward, but stood aside and watched quietly.

"Why don't I dare?"

Qin Tianyue smiled coldly, should she just wait for Yu Jiaopo for herself? In the next life... it will not be possible in the next life, unless she is an idiot, she will allow others to pour her own milk tea.

Shen Warm smiled coldly from the side, "Yes, you deserve Yu Jiao!"

There were a lot of milk tea on Yu Jiao's face. She seemed to hear the taunting sound from the milk tea shop, gritting her teeth, Yu Jiao raised her hand and waved it in Qin Tianyue's direction.

This time, Qin Tianyue didn't grab Yu Jiao's hand, but took a step back. Yu Jiao's hand fell to the ground. Because of too much force, her body almost fell forward.

After steadying her body, Yu Jiao rushed forward angrily, preparing to grab Qin Tianyue with both hands, "You disgusting woman, a woman who is full of foul smell, you are not worthy to stand in these places!"

Qin Tianyue restrained Yu Jiao indifferently, fold it lightly, Yu Jiao howled in pain.

Qi Qing originally wanted to watch the play on the sidelines and watch Qin Tianyue being insulted, but she knew that Yu Jiao was insulted in the end, she knew she couldn't leave it alone.

"Qin Tianyue, let go of Yu Jiao!"

Qi Qing looked at Qin Tianyue indifferently, and said in a deep voice, with mockery on that delicate face.

Qin Tianyue looked at Qi Qing with cold eyes.

Qi Qing's whole body only felt a coolness rising from the soles of her feet. This woman's gaze was terrifying, she was just a lowly woman, so why did she have such a terrible look.

"They are all classmates, why bother!"

I wanted to mock Qin Tianyue, because Qi Qing took a step back because of Qin Tianyue's gaze.

"Qi Qing is so hypocritical, who doesn't know what you think?"

Shen Wenwen snorted coldly, Qi Qing's complexion was a little ugly, and she soon showed a faint smile again with a deep thought.

Qin Tianyue didn’t care about Qi Qing at all, and looked at Yu Jiao, who was restrained by him and glared at her. "Miss Yu, what you said just now, how do you think I should care about you and insult me ​​over and over again? Is it Kon Jiajia? You don’t remember the fate of He Lu and Su Anxin?"

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