Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1284: I hope I won't mess with her again (seven more)

Su Anxin entered the banquet hall, and at a glance she saw Shen Wenqin Tianyue standing not far away, a wave of nameless anger haunted her heart, Su Anxin was about to step forward, but was held by Su Yanchen.

"Relax, stay by my side."

Su Yanchen looked back from not far away, Su Anxin saw Qin Tianyue and the others, of course he saw it too. Knowing what his cousin Su Anxin was going to do, he quickly grabbed her.

"But, Qin Tianyue is there!"

She saw Qin Tianyue and Shen's warm and shallow smiles, and saw Qin Tianyue's indifferent gaze falling on her body. She was so angry that she could not wait to step forward and tear her face immediately.

She will never forget what Qin Tianyue said to her that day, and she will never forget what happened that day. It was Qin Tianyue who blamed her.

"Did you forget what the second aunt explained?"

When going out, Sang Qiu once warned Su Anxin that she must be obedient today and must not make trouble, otherwise she will not recognize her again. The reputation of their mother and daughter has been damaged a lot, and she must find a way to restore it today. She must not make trouble again. .

Su Anxin gritted his teeth fiercely, clenched his fists, and glared at Qin Tianyue with all his strength.

Qin Tianyue only glanced at the direction of Su Anxin and Sang Qiu before taking it back. She could feel a few sights falling on her, showing bad intentions.

The corners of his lips curled up coldly, hoping not to provoke her, otherwise, don't blame her again.

Haven't the nightmares of this time been enough?

At first glance, she could see the gauntness of the two after makeup, but I have to say that modern people are very powerful, and makeup can conceal a lot of things.

"Shao Lu is here!"

In the crowd, a woman whispered.

Su Anxin heard the voices of the crowd, squeezed his hands a little excited, and looked behind him nervously.

A tall figure walked over, Junyi's elegant face with a faint smile, Lu Jingyi walked to Shen Yichuan and greeted Shen Yichuan and Su Zhengyang.

Su Anxin’s gaze has been on him and never moved away. During this time, she was locked at home. God knows how much she wants to find Lu Jingyi, and wants to tell him not to listen to those rumors, they are all fake. It's all made up indiscriminately.

Lu Jingyi greeted Shen Yichuan and the others, looking in the crowd without his eyesight, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Tianyue, who was standing with Shen Wenwen and facing him sideways.

Seeing Qin Tianyue, a soft light flashed in Lu Jingyi's eyes.

Su Anxin walked up to Lu Jingyi quietly, lowered her head slightly and said shyly, "Brother Jingyi, can I have a few words with you?"

"Is there a problem?"

Lu Jingyi's gentle face faded, he was not very happy with Su Anxin, especially in the recent dreams, he even dreamed of Su Anxin. What is strange is that in the dreams, he was with Su Anxin and ignored Qin Tianyue.

It shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be like that!

That is a dream, a dream that shouldn't be there, it must be a dream of his crazy dreams!

"Brother Jing Yi, things are not like that during this period of time, I..."

Su Anxin was about to speak, and suddenly there was a forbearing cry from the crowd again, a voice more excited than Lu Jingyi's appearance.

"Young Master Yun, my God, did I get it wrong? So handsome!"

"How could President Yun appear, he is not..."

The excited voices of many girls sounded, including the voices of men talking and wondering.

Lu Jingyi's tall body turned to look in the direction of the door, Su Anxin bit her lips in annoyance, and subconsciously looked over.

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