Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1271: We won't fight her again (two more)

Yu Jiao's hands trembled slightly, she didn't have the strength to hold on to the table beside her.

This woman is so horrible, why they didn't think it before, why they only discovered it now.

Qi Qing's expression changed slightly when she heard Yu Jiao's words, "What you said is true?"

Qin Tianyue dare to say that? Judging from the incidents that have never humiliated her so many times, Qin Tianyue is definitely not an ordinary woman, at least not as simple as they seem.

She has always been pretending, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. No, she did not pretend, but they ignored it. Subjectively, she was regarded as the hillbilly from Huanshan Village, so she was positioned as an easy bully. Woman, it's not the case.

These few times, they have never gotten a good deal, but in the end it was their people who had an accident.

First, the corners of Konjiajia’s mouth were inexplicably crooked, then He Lu insulted her and was humiliated. Later, at the banquet, Konjiajia failed to frame her and died in conflict with He Lu, and finally...

They were terrified of thinking about everything carefully, and they didn't even pay attention!

Yu Jiao said that the woman said that Su Anxin was responsible for the accident. What happened to Su Anxin, is it really the same as this rumor?

"In the future, we won't fight her again, this woman is not easy!"

Qi Qing squeezed her hand, this time she was sure that Qin Tianyue was not simple at all, very not simple.

How dare Yu Jiao, no one can understand the feeling of being threatened better than her. She dared to insult Qin Tianyue only because Qin Tianyue is a poor ghost and came from the ruined place in Huanshan Village. Now she knows that she is not easy, she How dare to bully her.

Why did Shen Wenwen stay with Qin Tianyue? Is it because he knows something?

She remembered that they once mocked Qin Tianyue for being just waiters. At that time, Shen Wenwen seemed to say something in disbelief. Now she doesn't remember much, only remembering that Qin Tianyue was not a waiter but they didn't pay attention at the time.

"It smells, it smells!"

"Yeah, why is it so smelly!"

"It smells like shit!"

Many customers of the milk tea shop suddenly covered their noses and mouths, with ugly expressions.

The staff of the milk tea shop also smelled it. The smell was inexplicable, but suddenly it smelled. It was very stinky, and it really smelled like stool.

Qi Qing also covered her nose, her eyes suddenly falling on Yu Jiao's body. When these people said it smelled, she smelled more clearly, feeling that the smell came from... from Yu Jiao's body.

Yu Jiao also subconsciously covered her mouth and nose, "Why is it so smelly, what's the matter with you, waiter?"

It was okay just now. Why was it so smelly suddenly? She couldn't care about the fear just now. She just felt that the smell was tingling, and she couldn't help nauseating.

Because of the smell, all the guests hurriedly checked out and left. Yu Jiao got up from her position and stretched out her hand to grab Qi Qing, but Qi Qing suddenly rejected Yu Jiao and pushed Yu Jiao away.

Yu Jiao looked at Qi Qing dissatisfied, "What's the matter with you, leave here quickly, it smells so bad!"

Qi Qing took a step back without speaking.

At this time, the waiter who followed the smell quickly covered his nose again and couldn't help backing up and gagging, "Miss, it's your smell!"

Oh my god, how could there be such a smelly smell? This is not stool, but it came out of the urinal.

It was okay just now, why is it so smelly now, they almost can't breathe.

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