Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1297: What a strange bead, dreaming back to a thousand years (four more)

After the death of her husband, she threw the bead into the corner and did not want to see it again. After a few years, she slowly let go of her miss for her husband. When she was packing her husband’s things, she saw that it was already stained with dust. She hesitated for a long time, but she took it out, hoping that someone could take it and do some good deeds.

After Mrs. Shi finished speaking, the whole charity banquet was silent for a while.

Qin Tianyue looked back at Madam Shi on the left, she could see Madam Shi's reluctance and determination to part with the brocade box.

This bead is really important to her, but she has to auction it. She is afraid that she will see this bead and think about others. She wants to forget some things that should be forgotten, and she doesn't want to think about it again.

Withdrawing his gaze, Qin Tianyue looked at the brocade box held by the lady of etiquette on the stage.

"Thank Mrs. Shi, thank her for her charitable heart!"

The emcee gave a light smile, Madam Shi wiped off her tears and sat down, her eyes kept falling on the brocade box, her eyes were empty, she seemed to think of something, feeling sentimental.

"Now we start auctioning this night pearl!"

The emcee’s slender hand motioned to the lady of ceremonies to open the brocade box, holding the brocade box, the young and beautiful lady of ceremonies opened the brocade box, a bead the size of a dove egg appeared in front of everyone, the beads were not as shiny as they usually see. Luster, but a little dim, as if covered with a layer of indelible dust.

"Isn't it Ye Mingzhu? Why is this?"

"It doesn't look pretty!"

Several low voices sounded, with some disgust.

Madam Shi did not seem to hear these sounds. She quietly looked at the beads in the brocade box. When she took out the beads, she regretted it. Later, when she thought about it, her husband would definitely want to take it out to do good deeds. .

Qin Tianyue quietly looked at the beads in the brocade box. When everyone disliked it, no one knew how hard her heart was beating.

A small fire was flying in the space, and the originally quiet bead leaped again, as if there was some induction.

The beads in the brocade box seemed to have also been sensed. The beads that hadn't moved at all moved gently, and instantly emitted a faint white light, just like a pearl emitting light in the dark night.

"Hey, this bead..."

"How come there is light suddenly?"

"What a weird bead?"

There was a lot of discussion, Lu Jingyi and others' eyes fell on the beads, and everyone was curious.

Soon, the bright white beads returned to their dim color again.

Yun Jingxing frowned when he saw the beads in the brocade box. This beads looked familiar?

There seemed to be a picture flashing in his head, Yun Jingxing's expression changed slightly, and he tilted his head to look at Qin Tianyue to his side.

He had seen this bead a thousand years ago when he dreamed back, and it seemed to be something that Yingshen once gave to Qin Shiyue.

Could this bead be given to Qin Shiyue by Yingshen?

No, since they entered the cemetery together in Huanshan Village for life and death, the bead must also be buried with them, and it must still be in the cemetery. Where did the present bead come from?

When Mo Yishen saw the bead, his narrow phoenix eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at Qin Tianyue without a trace, and found that her gaze had been falling on the bead.

It was the night, and he was interested in seeing her for the first time. This bead is very similar to the one they saw when they entered the tomb of Emperor Ying. Is it a pair?

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