Rebirth Space: Ace Spicy Wife, Don’t Get Angry

Chapter 1306: Maybe I can get it back for you (five watch)

"Girl, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so amazing at your young age!"

Madam Shi is not a talkative person, facing Qin Tianyue, she actually has the urge to talk to her.

In the past few years, after the death of her husband, she was more silent than before.

When Qin Tianyue handed her the medicine, she hesitated, not because she didn't believe it, but because she wanted to be like this. Maybe she could not wait long to see her husband.

The name Xuan Yi Pu has been very loud in the capital recently. I heard that the doctor in it is very young and has amazing medical skills. The girl in front of her is about eighteen or nineteen years old. The medical skills are so good. It seems that the Xuan Yi Pu is really good. That's pretty good!

Qin Tianyue stood in front of Madam Shi, Madam Shi looked straight at her, as if missing someone through Qin Tianyue.

"Ms. Shi thinking of her daughter?"

Qin Tianyue smiled slightly, with a light and moving smile, as if light was shining on Qin Tianyue in the dark.

"You... how would you know?"

Madam Shi looked at Qin Tianyue in surprise, Qin Tianyue stepped forward and sat next to Madam Shi, "For her daughter, Madam Shi shouldn't give up on herself, right?"

Madam Shi smiled bitterly and shook her head, looking at the night sky, tears shed silently, "My daughter, don't know where it is?!"

"Maybe she is somewhere, waiting for Madam Shi to find her!"

Qin Tianyue said softly, Madam Shi closed her eyes, "If you can't find it, you can't find it at all!"

Madam Shi covered her chest uncomfortably, and whenever she thought of her daughter and husband, she felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to leave the world immediately.


Qin Tianyue said firmly, Madam Shi looked at Qin Tianyue, "How is it possible? How could she have been able to find her after being absent for more than ten years?"

"Maybe I can help Mrs. Shi get it back!"

Qin Tianyue's beautiful eyes fell on Madam Shi. Madam Shi was shocked and looked at Qin Tianyue in disbelief, "What did you say? You...can help me find my daughter?"

Qin Tianyue smiled and nodded. She had seen Madam Shi with her heavenly eyes just now and knew many things.

Mrs. Shi's child was abducted by a servant when he was three years old. Mrs. Shi and her husband have been trying hard to find the child for these years, but they have found nothing.

A few years ago, Madam Shi’s husband left her. Madam Shi was so desperate that she almost followed her husband. If this belief had not been supporting her, perhaps she would not have wanted to live a long time ago.

Over the years, as her husband has been away longer, Mrs. Shi’s despair deepened. Her body was getting worse and worse by herself, but she never went to the doctor or let her family know.

If Qin Tianyue didn't talk to her or retrieve her daughter, she knew that Mrs. Shi would leave this world soon.

Mrs. Shi is a very nice woman. She loves her husband deeply and does a lot of good deeds. Such a woman should not live alone in desolation.

"Yes, I can help you get your daughter back, provided that you raise your own body first. Your current appearance may not be able to support your daughter to go home!"

Qin Tianyue stretched out his hand to catch Madam Shi's pulse, and said in a low voice.

Madam Shi nodded tearfully, "I can take care of my body, I can, and I want my daughter to go home!"

When her husband died, her only wish was to get her daughter back, fulfilling her husband's last wish, and fulfilling her long-awaited wish.

Just who is the girl in front of me? Why did she say that she can help herself find her daughter? Isn't she a doctor?

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